My Second try.....12/12 from clone


Well-Known Member
Wow all CFL, thats alot.....any reason to not go HPS from the getgo with that much power?

Oh yea thanks for that suggestion, been looking into it for a little while, just unsure of what to choose, so many damn choices.....if there wasn't so many! Gonna look into the hybrids though, looking for something with a heavy psychadellic tinge. Thats a rare find on any books around this area.....yrs since the last sativa i've even laid eyes on.


Well-Known Member
when i started this grow it went like this:

spend years convincing the GF that i could do it and not land us in prison for it... get the go ahead one night talking in bed... jump up first thing in the AM and turn an old desk into a grow with parts i had laying around the house... which included CFLs... started growing spending $0.... then added more essentials like soil and pots and more CFL's... basically, i jumped on it when the jumping was good and using stuff i had laying around... after 4 or 5 months of doing this i have a whopping $138 into my whole grow... this includes the $4 for the case of canned soda to make my reflectors out of for the original setup...

since then, i have totally rebuilt the grow area and have more room to use but adding more CFLs has been easier (and cheaper) than adding HID's... i spend about $40 on each trip to Lowe's....

i now have a separate veg area for mothers and another (just added this week) for clones.... i am thinking about moving my clone area into my office here so that i dont have to crawl through the tunnel into my hidden grow just to water the clones.

anyway, i started with CFL's cause i could and out of perverse curiosity... they work... but obviously they leave a lot to be desired and once you get up to proper wattages they rapidly become far more trouble than they are worth. they take too much space and produce a lot of heat when you have 20 or so of them.

i will be going with small HPS and MH lights in my flower tank soon (this is relative, i hope for having em running by Xmas) and will keep using CFL's for the mothers and the clones and replace standard bulbs in my house with the CFLs.

oh, another thing... i had a CFL bulb burn out last night... max age of 3 months for that brand... FAR cry from the advertised lifetime of years, huh?


Well-Known Member
dude, water the hello out of them like flushing the plant. then get some plastic and cover the top soil so it wont evaporate easily. I belive this will work for you.


Well-Known Member
Aladdin thanks for the suggestion, gonna see if the larger intake hole i cut this morning will do it, if not then i'll do that as well.

DAY 11

Leggy is getting more purple on her extremities. I hope to hell i Fimmed her right, because i'm not seeing any new growth so to say on ALL of the sites i cut, but this may be because i did cut 9 or 11 of them all, so it that could be it. Anyway next up are a close up picture......check out the size of them cones, can't wait to see hairs popping out on them.....gonna be long as fk.

Wilt is doing the same, slightly larger, but not by much.

This is the clone i was speaking of that looked to be showing hairs even during rooting.......dunno. Will call her Spiky, from phyisical look. That is the closest grouped nodal set of all i cloned. Two still sitting in the rooting box.

Leaving till sunday midafternoon, will update upon my return.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heads up, bfq! Bump!!!.... Db.~tlb! :)
some serious catching up, and then ima be back!!! :)

nice!!! To see a fresh start ms.'


Well-Known Member
Clones arn't good weed wont be anygood... you will end up with hair weed.... meaning that basicly u wont have any bud :(

I hope i am wrong, but go ahead and grow it man... I had fun growing something like that check these pics out..

Looks just like yours...

then this is what i yielded..



Well-Known Member
ohhh it wasnt like i didnt know that it was gona be bad...

just had fun growing it till my other baby's were good to go ;) Trying stuff out ya know for the next grow ;)

check it out they look'd real pretty in this pic :D

well anyway good luck man ;)


Well-Known Member
DWC, not to bash you or anything, but clones are good did you get that??? Clones are 100% identical match to the parent, you may get a genetic abnormality here and there with a male flower, survival though, but what makes you think clones cannot produce any bud, when i've seen first hand they do, and they do well, if treated and grown well...........don't speak mistruth.

BUT personally it looks like you needed more intense light, closer, if you've got very whispy buds, you need more light closer, and i mean close.....What lights were you using CFL/HPS?. And BTW i know this plant can and does produce bud, a friend of mine has the same seed, and it dosent look anything like yours, it actually has buds....not whispy air. I've had bud that looked identical to that though, and its all based on the grower....or lack there of.

Day 13

RH - 34%
T High - 91F
TLow - 81F

Over the entire weekend.....simply amazing.

And one hell of a relief, no more worry of heat stress....Hell yes. Just watered both Leggy and wilt, 1/2 gallon plain btween the two of them, moreso 3/4 leggy than 1/4 wilt.

