My Second try.....12/12 from clone


Well-Known Member
After my first try growing going absolutely perfect and then never getting my plant to flower (because of heat stresses and nutes), this is my second attempt at growing some nice bud from bagseed.

A Little background

Back on 4-7-2008 a seedling sprouted from a random seed i had, and i kept her going and grew her for about 3weeks before switching over to 12/12. Such a beauty when i switched her over. This was to be a single plant grow that would yield 2+oz hopefully......She never would flower...

Used some Molasses and AJ from 1month on.



As you can see i put her on a Scrog.....Worked very well for the first time.

6-12-2008 She kept growing vertical, never flowered.

Problems soon followed, PH went horribly off into the 5 region, nute lockout, and they never really let up even after flushing etc, this stressed her heavily and even today she's yet to flower. So i decided i would trash mama (put her outside), and start with a new slate.....

So here we start it, with a clean slate and a fresh head.

I took a few clones from my mother plant at different times, 2 at first, gave one away to a friend, and started vegging the other in sequentially lesser times of light back down to 12/12. i then took 5 more on day 5 of rooting the first pair. Their still currently rooting for 4days so far at a week i'll transplant them, and start working it down from 24/0 rooting, 18/6, 16/8, 14/10 and then to 12/12 to add with the other. This journal will start with the first of the 6, and the other 5 will be added in time. I may get rid of 2 of them to keep 4.

At the moment i'm using 2 23w and 1 42w in a makeshift hood and temps are running around 92F. Its high i know, but may be the best i can do this time of year, and likely the plants will acclimate. It was 100F here today, apt ambient is still 85F, nights are 81F. I can add 2 ice bottles and drop temps another 10F, but as soon as i leave temps go back up to mid 90F's, which i beleive was a stressor in my last grow = bad and longer flowering time, if ever.

So i'm starting this at day 5....

Day 5 ....I shall call her "Leggy".

I have no clue on length of flower....i'm guessing 8-10wks, and even at 12/12 height is completely unknown, so i may try a series of LST before long to keep vertical height to a minimum. And may ScrOG if need be.

Large shot of insides and clone. There is circulation fan on the right, CO2 is not pictured.

Upclose of Leggy Clone

Over the last day or two she's gotten some minor curling, mabey some N def. Also some curling/cupping down possibly from heat? My quick veg chamber sits around 87F with 1 23w Blue. and it was beginning while in there.

I may keep her in the solo cup for another few days before bumping up to a larger one, though i have seen people grow in cups at 12/12. Though i had thought about cutting a hole in a piece of foam core to hold 4 solo cups to sit down in the 12" pot opening, to give best height.

These are the other 5 clones, again they are on day 4 of rooting. Seems like 3/5 are beginning vertical movement, so i'm sure some are already rooted. Will add them to the cabinet in 12/12 as they root.

Thanks for reading. :joint:

Would love any constructive criticism, and any input in general.

And i do appologize for the long winded start, thanks for reading again.
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Awesome, glad to have you, and glad you found the thread too. lol :D

Leggy is on the left, Wilt is on the right. Name applies by physical nature of the plant at this point.

Added the other wilted clone i had, looks like she's gonna have 2 or more heads.

Heres an upclose of "Wilt".

Not sure if i'm gonna keep "Wilt" yet, looks like she may have 3 heads of new growth, This was one of the first 2 clones i took from mama, at that point i didn't have a humidity dome, se all the leaves wilted and crisped off, this is revegged and now at 12/12 with Leggy on the left.

Wilt is gonna be bushier i think because of the heavier growth lower down on the plant, which gives her already a wide stance.

Until i have my other 5 in cups and rooted, until then i will keep all and only keep the top 3 or 4 to finish.



Well-Known Member
Just to add looking back at my dates and such, the leggy was cutt from mama on 6-29-2008. So 14 days, the smaller Wilt was the day before on the 28th, so were 14 days since cutting, 5 days from transplant after rooting.

