Today, I flushed for the first time in the plants whole life.

Just took her out, put her in tha tub, and ran water thru her for about 2-4 minutes.
I got sick of the high temperatures, so I decided to turn on my A/C.
Temperature before I turned it on was at 83.
I set the A/C to 75, and well, whaddya know? The temp dropped down 8 degrees to 75!

Good times...
After the HPS turned on, and everything (trying to place my fans just right) The temp is at 78.4 and dropping
(Pats self on back)
Well, now we're back to all this electricity being used. Ihaven't had tha AC on in a long time, and my last months bill was only like $86 or $96 (can't remember)
I need to get more f'n water... my cars in tha shop (be out tomorrow) and I'm a lazy fuck.
ppm is (way too fucking high) 1930 (I need to add more water, since water evaporates and the nutrients don't)
pH is 6.0
humidity 37%
That'd be about it! Thanks 4 watching JDTV, Goodbye!!