My seeds won't sprout! HELP!


Well-Known Member
what!? wasted if not germed?! get outta town with that talk! i rarely germinate mine and have had 100% success rate without, as long as the conditions are right, they are mature enough and know where you got the seeds, and you water them enough...but not too much. could be bunk seeds but if you just planted in soil sometimes it does take longer than a week.


Well-Known Member
if you saw the little root after germinating, planted that root side down and then carefully covered...and a week later it hasnt sprouted....then dig a little....very gently....could they have dried out one day? are you ph testing? hopefully no nutes yet. just dig a little, hopefully shes alive!!


Well-Known Member
Either the taproot dried up and the seed is done for...
the cotyledon is buried under soil and unable to come up...
the fertilizers were too strong and burnt the taproot...
or you smoked too much and planted cookie crumbs.

dig carefully and find out.


Well-Known Member
when you germed, that little explorer root that popped out from the pointy part of the seed, thats the taproot, where the first set of leave(not true leave) where the seed sometimes get stuck on is the cotyledon. im thinkin heartlandhank is right....its one of those things he said for sure....dig lightly and see what the deal with your girl is