I just checked the other 5 clones, pulled one up, nothing at all, no roots, no white specs, nothing. Tried another, and very small noduales, not more than a mm, so called protolegs :D The rest were between those two stages. This was day 4 of rooting. Hopefully they'll all take. But i simply put them back into the same hole, and added some distilled water into the cup with soil/vermiculite 1/2 and 1/2. Hopefully by day 8 i'll see something better than the checking today. It took the other 3 7-9days in the same mix/water amount/and enviroment. Hopefully thy'll grab.

Thanks GJFrmr I hope so too :D


Well-Known Member
Ive been watching your last grow. This one is subscribed too. I like how we have the same fan and temp monitor from walmart


Well-Known Member
I think alot of people have those, i saw it in someone elses journal awhile ago, went into the store, saw the exact ones, and knew they were proven to work well. :D

Day 6

Couple issues i do see happening in leggy:

Its either N def or Heat stress, but some leaves are cupping over, and somewhat darker green than the rest. Also tips are curling under pretty hard on more than half of the longer can see it in the picture, top right leaves are curling over themselves pretty good, Seems like its some of the older growths though.

Anything i can do for her at this time, my last grow started to have this problem before shit hit the fan, ph was off last time, PH is currently 6.8.

Not going to do anything till someone makes a suggestion, or if its even something to worry about right now.


I'm throwing around the idea now of topping her or at least in another week, to keep her overall heigh short at 10" or so and bush her out some, and keep her below this height, and let her grow in width more, doing this already in 12/12 would this affect her flowering length with a stressor?......Would this still be a good choice for 12/12? or just LST her? Because her stem is getting rather stiff, and i'd also like to increase the growth secondary growth as well. Trying to keep all plants at 12", or under, with more width than height.
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Well-Known Member
Well after scratching my head for a few days as to what to do with the trimmings i took from the old mama early into her life, and the stems from what i've smoked over the last year i decided i'd make some hash.........Or better yet try my hand at it, as i've never made any, and only smoked any a handfull of times, if that.

So this is the Ice water Hash method.

Dunno how many grams/oz of stems there are, or trimmings (plant had not gotten to flower yet, but figured there would be similar amounts as a male plant.)


Materials - i really do wish i knew how much material, any guesses?? Stems i'm thinking like 1-2oz if not more, hell i dunno.

Powdered materials - Put into a coffee grinder. Trimmings were also powdered, this picture was taken before powdering.

Next up are the Filters i'm going to use. Left is a gold style filter, using screen mesh to filter plant matter. Right are #4 coffee filters.

And heres where im at right now, letting everything settle, and about to filter water through the screen filter.

So my next step is filtering all the plant material, then slowly siphoning off all excess water as the THC settles at the bottom.

Will update with pictures as things happen.

I hope i end up with something smokable, that'd make me very happy for a first try.

EDIT: Well after letting everything settle, i have a green mush at the bottom, something is horribly wrong. I shouldn't have added the trimmings from my mother plant, after grinding them up i had a thick green paste in my grinder, thought this was ok, but after everything settled, the fine green powder that came from griding up the leaves has all settled to the bottom as well as the trics, after filtering out all the plant material, this green powder mush is still left, even after filtering through the other filter a green mush is still left in the filter.......My coffe grinder basically powdered the leaves to a fine fine mist. This is collecting in the bottom where the trics are collecting, because i can see white/brown/gold/green shades in the light. From what i've read this is right, but what kind of strainging do i need to do now to seperate the heavy greeness from the golden/brown colors. As my water color seems to be somewhat right.

After filtering some through the 2nd coffee filter i'm still left with a greenish water.....And whats left behind is a green goo, dosent taste bad. how do i seperate this green stuff from the trics.....?

This is what i get after straining through the mesh filter for plant matter. At the bottom collects a green mush when all water is siphoned out, and drained through paper coffe filter. Green liquid still sits.

If there is something i can do to fix this anyone?
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Well-Known Member
for those kind of trimmings i make hash oil.... i use the soak in acetone (make a bomb) method.... i am seriously looking into using the butane method though in the future.


Well-Known Member
Well i tossed it all, i couldn't seperate the green mush from anything else, as the coffee grinder made it all into a very fine powder....that was the mistake......