Leggy is starting to get some girth to her, but looks to be slightly strething, gonna add in some side 23wers since temps are down. See some newer growth, but i'm not really sure if its from fimming the other day or if its even done anything to it......Top 2 nodes Seem to be slightly stretching up top though, morese 2" spacing up top :(. Also visible in the picture more purple is coming out on the branch arms, and on her main stem ribbing, and some of the older growths along her height.....She seems to be maturing, but slowly. No signs of hairs yet, on either leggy or wilt, unfortunantly, and Spike is ahead in that regard....i guess.

The girl i'm really suprised about though is Wilt......

And lastly is Spike......She was the clone showing hairs from the getgo, she's been in 12/12 with my two ladies since friday. You might be able to see some in the picture.

Also worth mentioning is i went out on thursday to look at mama in the thick thick woods, and she was horrible.....something either stepped on her, layed on her or something, and lack of water/high temp days, but the main stalk was split in half.......!!! I've no clue what did it or who did it, but its very sad......but i have hope for these girls to finish.....Just waiting for them hairs to show, and then she'll be under way!

Also worth mentioning is that the other 3 clones i have that were in the rooting dome over the weekend are all rooted....gotta figure out what to do with them though!

Hey DB....Looking forward to your catch up and input :D Been buisy with harvest ay??

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Well-Known Member
welcome back man :)

glad to see your plants are doing well!

i topped one of mine under the flowering lights about the time you did yours... maybe even the day before and i have not seen SHIT for growth under the flowering lights on that branch... glad yours is working better with it!

i am thinking i may have to add a week or two of veg to mine so i can top/FIM... i will decide after i harvest my next batch of untopped clones.


Well-Known Member
Nice, any idea what DWR is talking about..........???:cry:

I just hope to see some damn hairs soon....and yet to.

Day 14, ~day 10 on 12/12.

Gonna back off on pictures till something exciting happens....

I'm just relieved to have the ventilation problems somewhat taking care of........Hell i can live with 88F, which is where it was at over night, 86F inside the Apt.

Got any pics of your topped/fimmed ladies??

Sorta wondering if i should go ahead and fim her all over again..just concerned i'll take off too much too late and she won't veg those areas back once flowering starts......which hasn't happened yet. No hairs still on leggy or wilt, spike is as it was, slightly taller mabey.

Gonna try and get some side lighting in today.

BTW bojangales sweet tea is amazing! :D


Well-Known Member
i have no idea what he is saying or showing us... that is some funky stuff for sure!

and i have no room in my grow to get back far enough from the plants to get any pictures worth a fuck... my grow is actually behind a false wall with a tunnel i have to crawl in to get to it... so, aside from my being a picture pussy still i just cant fit shit in my view finder... i tried... my beta ScrOG racks SUCK so i cant pull them out of the grow and get pics either... i can barely rotate them to do maintenance. and watering them can be problematic.... bad design ;)

BUT i have finally decided on my final grow area (i think) and it will be 4'wx3'dx6'h and will have locking doors on it... when i get it going i promise i will stop being a picture pussy and will share some pictorial evidence of the shit i spout ;)

i sure wish i was wise enough to help you out with why your stuff isnt flowering.

can you get a couple more seeds from somewhere and pop em in to flowering immediately like Monkee did? not for yield but just to see if your grow can actually produce something that flowers? even if they stay in shot glasses and produce the little three hit bud you see most people get from doing that while you let your clones keep on plugging away it will show you something and give data.

my best guess is you are growing one serious pain in the ass set of genetics, sadly.... i cant think of any other reason.

and to be clear, i only topped one branch out of 6 under the flowering lights... it was an experiment, not a method ;)

what is a method though is i am methodically adding more and more CFL's... adding another 100+ watts :roll:

when i get my real cab going i am gonna be adding HPS and MH like that too LOL

i am thinking on adding pods of 100watt HPS and 50 watt MH lights over 2 or 4 plant ScrOGs and maybe running a 400 watt HPS on a tall side grow in the cab to see if i get more love out of my little ScrOGs or one big monster (relative, eh) plant... i will have 4-6 times the space you have now though and will be able to duct AC into it and exhaust through my attic... i love the idea of pulling 2-4 plants out of my grow each month to feed my head rather than waiting months and months for a bigger harvest... so i do not see myself liking the tall plant area.... but MAN i want to grow some Jack Herer and i am just not about to fuck it up with a micro ScrOG... like you, i like the Sativa's too... and i REALLY like the idea of having several strains going at once.

i have 3 phenotypes growing right now in my op... hopefully i will have clones from two of those soon... the third wasnt a good plant for my op at all so i didnt bother with clones.

when my mothers are able to provide some BIG clones for me i will be experimenting with storing cuttings for months on end (allegedly you can keep em for a couple months in the fridge if you do it right) and that will let me try more and more strains until i find the *perfect* stuff for me and my op... ok, i admit it, i am just a mad botanist and really dig growing :D

sorry i broke out with the massive babble on your thread again... i am just stalling on mowing my lawn :p

oh yeah, back on topic for a paragraph... did you fix the temps by adding/increasing intake? or did you up the fan size? i scrolled and only saw what you said you were gonna do, not what you actually did.


