MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

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Thanks Fatman.

My thinking was that higher than normal o2 in the water may make the system more flexible on ambient temps, is the idea. DD's system drops yield if not in a perfect environment and from other grows I had seen before with other media people have pulled off high yields without giving much care at all to ambient temps depending on strain.

I have felt like I've gotten more than I should have at times when I didn't have things right at all in my soil grows as long as the soil temps were not too bad, but I haven't seen dwc gain yield with higher temps in anything I've browsed before.

I knew about the dying roots, the gasses they give off, listened to you before. Then in my research I tracked down a patent on the best way to degass impurities from super oxygenated water, it just boiled down to throw large bubbles through it. So, that was the reason to include the air stones with supersaturated water, not for air. And the bio balls also appear to have potential to help in the same way and more.

Plus the large bubbles also stimulate the roots, keep things moving more, don't let the micro bubbles just sit in one place in my micro testing it kicks them off and stirs things great. Without the large bubbles everything gets covered in a froth of little bubbles that never move and just stick to everything.

Krusty grows did things that have made me think and wonder for a long time comparing to actual dwc, and they had insane o2 and there was a whole lot of root stimulation. Mix that idea with what you have seen when rotary grows move things around. I don't want to shred roots etc but find the sweet spot.

Grows like you diss with big water pumps, big air pumps, those have appeared to gain over standard dwc like you speak of and I think it's because of movement also. Am I off base, or have you given up too soon on dwc and just not believed anything you've seen at all? I know you don't believe yields, but I'm a picture is worth a thousand words guy. Remember that fight you had with me? Some impressive things have passed my browser window, and I'm always wondering why did that work or why did that look so good when. I'm not arguing, asking your opinion which I greatly value even if it's still likely not what I want to hear. Lets say yields aside and pictures only why did certain things look so good compared to others. Not cut buds, but like the old krusty pic with the plant in tact but with no leaves where you could see more bud than dd's pics?

Yes Sherryberry plastidip is everywhere just ask for it at any decent size store. The bio balls are not that expensive when you buy in bulk, and we would need enough to get bulk prices. 20 gallons for $100 I don't think is a really big deal, even if tossed ea cycle. The things I have read make me think they will pay off.

I have had it with hydroton and lava, just had it. I don't care on cost on that one part. And they could probably be reused if you cared enough...
let me know when you find them in bulk... i looked on assuming they were made in china... but theres a couple different kinds...

the actual BALLS that are kind of solid with a hallow in the middle... they are everywhere on there... but the kind we want to use that have the 100 drip points, i remember having trouble finding those

if a person had those, and just wrapped some aeration hose around in a loop around the top of the tub on top of the balls, it would create the perfect dripper all the way down i think.

i would honestly like to put it up head to head against my setup im making... which would be easy... instead of putting the sprayers in there... i just fill one of the tubs with bio balls, and still have the dwc flowing by in the bottom 4 inches of the 20 inch tall tub filled with bio balls.
thanks to the powers that be for opening the thread back up. ok guys lets keep the discusion about Hp aero and how it relates to what this thread is about. learning more about these systems, and how to setup and operate them properly. its great to hear others opinions and experiences when dealing with this subject as we all know there is not much info out there and very few actual systems running. lets just keep it civilized and everything will be good.

heres a pic of how the roots are coming along on this run. they are less than ideal but with the misters down low for quite awhile and the slight overmisting i was doing and the bioballs slowing the flow down they have bunched up alot this run down low and in the corners.

the biobals are pretty well engulfed on the floor. i think they would be great for a drip system or even flood and drain but not for chamber floors in hp. ill be going back to my elevated fake silk screen bottoms in the new chambers. i had to make compromises to make sure i could finish the run. with the new chambers i shouldnt have to worry about those problems as they will be at least 4 times bigger.


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I'm happy it's back open so fast.
I was thinking a new thread might be in order though too if this had stayed closed, I am going to need help.