Well-Known Member
yeah, i bet it did.

the reason i like using the low grade trimmings for the hash oil is cause you just toss it all in a jar, let it soak for a bit and then drain it and let it evaporate... i dont cook it or otherwise muck with it, i just wait the days and days for it to evaporate on its own.

low grade shit gets low grade work.

the water hash method is labor intensive, so i only use higher quality materials for it.

then i toss all that in the hash oil jar. and get whatever might be left in it.

anyway, those are my thoughts.

lesson here is: water hash takes stuff with visible trichs on it ;)


Well-Known Member
Yea just another failure in the large scheme of biggie really...

Mabey eventually i'll have something to make good hash.

Day 7

Leggy is doing great around 6" now, growing very nice, looks to be alternating nodes every 1"-.5" up her length sitting at around 9 nodes right now, trying to figure out how tall she may get......Seems that while she was still on mama, lower down she started stretching, so keeping her at this height from the lights keep node grouping pretty close.

My ideas are to basically let her grow up until she's almost to the hood, then top or fim her, and let her widen......only thing is i'm unsure if she's gonna keep vertical even if i top her or fim her, still looking for best suggestions, width isint a problem.

Would Fimming help any with keeping a plant short, or what? Fuck i missed........similar to topping but lesser so.....



Well-Known Member
if you are gonna ScrOG again, i would FIM now and do it again after a couple more nodes on each branch and start LSTing her now.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually not sure if i want to Scrog this grow or not, i know i need to figure it out, but just want to get it right the fisrt time, and try that next time.

I have 5" more vertical room before it touches the hood. And keeping everything 1" from the plexi.

After going back and reading the FAQ it says little on fimming, so searched, It says you can get 4 top heads instead of two, On a clone with already alternating budsites does that mean i can only get 1 head site instead of two, just trying to clarify some? I'm gonna wait another day then FIM her. Does this method just stunt growth at said height, or does she keep growing in height after Fimming, or do the heads just keep growing vertically?? I'd like to keep her at 10-11" and get some major girth on her :D, she's currently around 6-6.5".

Day 8

Everythings looking good so far, i feel i need to bump it up to its final pot, as i've had to water the solo cup every 3days, not wanting to use the 12" hole in the bottom because it only allows me 1 plant, when i'd like 2-3 this run on 12/12. If i vegged for another month like previous then wouldnt matter much to me.

Any ideas why the tips are curling so much, is this heat stress or N def, because PH is 6.8. I added 1 ice bottle today, its cooler today than it has been, only a high of 88, instead of typical 98F+ days, so she peaked at 95 this morning, after 1 ice bottle for 3hrs she came down to a steady 88F

About to check the roots on my 5 clones, will update with those pictures later.
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Well-Known Member
i can understand wanting to keep it simple and not ScrOGging this go. Just remember you will wind up tying them down as they grow.

FIMming/topping causes the main stalk to split. a top makes it become 2 new stalks, a FIM makes more. BUT this does not stop upward growth. the new stalks can develop several more nodes themselves. these nodes will fill in with bud when you have enough lights so that is what makes it seem like it is two buds.... just remember, a cola is actually a cluster of buds spanning a few nodes.

and you DO care if you veg for a couple months because long veg time is what makes for HUGE plants.

sending clones directly to flower after they shoot roots is not just for time, it is mainly to keep the plant's height down.

DONT pull the clones up to check their roots!

if you want to see the roots, go back to using shot glasses and put the plastic outside of them so you can pull it off and see if there are roots or not OR wait till you see new growth above the soil.

pulling em up only causes stress and can tear the weak new root buds.

what are you using for nutes?


Well-Known Member
Lots covered so i'll respond in bold. BTW thanks again.

i can understand wanting to keep it simple and not ScrOGging this go. Just remember you will wind up tying them down as they grow.

I figured i'd need to tie them down as i go which isint a problem, will do it similar to how i did before.

FIMming/topping causes the main stalk to split. a top makes it become 2 new stalks, a FIM makes more. BUT this does not stop upward growth. the new stalks can develop several more nodes themselves. these nodes will fill in with bud when you have enough lights so that is what makes it seem like it is two buds.... just remember, a cola is actually a cluster of buds spanning a few nodes.

and you DO care if you veg for a couple months because long veg time is what makes for HUGE plants.