Well-Known Member
Not a problem there bfq, on the babbling, i do it more often than not :D

What i did was double the height on intake, i now have a 3"x3" rectangle, before it was about 1.5"x3". No ice now, apt themostat set at 86F. Box is now sitting at 86F and getting cooler was at 89 this morning 3hrs ago.....So i bleieve its finally getting back to a very nice ambinet temp. I'll have to check on the outside temp though to see if its just a cooler day than normally or what, but its easily 90-95F+ outside rightn ow. But AC dosent seem to be on as much.....hmm. I know it worked though.

I really wonder about these genetics though, friend of mine has less lights than i do, and temps around 88-89F, similar to mine now....and no problem at all for him flowering....just gotta keep temp down and no stressing. His is crystalling up some, i'll get pictures in a day or so. It looks just like mine, as i gave it to him a few months ago and its coming around though, same genetics. Same physical traits.


Well-Known Member
it is your thread to babble in though ;)

good on the temps!

if your weather is like mine, you are hitting a REALLY hot point outside... or will in a couple days ;)

what does your friend think about your issues?


Well-Known Member
Looking good, on spike clip that yellow leaf if not already, its just sucking the plant and not giving back.!!! Db.


Well-Known Member
so, was just back in my grow... and i checked out the topped plant i did in flower and compared it to the new mother i am bringing up that i topped the same day...

the plant topped in flower has barely grown the new branches so far and the new mother (in veg) is HUGE and bushy.

i doubt i will do any more topping/FIMming in flower.

i will see how the next batch of clones does without any topping in my ScrOG and then decide if i am gonna veg my clones to top or not.


Well-Known Member
Maybe that big beast of a plant, put the ms is the box and is now watering him...!!! Lol db.~tlb! :) hey chime in here so were know yur ok.!


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys my motherboard fried last monday after a cheap PSU blew, waiting for replacement to come in in a ew days, and will follow up then, everything is looking great though. Wilt is looking to be the best out of any of them so far, 3" tall about 10-12" wide by 5" deep, 12-14 heads at the same size. Gotta say yall try wilting a few clones, letting them reveg and see what happens, everything is perfect on her, no stretching either.

As far as leggy goes, shes good, i think i topped her when i fimmed, so no more main stalk vertical growth, but plenty of internodal growth, fimmed areas have 3 heads, where properly fimmed. I have 3 other smaller clones that i have that are 3-4days old, LSTing them, which is should have done to leggy.

Trust me guys no updating for me is erking the fk out of me.....I hate to leave shit hanging. Thanks for keeping up guys though, my appologies.

New Mobo when i install is a 2.6Ghz AMD 5000+, added 4GB DDR Ram, 430w PSU. . Should be fun installing and getting it all right.


Well-Known Member
good to hear you are ok, if having tech issues ;)

be sure to upgrade the BIOS before you get too far into things... but i bet you know that already ;)

you know, it is never too late to LST the plants :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yea just hope to know it didnt blow anything else, i havn't worked on computers in a few years so it'll be fun getting and learning around installing everything again. Got an Asus mobo, not sure bios manuf but where can i get this upgraded bios? Any recommendations? And what benefits will this allow over stock mobo.

I may try slow bending my big girl leggy, but some of her lower arms/heads, 1/3 of the way up where there are 3 coming out are rather stretched, 2" instead of 3/4" i'd prefer, but all is well, and very green. Gave 1/3 teaspoon 10.52.10 in 1/2 gallon to big mama 2 waterings ago. Have given Wilt 1/4 teaspoon AJ at 1wk into 1/2 gallon, only gave 1/2 that amount as she's in a 6" pot.

Other 3 are currently in solo cups, lst to 1/2 their height without any stretching yet, i've figured out the way with cfl's after watching leggy's middle arms stretch at that 1/3 region. i need to keep everything 2"away from the plexi to keep stretching from happening. 4-8" from plexi i get about 2" stretch, below no growth, stasis.

Just been watching and taking notes, no pics, but will take some when cpu is up and running.

Also a huge point, no hairs on any yet i figure not for awhile on wilt but still waitng for leggy, i fimmed her again ysterday after initial a week ago. I've also fimmed all 12-15 heads on wilt, we'll see what she does...i think i have a 10-12weeker, my friends still isint finished, going for mabey 1.5mnths in flower so far and looks to need to fill out alot, heavy leafage, and hasn't filled out much with hairs/trics. But looks like it has alot of potential to pack on.
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