My very 1st grow on a paper thin budget !!!"pics"


Well-Known Member
ok got some upgrades and moved some stuff around heres some new pics. I moved them into a large rubbermade and actually i went to the dollar store and bought some windshiled reflector things u put in your windshield on a sunny day to keep it cooler they are suposta reflect the light so well see what happens with this ne ways i lined the container with them and stoped by walmart and picked up some 26watt 6500k cfls so i now have 4 of thos one these guys i will probably end up going and making my own light with 8 total in it but thats for another day and this should do for now im really glad i got these guys under the right lights so well see how they do from here :)



Well-Known Member
updated pics day 6 Enjoy



Active Member
i would be worried light will stun the growth cuz your pots are clear and the roots will recieve lights too unless im lookin at the pictures all wrong...and for day six there lookin nice!


Well-Known Member
hmm ya they are just in cut off 2 liter pop bottles so i probably should put them in some different pots the for the tip :D. Here are some updated pics day 8 now there al lookin good my one troubled plant all the leaves died on it but i didnt pull it out because it wasnt falling over or nething so i just left it there and sure enough new leaves are starting from the center so she might live after all. i still dont know what to think about one of my plants still only has the starter leaves no other leaves showing in the middle yet but shes still green so iill keep her around for now. I also added 4 more 75w cfl so i now have 8 lights total and about 700w of cfl's on 6500k and 24/0 of light. Hope u all enjoy :)



Active Member
700w is damn good man i only have 160 cuz im seein how cheap i can do mine! anyways man they look great! i used pots that were from plants bought at home depot if ide size them ide say they are about 3/4 or 2/3 of a gallon but they work great! depending on the size of pot really determins the size of your plants...massive pot=massive plant them 12/12 from seed!!!!!i love whne people do that shit its so crazy how these plants grow


Active Member
You can take a black trash bag and either wrap it around those 1/2 2 liters or lay it over the tops of them all (after you have cut holes for your plants of course :p). Def don't wan't to let the roots be exposed to light for too long cuz youll get some bad deadly root rott/mold/fungus etc :p.

But def considering how young they are and how fragile there root system is right now I would hold of on transplanting to diff containers until they get a little bigger and have a larger root system. This way theres no accidental stem snapping or root damage that can stun your plants for a long time & even kill them.


Well-Known Member
You can take a black trash bag and either wrap it around those 1/2 2 liters or lay it over the tops of them all (after you have cut holes for your plants of course :p). Def don't wan't to let the roots be exposed to light for too long cuz youll get some bad deadly root rott/mold/fungus etc :p.
Awsome tip i will most likely do that today and ill probably just go get some new pots soon because im going to take all of those lights and make a large light shade with all of em in it and ide like to get all of em more to a uniform height :joint:


Well-Known Member
Welcome aborad lol this is for sure going to be an interesting ride..... Well today once again i visited the dollar store and a few other places picked up some more 26w cfl's so now i have 10 26w cfl all 6500k so if i do the math right i have 260w of cfl or 1000w equivalent. so now that i am done wondering if i have enought light lol i bought a digital thermometer as well and now when i put it in the room it was already cooling down for the day and she was reading 93 so i brought a bigger window fan in put that in the window by the room and moved my other fan to right on to of em blowing off the wall to cool em down some more that was a few hours ago so i just went back and checked and the upstairs is at 79 and the room is at 88 so not the gratest but its still warm out but i think i might switch these guys to 18 on 6 off so i can turn the lights off through the hottest part of the day to help keep the temps down. Also i am still toying with the idea to run them on a 12 12 schedual on the 6500k bulbs for about a month and then switching to 2700k's but thats just an idea for now :) heres some new pics.

Ps i did loose one my my plants the one that had no leafs yet i was feeling the starter leaves to see how she was doin and they crumbled like a stone almost really odd because they were a real nice green too.. o well at least the plant i had where all of the leaves died has 2 new nice green ones so that made me happy i only lost one :D

PSS.. I AM STONED :bigjoint:



Active Member
You'll probably need a cheap fan in there to provide a bit of airflow.

Also if you consider another cheap grow like this I recommend a Coco fibre DWC. Coco is so incredibly cheap (I got a huge box of the compressed cubes for $10), and it costs near to nothing to get a DWC set up. Also if you get basic nutes then it shouldn't cost much more than soil and soil nutes. Add a cheap bubbler (probably no more than $5) and you are set.


Well-Known Member
Ah shitty when you loose a plant, I lost one out of nowhere when it was about 7 inches tall, it kinda just strangled itself out lol.


Well-Known Member
It was also in a really hot place in the day time when I was at work so I didn't even know how hot it was getting, oh well gotta learn somehow.


Well-Known Member
Here are some updated pics there lookin good i took duck tape and wraped my pots so they are no longer clear i think i might be switching to a bubble ponic system when i switch over pots soon but i duno i was haveing some heat issues with warm days outside soo i duno ill keep ya posted on what i decide :) Enjoy the pics



Well-Known Member
PS: pic 2009-07-17 19.54.10.jpg was the plant where all the leaves had died the leaves on it now are new ones that had grown out glad i didnt trash it when i thought it was dead :D


Well-Known Member
here is some more updated pics, i am going to be switching these guys pots soon into either a bubbleponics or a aeroponics i still need to do some more reading to figuer out which one i think is going to give me some better results. so here are the pics enjoy :)

PS: today is the 2 weeks into vegging



Well-Known Member
Ok well i made a 10 pot aeroponic system i used coco for the medium which is very messy and i really dont like it, as of right no little pices the size of coffey grounds keep getting sucked up and clogging my sprayers and even my sprayers dont work very well...... so i ordered an ultrasonic transducer and a nice air pump insted of aeroponics we are going to do Bubbleponics and fogponics :). also yesterday transplanting all of my plnts to net pots that was messy and not to easy to do either.... so ya ill get pics latter and do some more updats latter im gonna finish working on the sam sprayer system today see if i can get it to work right....


Well-Known Member
Well i made another trip to lowes today and picked up a lil bit of pvc instead of that dam flex hose and much better i have it all set up now and its running grate!!! I can already see a few of the plants with roots comeing through the pots. Kinda sucks i could only fit 10 plants in it as well so i have 2 half way nice ones that are just sitting all alon on the edge of the tub gettin some light i might transplant them outside and see what happens with them because im happy withjust the 10 i have. well my hope is this comeing up tuesday i am hopeing to have good roots showing and switch these guys to 12/12 on the following lights

day1- 14
8 26w 6500k cfl's
2 26w 2700k cfl's

day 15- 28
5 26w 6500k cfl's
5 26w 2700k cfl's

day 29 - harvest
4 26w 6500k cfl's
10 26w 2700k cfl's

What do u guys think for those light sets ? Also since there no longer in MG potting soil i am going to need a inexspencive nutes to keep em going good. Well heres some pics of the new setup hope you guys like it.

PS: iwish you guys could see how thick some of these stemsare i have 3 of em that are super thick
like little tree trunck lol. ok im done heres the pics :joint::D