Yea i know, wasn't what i was implying though, id love a large plant, a good 2-3month veg for a 6-9fter, all in due time though, first i'm going to start with 12/12, less to go wrong with lights, time, size.

sending clones directly to flower after they shoot roots is not just for time, it is mainly to keep the plant's height down.

Still concerned actually with possible size, I may cut an ajoining hole next to the 12"er, so i can fit an 8" pot in beside it. Then i'll figure up a fake floor, foamcorecovered in duct tape, covered in posterboard?? So i can fit 2 8" pots, and those will be final resting places.

DONT pull the clones up to check their roots!

Havn't pulled any up this time checking :D but 4 of 5 are turning purple similar to the first 2 i took, so i think there shooting out legs finally, 2 of them have a pretty tight alternating nodal distances, so i'm gonna keep her extreemly close to lights, and see if i can just get a single large cola, and 1 of those has a decent amount of visible hairs, very spindly though.

if you want to see the roots, go back to using shot glasses and put the plastic outside of them so you can pull it off and see if there are roots or not OR wait till you see new growth above the soil.

pulling em up only causes stress and can tear the weak new root buds.

I may actually do that, i like to be able to look, and those shot glasses are perfect size really for them to fill up moderatly in a week.5 rooting time, can start seeing them break the outside surface of the ball.

what are you using for nutes?

At this point nothing as i seemed to over do it last time, trying to go easy on her, should i be using anything??? I have 10-52-10, and 15-30-15, but i was looking the other day at lowes and schultz has some 8-15-9 or something another, moderate N and K, bout double P. The 52 is too much i think for them, though she was doing fantastic for over a month with it, before PH flipped.
Is there anyway to control height at said height when she reaches it besides topping, I double topped the mother at 2weeks i beleive, She had a nub about 2" long with nothing on, so i know i controlled her main stalk rather good, total was 8" i beleive branches up every 2".
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Well-Known Member
Yea i know, wasn't what i was implying though, id love a large plant, a good 2-3month veg for a 6-9fter, all in due time though, first i'm going to start with 12/12, less to go wrong with lights, time, size.
large plants take large areas... i would love nothing more than to grow 15 foot trees, but.....

Havn't pulled any up this time checking :grin: but 4 of 5 are turning purple similar to the first 2 i took, so i think there shooting out legs finally, 2 of them have a pretty tight alternating nodal distances, so i'm gonna keep her extreemly close to lights, and see if i can just get a single large cola, and 1 of those has a decent amount of visible hairs, very spindly though.
the purple is actually from them being nute starved after cloning... it is a rare breed that has healthy and purple stems... it is ok though, they will get over it as they grow out.

At this point nothing as i seemed to over do it last time, trying to go easy on her, should i be using anything??? I have 10-52-10, and 15-30-15, but i was looking the other day at lowes and schultz has some 8-15-9 or something another, moderate N and K, bout double P. The 52 is too much i think for them, though she was doing fantastic for over a month with it, before PH flipped.
for flower the first or the second nutes would be decent... i dont like using the really low ratio nutes myself.

Is there anyway to control height at said height when she reaches it besides topping, I double topped the mother at 2weeks i beleive, She had a nub about 2" long with nothing on, so i know i controlled her main stalk rather good, total was 8" i beleive branches up every 2".
sure, tie her down and/or flower early and keep those CFL's RIGHT on the canopy ;)


Well-Known Member
I took a picture to mabey help me some, labeled are 1 and 2, i'm confused as to which to cut. As all links i've read are on seeded plants, that have 2 pairs instead of the single alternating on a clone.

And one of all of her while i'm at it. Nodes every 3/4" all the way up her.

Under Natural Light, color looks healthy.....Tips just curling over.



Well-Known Member
the second shows she is slightly N starved... start using nutes, but use em weak until you transplant.

as for where to top... neither of those spots are it... if you clip there, you are just taking out leaves... you want where they both meet right under that... if you clip at the stem it is topping, if you clip in the veg growth just above, you are fimming.