I have to try this...
Good to see the thread back up and running, high pressure aero information is very thin on the ground.
Your roots look great, its a pity the bioballs didn`t work quite as planned but nothing ventured is nothing gained.
You deserve credit for taking one for the team by giving it a go...bioballs are pretty expensive :)
wow, im new to this forum, i usually hang out over on another, and doing some looking around over here, and those roots are sweet dude! If you dont mind me asking, how the yeilds get affected vs a good dwc grow? Im sure they have to be larger. How long have you been doing aero, and how expensive is it to maybe build a couple pods like what you have?

I've been doing dwc for a couple years now, and aero just scares me because I hear if i mess something up even slightly, then my plants are toast. Those roots are sweet, would love to see some pics of a plant and bud size. Goodluck to you, great thread, im still on the early pages, but Im going to try to catch up. All the questions i just asked are probably answered in the thread, if so, sorry in advance. Peace
wow, im new to this forum, i usually hang out over on another, and doing some looking around over here, and those roots are sweet dude! If you dont mind me asking, how the yeilds get affected vs a good dwc grow? Im sure they have to be larger. How long have you been doing aero, and how expensive is it to maybe build a couple pods like what you have?

I've been doing dwc for a couple years now, and aero just scares me because I hear if i mess something up even slightly, then my plants are toast. Those roots are sweet, would love to see some pics of a plant and bud size. Goodluck to you, great thread, im still on the early pages, but Im going to try to catch up. All the questions i just asked are probably answered in the thread, if so, sorry in advance. Peace
ive never run dwc so i couldnt tell you plus youd have to run the same strain side by side to get an answer to that question. been doing one form or another of aero for along time. only recently started using this system so cant tell you how its going to turn out cause im still learning this style. ill need a few runs before i can even begin to draw any conclusions.

yea it is expense to do it right but i dont feel it is any more prone to failure than any other system if built properly. takes time to learn to run it properly but any new system takes that. hell even dirt done right takes some learning.
Hi Clydefrog,
I have all the parts to build it, including some unusual hardware i bought last week. Just waiting for better weather to put everything together.
Ba da, ba da, BOOM BOOM BOOM. My forced vacation has ended. Why did the thread get closed. Hell, I wasn't even around to cause it.
Ba da, ba da, BOOM BOOM BOOM. My forced vacation has ended. Why did the thread get closed. Hell, I wasn't even around to cause it.

glad to have you back.

a cia spook with multiple identities kept lurking about.

so i've got my iwaki 30rzt...and it puts out 4.5 gpm at 22 psi. whats going to happen if i run it constantly in my new cloning machine at only .13 gpm? bad for the pump or does it not really matter?
Why no grow pics? I have plenty in my journal. I get grief from a few accum zealots, but none have shown me pics to prove my set up (everything but the pressure tank aspect) is that far off. Come by and say hi, Feel free to add useful commentary, but please support it with grow pics.

please stop posting links to your grow journal at another site on this thread. you know that is against forum rules. your last one got removed as im sure this one will also. or maybe worse youll get banned. this thread is to share information about HP aero if you have some to contribute fine but if not then dont post here.

does this thread say anywhere it is a grow journal. it is a thread about my SYSTEM if you dont like it cause there isnt any pictures of growing plants then dont tune in. its as simple as that.

what a shame this thread could get shut down again just because someone from another site comes here and seeks to direct people to his journal on another site.
Hey guys,

I just finished reading through your entire thread Tree Farmer and found it to be the most informative thread on Actual Aeroponic growing (not the so called True Aeroponic growing). Between the three of you guys (Tree Farmer the practicioner; Fatman the chemist; and Atomizer the electronics controller/mathematician) you guys have pretty much all of it covered. Well done.

I've been interested in the system for a while, but have found little information on Actual Aeroponics other than the information "TAG" which I consider a hybrid system in most cases. I have been looking into atomizing nozzles as all you have and happened on a picture of a Atomix nozzle which I scooped from uk420 site.

Unfortunately I have not been able to figure out how to insert it in this post. If you could direct me that would be great.

Keep up the great work guys.
glad to have you back.

a cia spook with multiple identities kept lurking about.

so i've got my iwaki 30rzt...and it puts out 4.5 gpm at 22 psi. whats going to happen if i run it constantly in my new cloning machine at only .13 gpm? bad for the pump or does it not really matter?

