I've been reading up on the beautiful plant, Marijuana... Just gotta keep learning and learning...
Decided to start keeping a paper journal in addition to this online journal.
Exact exerpt:
March 19, 2008 6:00 PM DAY 31
Tested pH to be 5.8 it's been there since last res. change on 3/12
TDS is at (660X2) 1320
Light on at 6:45 PM
Water on at 6:40 PM
Light with in 12" of tops
78 degrees at 7 PM RT (Relative Temperature)
83.7 degrees at 8 PM RT (Relative Temperature)
77 degrees res. temperature
Clone doing fine. Placed 3 sprouted bad seeds under humidity dome. Found 5 seeds in a purple reggie bud. Germinated immediatly.
So, I'll try to keep that up to date everyday incase I don't get on here....
With 3 sprouts showing I transplanted 2 into the red cups seen here. I used all the soil less mix I had left

and added drainage holes in both cups. I thouroughly wet the soil less mix using *tap water*


and a drop of super thrive for that B1 shot... I have no clue why I am doing all this work... lol just my hobby!

Oh, there's some smoke I got today from my homie MAK. A small solid purple bud is where I got 5 seeds from...
*Fingers crossed!*