My OUTDOORY is Flowering Again!!! Early Resin Production or what!!!


Well-Known Member
here's an update of my 2 girls outside, looks like the sun damaged a few new white pistils, but new growth is looking pretty fresh, and more bushy than my last outdoory


nice and level bud sites, very bushy both of them, the right one seems to be larger with a much longer main going off to the right (2nd pic)


Well-Known Member
all is ABSOLOUTLY FUCKIN GREAT!!! thanx man you guys got the good energy or sumthin, i aint no hippie but this shit is workin! just checked on my outdoor nugs drying, been 5 days now, tiny bit crispy on the tips and edges and when you sqeeze a nug, WHOOOOOOOOF whole laundry fills with skunky bubblegum! man this shit is drivin me wild, i'm bent but can't stop moving my legs!, i'm gonna cure these babies nice and slow, i dont smoke that heavy bout 7 grams a week, and got heaps of my indoor to smoke, plenty of oil, and water cured nugs only a couple of days away...... my indoor girl is fuckin rockin!, my house fuckin stinks!, I'm fuckin set:bigjoint::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Lucky man! Sounds like you're in pot heaven. LOL
Your new plants growing look super healthy too. I gotta learn more from you. Very nice work.
I smoke about as much as you, maybe less. No need to overdo it.
Have a nice day, dude.


Well-Known Member

168 grams total with my last outdoor harvest! will be curing for the next few weeks, as i have plenty of perso smoke and love a long cure

i'm glad i only thought i had a couple of oz! man was i way off, i got 58 grams just in tips of heads! stoked as nearly 3 jars full! sweeeeeeeeeet

168 grams = exactly 6 ounces, not including the nugs i'm water curing, and already smoked, maybe another 1--20 grams, man i feel like fuckin king fuckin dingaling!
sorry bout the big head, but i was not expecting more than 3 oz, looked fluffy, but seems to have some nice weight! snapped a stem and in they go into the jars to cure, a nice looooooooooooooooooooooooooong cure



Well-Known Member
Awesome stuff mate looks like some great smoke! Alot more than 2 bags, perfect! I'm gonna do that when my girl is ready, convince myself it's only a few bags so when it comes time to weigh I'll be stoked! Haha great work again mate!


Well-Known Member
fuckin dingaling alright lol. nah just kidding man i bet those jars are smelling sweet when u crack em open.
hehe lol, i got all 3 sealed up till tomorrow morning, i cracked one to mull a fresh nug ofcourse bongsmilie and the jar smelt real funky minty, real real strong aroma, more so than my indoor, indoor had more of a sweet smell, like the fibres themselves, this outdoor had brought on a real earthy dark musky smell, definite skunk smell to it, which i'm sure will get stronger with curing, like i said earlier, i aint gonna touch this stuff for atleast 3-4 weeks, and burp it every day, and empty each week for 5 mins to air, I AM OBSESSIVE when it comes to good quality, and i stack all my buds in order of size, any nugs i dont think are worth showing off i put aside for hash oil (can't wait!!! nor can i find any average stuff......oh on that note, change the water cure nugs water... eehem)

now thats some dribble right there! happy smokin man, i am sooo bent right now slapping the keyboard with my lazy hands!,
oh btw the smoke is unbelievably smooth even without a cure!! had to try it, and it burnt smooth and quickly, after a cone it was like 'pop' wow that was clean, with a nice clearing cough!

Awesome stuff mate looks like some great smoke! Alot more than 2 bags, perfect! I'm gonna do that when my girl is ready, convince myself it's only a few bags so when it comes time to weigh I'll be stoked! Haha great work again mate!
it worked in my favour for sure! i may have enough to share with a mate.......MAYBE, but it's lookin like it's stayin here and getting smoked here, very potent outdoor smoke if i do say so! or brag so, heck man, i'm fuckin high as a kite, and can't be bother focussing so, must of done something right!, and now i'm super hungry, come here chips and perinaise!



Well-Known Member
u bet its fuckin nandos! great place, even better perinaise ;)

man this outdoor wallops you! 1 wake n bake and i'm soo set, back to yawning ! definitely no need for 2nd thats for sure! i'm soo bent i might just do nothing. well it is saturday, and i do pretty much nothing anywayz!!!


Well-Known Member
hahaha you need to grow yourself a nice satty just for a change of pace. man i have a hit of the buddha and i cant sit still find myself cutting laps around the house for no reason at all just wearing out the carpet lol. no idea what im doing so blazed i just pick something up walk around the house a bit, put it down somewhere go for another walk then spend the next half hr trying to find it lol.

i entertain myself like that quite often lately lol


Well-Known Member
hahaha you need to grow yourself a nice satty just for a change of pace. man i have a hit of the buddha and i cant sit still find myself cutting laps around the house for no reason at all just wearing out the carpet lol. no idea what im doing so blazed i just pick something up walk around the house a bit, put it down somewhere go for another walk then spend the next half hr trying to find it lol.

i entertain myself like that quite often lately lol
hey i hear u for sure!, i dont mind losing stuff , it doesnt go far ;)

and yeah, i'd like a satty, been a while i think, i popped a seed the other day and she sprouted, not after anything really, just if she shows sex, i may clone her, give her go in rockwool for the next round, but she could be anything really, got a few bagseed i kept from years ago. but i only kept if the herb was A1


Well-Known Member
sounds good man i doubt it would ever replace your current strain that shit looks bomb but it is nice to have some variety in life


Well-Known Member
cheers guys :) nice to see you checkin out my outdoor aswell,! she's the same strain as my indoor

just goin to take some pics now.


Well-Known Member
here's update, raining a bit outside and i'm a lazy ass bent out of his mind. so this is the pics u get for now ;)
