My seedling health


Active Member
Looks a tiny tiny bit overwatered but other than that she looks good, get her to around 4-5 inches then try and get the humidity up around 70-75% and the temps around 25 C, Follow your nutrient feed schedule and she will explode. Good luck
Looks a tiny tiny bit overwatered but other than that she looks good, get her to around 4-5 inches then try and get the humidity up around 70-75% and the temps around 25 C, Follow your nutrient feed schedule and she will explode. Good luck
Thank you very much I figured she was a little overwatered.I got humidity at 65 trying to get it higher but the snow brought in dry air.Any tips on when to water,also I seem to only be able to maintain at 75 degrees light on and about 65 at night.I'm using fox farm happy frog so I am afraid to give it nutes.She is 5 days old.


Well-Known Member
No nutes at all for a seedling! Use your fingertip to gauge if the soil is a bit moist, if so don't water. Check it every few days and it should grow.

You can get nutes from Fox Farm not add anything but water a few times a week for now.
No nutes at all for a seedling! Use your fingertip to gauge if the soil is a bit moist, if so don't water. Check it every few days and it should grow.

You can get nutes from Fox Farm not add anything but water a few times a week for now.
OK will do I have been making the mistake of water sprinkles daily,probably doing more harm than good.
No nutes at all for a seedling! Use your fingertip to gauge if the soil is a bit moist, if so don't water. Check it every few days and it should grow.

You can get nutes from Fox Farm not add anything but water a few times a week for now.
I have my light Led grow light 20 inches high is that to far?

Chip Green

Well-Known Member
Its going to be REAL EASY to overwater that youthful of a root structure, in a soil volume that size.....Seedlings will thrive with disturbingly small amounts of moisture....Looks good as is, but one must RESIST the insatiable urge to add water....
The mindset is to grow roots right now. A little itty bitty like that, can only transpire very small amounts of moisture, through its few tiny leaves...


Well-Known Member
I have my light Led grow light 20 inches high is that to far?
what lights are they? i would drop to 18inches for now. see how the plants take it. if they are super low wattage you can get they really close. i have some cheap ass "75watt leds" doesn't even state the actual wattage but i can get them as close as 5 inches. currently running a King Plus 2000watt LED i keep them at 18 inches for now and let the plants grow into them. been using them since sprouting after 1-2 days.

you can ALWAYS backfill your stems this will cause the stem to grow new roots. i can show you on my outside plants later tomorrow night or even right now if you'd like

that is what happens i back filled it a long time ago roots form. dont pay attention to the yellow leaves and ants XD that grow is going to hell in flowering stage got lots of aphids on em just trying to get it done but it still has a shit load of good leaves to take it through flowering. only has about 4-5 more weeks to go.
Its going to be REAL EASY to overwater that youthful of a root structure, in a soil volume that size.....Seedlings will thrive with disturbingly small amounts of moisture....Looks good as is, but one must RESIST the insatiable urge to add water....
The mindset is to grow roots right now. A little itty bitty like that, can only transpire very small amounts of moisture, through its few tiny leaves...
Thanks I will definitely scale back and just wait untill soil drys and if I'm successful I would like to grow autoflowers.I still don't exactly what nutes to use when 2 weeks areally up atm I got some organic Sea grow all purpose 16-16-16
what lights are they? i would drop to 18inches for now. see how the plants take it. if they are super low wattage you can get they really close. i have some cheap ass "75watt leds" doesn't even state the actual wattage but i can get them as close as 5 inches. currently running a King Plus 2000watt LED i keep them at 18 inches for now and let the plants grow into them. been using them since sprouting after 1-2 days.

you can ALWAYS backfill your stems this will cause the stem to grow new roots. i can show you on my outside plants later tomorrow night or even right

that is what happens i back filled it a long time ago roots form. dont pay attention to the yellow leaves and ants XD that grow is going to hell in flowering stage got lots of aphids on em just trying to get it done but it still has a shit load of good leaves to take it through flowering. only has about 4-5 more weeks to go.
Look nice and fat stalks,I just got a beginner Bloomspect 300w actual power draw 130w.I will get another but I want to learn what I'm doing first lol


Well-Known Member
it's really not that fat. just a close up. im trying to get them fatter some people got some REALLY fat mfing stalks. that is only my 2nd grow currently on my 3rd but they are slightly older then yours just here playing the waiting game.

yea my kings plus is only around higher 300's Wattage. im growing 3 plants under them which will do great but could buy better lights eventually. just bought these lights a few months ago trying to run um dry before i upgrade and like you learn more on wtf im doing as i experiment with other stuff.

