Nasa believes we found life on another planet.


Well-Known Member
Well, a planet's moon anyway.

And it's WAY closer to home then we would have ever imagined!

Data from Nasa's Cassini probe has analysed the complex chemistry on the surface of Titan, which experts say is the only moon around the planet to have a dense atmosphere.

They have discovered that life forms have been breathing in the planet’s atmosphere and also feeding on its surface’s fuel.


The headline is a little misleading.

"If these signs do turn out to be a sign of life, it would be doubly exciting because it would represent a second form of life independent from water-based life on Earth.”

Professor John Zarnecki, of the Open University, added: “We believe the chemistry is there for life to form. It just needs heat and warmth to kick-start the process.
It's more of a "we think there might be life there because of this and this" type article. If we actually had undeniable proof of life on another planet, it's be plastered across every headline around the world.
You would have to be narrowminded to believe we are the only planet in the whole universe with life.. Now the question is whether this life is an intelligent, technology advanced beeing that you should be worried about... (Though they do theorize that the more intelligent the bee-ing --> the more civilized they are --> so you dont have to worry about them taking over the planet and killing us all !)


Well-Known Member
Yeah that is interesting as hell, but I don't want to jump to any conclusions. It would be nice if they sent a probe to Titan or Europa to analyze the surface like they did with the Opportunity and Spirit rovers on Mars.

I think it takes something like 18 minutes for the signal to come back from Mars, anybody know how long it would take coming back from Titan?


Well-Known Member
I findit kind of annoying that they can do studies like this and actually say there's alien life out there . . .

I mean, all they found was VERY indirect evidence . . . . chemicals missing, certain chemicals being there, etc.

none of that truly says alien unless we put the label on it ourselves . . .

I mean I believe there is probably more life out there . . . I just really hate the way this article decided to express teh possibility . . . they said it as more of a certainty in this article than not . . . . which is absolutely ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
No, the article was pretty honest, I gotta admit the quote I took out was pretty misleading though. Figured it would grab attention because this is important.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I've been seeing TV shows on this for the last few years... I didn't think it was big news :\

It's speculative, they still have to go check it out.


Active Member
Titan is the only other planet (moon) with liquid bodies on the surface. I watched a show on it and it's like huge lakes full of liquid methane or nitrogen. I can't recall at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Titan is the only other planet (moon) with liquid bodies on the surface. I watched a show on it and it's like huge lakes full of liquid methane or nitrogen. I can't recall at the moment.
It's believed that Europa has liquid water beneath its frozen surface.;-)


Active Member
Check this out, Wonders of the Solar System, broadcast on BBC UK. All the stuff about life on titan and the research behind it is covered in detail!

There is a huge amount of small signs of life on all the planets of the solar system but at the same time, the scientists say that none of them is suitable for living. If our goal is to find the one for living, we should launch more missions like Voyager or Cassini to be able to leave the solar system and collect the materials from other planets.


Well-Known Member
to be able to leave the solar system and collect the materials from other planets.
or to exploit the plentyful resources in our homesystem, esp. minerals & metals from the asteroid belt between Mars & Jupiter, Helium-3 from Jupiter/Saturn... and it seems like the inner of Neptune is one hell of a huge diamond... :o