It is a mag drive pump so it will be fine. but the pump motor might be a bit warmer than you might like. The pump is made to pump against high head pressures so it will not mind the throttling. It should put out its max pressure due to the throttling. Is the 0.13 gpm a constant flow. That is only 7.8 gph.

Here is the pump curve chart link for that pump.

As you can see by the curve nearest the left hand side as the head pressure increases through pumping to tall heights or a huge amount of resistance the pump flow decreases exponentially. This means low flow which is all you need. However as the pressure follows the principal of Flow=Velocity * Area, or Flow/Area=Velocity, as you decreaase the area of the flow (small sprayer holes you increase the velocity (basically the speed/pressure). So while you are decreasing the flow your area is even a larger decrease so you will still get max pressure. If your pump gets too warm in your opinion then just put in a Tee fitting on the pipe going to the misters and put a small gate valve on a pipe leading back to the reservoir. Open it slowly until you see a slight decrease in the flow from your misters. When you see that close the valve just a little to restore the full fine droplet spray. This will lower the pressure head enough to allow the motor to run cooler but still give you the pressure needed for small droplet spray.

IE the equation: Consider a flow of say the full 270 gph (36 ft^3/hr) or (17.28 in^3/sec) at an unrestricted flow through the 3/4" discharge. Area is pi * (0.75/2)^2=0.44 inches square. This means your velocity would be V= 17.28/0.44=39 inches/sec. Not bad at all. But now consider dropping the total discharge area down to say 1/16 inches in diameter. That means 0.012 square inches. This would theoretically mean 17.28/0.012= 1440 inches per second (82 miles per hour). Obviously your velocity will not be that high as you stated a flow of 0.13 gpm. That is 0.582 in^3 /second. If that is the case your velocity would be: 0.582/0.012=48 inches per second. Considering the pump delivers at it's standard un restricted flow a velocity of 39 inches per second then the increase of velocity just 23% is not going to be much of an issue with the pump. Now if the pump could actually push 270 gallons per hour through a 1/16 diameter hole that would be one hell of a mag drive pump.
Hey guys,

I just finished reading through your entire threat Tree Farmer and found it to be the most informative thread on Actual Aeroponic growing (not the so called True Aeroponic growing). Between the three of you guys (Tree Farmer the practicioner; Fatman the chemist; and Atomizer the electronics controller/mathematician) you guys have pretty much all of it covered. Well done.

I've been interested in the system for a while, but have found little information on Actual Aeroponics other than the information "TAG" which I consider a hybrid system in most cases. I have been looking into atomizing nozzles as all you have and happened on a picture of a Atomix nozzle which I scooped from uk420 site.

Unfortunately I have not been able to figure out how to insert it in this post. If you could direct me that would be great.

Keep up the great work guys.

just click on "post reply" on the top or bottom of the page and then scroll down to where it says "manage attachments" and click on that. another window will appear where you can click on" browse" to upload the pic from your computer or from the internet.

glad you stopped by. are you looking to build an air assited hp system.
i wouldnt mind building one also but they wouldnt be cheap to build and i feel a well designed pump based system can deliver roots as nice as the atomix. the pump based systems arent any cheaper really though but for me less of a learning curve since im very familiar with pump based systems.
right behind you aerotrek...

i just finished reading this thread... wow!

I did a bit of searching for these iwaki pumps you guys recomend, and i stumbled onto something...

they make a MD-70rz, or rlz (but it appears they are the same)

This pump is an iwaki pump, and does 40+ psi, the most of any of their mag drive pumps.

So i did a bit of checking around, and there were 2 used on ebay, 1 for 100 bucks, and the other for about 40. The 40 dollar one is still for sale, i didnt buy it, but it needs a new impeller they say, but judging by the iwaki site, the impeller can be bought and replaced for cheap, so you guys might check into buying it.

Im a dwc guy... i assume sherriberry is gone? Tried emailing him/her, and nothing happens.