feeding is the easy part tbh. it's when you start to add supplements like silica and all that stuff ( IF you want to ) then it gets harder. everything else is trial and error. my first grow was hell but i got a decent harvest compared to what i was actually expecting and for only 1 main cola. taught me that i can't grow outdoors at my house due to lack of 18/6 XD. then with the grow i showed you that grow taught me not to grow outside in general due to pests don't even bring my current grow outside at all. the aphids are fucking CRAZY on that plant i showed you. now im just sticking with a full indoor grow.
it's really not that fat. just a close up. im trying to get them fatter some people got some REALLY fat mfing stalks. that is only my 2nd grow currently on my 3rd but they are slightly older then yours just here playing the waiting game.

yea my kings plus is only around higher 300's Wattage. im growing 3 plants under them which will do great but could buy better lights eventually. just bought these lights a few months ago trying to run um dry before i upgrade and like you learn more on wtf im doing as i experiment with other stuff.

feeding is the easy part tbh. it's when you start to add supplements like silica and all that stuff ( IF you want to ) then it gets harder. everything else is trial and error. my first grow was hell but i got a decent harvest compared to what i was actually expecting and for only 1 main cola. taught me that i can't grow outdoors at my house due to lack of 18/6 XD. then with the grow i showed you that grow taught me not to grow outside in general due to pests don't even bring my current grow outside at all. the aphids are fucking CRAZY on that plant i showed you. now im just sticking with a full indoor grow.
I probably will only end up with 1 cola if I'm lucky lol.I'm a nervous first timer,I'm like am I doing something wrong and does it only supposed to be only 2 inches tall at day 5.


Well-Known Member
I probably will only end up with 1 cola if I'm lucky lol.I'm a nervous first timer,I'm like am I doing something wrong and does it only supposed to be only 2 inches tall at day 5.
idk bro some can get bigger growth.

here is my current grow from Thursday

to this morning

i have individual pics from yesterday as well but they are all close ups so hard to tell the difference but they are growing at a faster rate then what i've previously grown. i started em in solo cups using Roots organic original soil. potted up early into 3gals using Pro mix HP as im testing the pro mix and so far im loving it.

im adding AN nutrient line though. Myko's for microrhizae which roots organic doesn't have and Voodoo juice for bacteria. then im using sensizyme, rhino skin, B-52, just bought ancient earth to try out but im sure the base nutes contain it but small amount. Sensi Grow A and B. i think thats it. oh i am also using pot elevators to raise the fabric pots off the ground to air it out more and help dry the soil usually i don't unless it's my outside grow. running a air purifier on blast as a fan and my lights. just added a Co2 bag to test out as well but i don't see any growth in the bag yet. had spores which i had to mix into the medium but company says it takes 5-7 days to innoculate

seedlings look bad because my cat ate all 3. they used to be bigger XD

i know happy frog contains microrhizae and bacteria which helps out a LOT. other then that im pretty much winging this whole grow when it comes to feeding. making up my own recipes. only reason im feeding now is because i dont think pro mix HP contains any nutrients. the CC line i believe does so i pretty much kinda treating it like coco when it comes to feeding im feeding 1/4th strength but dropping it down to 1/8th so i can feed more regularly.

for your plants i think they are just focusing more on building roots thus why it's growing slow but i can't really say what it is. my plants are currently in 9 days of veg. 12 days from seed.


Well-Known Member
they grew more since this morning 3rd set of true leaves are poking out im expecting them to be fully out as early as tomorrow morning but likely won't be until Sunday night/monday morning at least for what i consider "fully out" but i mean like this is nothing to some people when it comes to growth i would imagine i've seen people growing regular/fem seeds that are bigger then mine in the same days. not concerned as long as your plants are healthy and you take the time to learn at your own pace you should get some good shit regardless. when i flower my past 2 grows they weren't amazing but for my skill set at the time not bad at all.
they grew more since this morning 3rd set of true leaves are poking out im expecting them to be fully out as early as tomorrow morning but likely won't be until Sunday night/monday morning at least for what i consider "fully out" but i mean like this is nothing to some people when it comes to growth i would imagine i've seen people growing regular/fem seeds that are bigger then mine in the same days. not concerned as long as your plants are healthy and you take the time to learn at your own pace you should get some good shit regardless. when i flower my past 2 grows they weren't amazing but for my skill set at the time not bad at all.
Wow man there 2 times the size as mine lol


Well-Known Member
Wow man there 2 times the size as mine lol
well they are 12 days old from seed but other then that can't really tell you how. they are strawberry cough fem seeds by dutch passion never grown them before. i used to use fox farm trio nutrient line highly dislike that line really don't see amazing results from my past 2 grows. most people said to try General Hydroponics supposed to be good and cheaper then AN but i went with AN to see what the hype is about. shit is expensive though.

if you over water though it can slow down growth i believe and even stunt growth. thus why the basics is a must to get down first. literally killed 4 out of 5 plants on my first grow from over watering at your plants stage. just keep growing and learning as you go you will see better results for yourself. dont needa be like me buy fancy ass nutrient lines to get this kind of results ask other people who are more experienced them me. they got some nice ass plants with half the cost XD