New Member
what are you guys thoughts on putting a UV light filter tube that the res water would circulate through...
i think it would hurt the nutes and beneficial bacteria.
or would the beneficial bacteria stay on the roots, and then all water is kept sanitized by the UV light.
what do you think?
A chemical nutrient system is suppose to be kept bacteria, fungus, and enzyme free. The plants contains every thing in the way of bacteria and enzymes need and the chelated irion provides enough helators to provide cletaion effects for the other metals trace nutrients. IE what beneficail abcteris do you think you need in your reservoir. If you r considering beneficail enzymes for control of pythiium that is not need with a system where the roots are not lying in DO free water such as with small tube aero etc. As long as you use water that has been disinfected with chloirine to begin with there will be nopythium in a good system so the compost pile enzymes are more detrimental than helpful in chemical nutrient system. Orgab nic is organic and chemical is chemical. Neither system works as well in a reservoir when contaminated by the other.
If your considering anything you should be considering how to keep everything but the plants totally free of all bacteria, protozoa and enzymes etc. Such as maintaining a low ppm of chlorine residual in your nutrient water to kill any airborne bacteria that may be introduced.
UV lighting would be fine if you choose not to use chlorine or H2O2, but it will not kill any bacteria growing anywhere but in the water itself, where as chlorine or H2O2 will kill the bacteria on any surface contacted by the water containing it. IE pipes, reservoirs, pumps, sprayers/misters, chamber walls etc.