I liked the diagram of the tubs they linked a while back. As i go aero, i might use that sort of a setup, that way if things arent working out, i can just say F### it, and flood the tubs, and go back to dwc in the middle of the grow :)

Im going to read through the thread again, as i know i had questions, but most of them i am figuring out.
right behind you aerotrek...

i just finished reading this thread... wow!

I did a bit of searching for these iwaki pumps you guys recomend, and i stumbled onto something...

they make a MD-70rz, or rlz (but it appears they are the same)

This pump is an iwaki pump, and does 40+ psi, the most of any of their mag drive pumps.

So i did a bit of checking around, and there were 2 used on ebay, 1 for 100 bucks, and the other for about 40. The 40 dollar one is still for sale, i didnt buy it, but it needs a new impeller they say, but judging by the iwaki site, the impeller can be bought and replaced for cheap, so you guys might check into buying it.

Im a dwc guy... i assume sherriberry is gone? Tried emailing him/her, and nothing happens.

I liked the diagram of the tubs they linked a while back. As i go aero, i might use that sort of a setup, that way if things arent working out, i can just say F### it, and flood the tubs, and go back to dwc in the middle of the grow :)

Im going to read through the thread again, as i know i had questions, but most of them i am figuring out.

The MD-70RZ(T) is a very good pump but it is larger than most growers need. It will handle at least 100 2.5 gph misters at about 35 to 40 psi. Or about 70 low pressure 10 gph low pressure sprayers with a full good spray. It does have the davantage of hai ving enough pressure tat it can be place in your basement with your grow room on the main floor. It can pumpover 60 feet up ie several floors and still have good pressure. Or on the same floor butat the other end of your house where the resrvoir can stay cool.

They normally retail for $400 to $500. The amount of them that have been showing up on ebay lately has really gone up since they are being mentioned in the growing forums. Surprisingly the prices are staying pretty low. You have to undersy tand though that the pressure of the 70-RZ is about 5 to 10 times the pressure of the typical high flow low pressure pumps used by most of the growers like Earl and such who grow aero where the roots are nearly totally rooted way by harvest time.

The droplet size and spray paterns are completely different with the 40 psi pump. Not the really fine droplets of the HP misters at 70 psi, but a hell of a lot better than the little cheapy 10 gph sprayers used by the low pressure guys.
New impeller needed? Bah, mesh mod that sucker and it would be good for other uses. Otherwise just buy one that works. I have my eye on a pair locally for $50 ea and they work, i just haven't decided if that's the best way and I think fatman just answered that for me.
Hi Tree Farmer,

Thanks for the directions...The picture was taken by an Atomix owner. Many of the features shown on the nozzle went against what I originally thought. For example, when searching for nozzles I assumed they would be stainless steel and put out a full cone spray. I always knew they would be siphon as shown on pictures of the complete unit.

A little background info. At one time I owned a 2 acre piece of land with home. The back acre I never used and only contained 6 to 7 foot pines. One spring I decided to plant a few sativas back there. It was a perfect growing area because it was a high water table and the pines would shield them from the neighbors...or so I thought. By the end of summer paranoia set in because they over took the pines and were clearly visable from the house. I couldn't do that anymore because the owner of the engineering company I worked for lived close enough that if he knew what to look for would have definetly seen them.

I did some DWC after that and had good results but always believed there had to be a better way. Thats basically where the story ends...I had to sell the home when the ex and I went different ways. I moved to a small apartment which I found impractical for the equipment required.

Yes, I will be building a Aero unit but not for another 3 months as I will be moving back into a house again (my own). But, I thought I could do all the research on these sytems so that I'm better prepared.

The main expense of these systems seem to be in the nozzles and "dental compressors" if you want to keep the noise down. I have located the same type of nozzles but made in PVC material which may bring the cost down considerably. I'll get back to you once I find out where I stored it on my computer.

In any case I have been trying to determine the idea volume of nutes required per square foot of area for a given spray cycle. This way I choose a nozzle that works within those perameters. Fatman was on the right path when he spoke of the rate the plant transpired in relation to the temp, humidity, lumens and co2. The plant would have to make up what its losing buy taking in more nutes. There is a relation there that I have not been able to put my finger on...or at least the ratio of each. Give me some time.

Keep it growing...


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