its all fucked up man! we cant do nothin about it, we're all just cows grazing stay within the fence and they dont care about you. i feel like fuck it i'm not all fuck authority and that bullshit i do my thing i work oh yea and i happen to smoke weed they wont fuck with me cause im just in the fence ya know what im sayin??? just dont be loud about your shit with your gay weed stickers and shit on your cars
it appears none of you clicked the link. :roll:

NASA finds 'significant' water on moon

(CNN) -- NASA said Friday it had discovered water on the moon, opening "a new chapter" that could allow for the development of a lunar space station.
The discovery was announced by project scientist Anthony Colaprete at a midday news conference.
"I'm here today to tell you that indeed, yes, we found water. And we didn't find just a little bit; we found a significant amount" -- about a dozen, two-gallon bucketfuls, he said, holding up several white plastic containers.
The find is based on preliminary data collected when the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, or LCROSS, intentionally crashed October 9 into the permanently shadowed region of Cabeus crater near the moon's south pole.
After the satellite struck, a rocket flew through the debris cloud, measuring the amount of water and providing a host of other data, Colaprete said.
The project team concentrated on data from the satellite's spectrometers, which provide the best information about the presence of water, Colaprete said. A spectrometer helps identify the composition of materials by examining light they emit or absorb.

Although the goal of the $79 million mission was to determine whether there is water on the moon, discoveries in other areas are expected as studies progress, Colaprete and other scientists said at the briefing at NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field near San Francisco, California.
"The discovery opens a new chapter in our understanding of the moon," the space agency said in a written statement shortly after the briefing began.
Michael Wargo, chief lunar scientist at NASA headquarters in Washington, said the latest discovery also could unlock the mysteries of the solar system.
He listed several options as sources for the water, including solar winds, comets, giant molecular clouds or even the moon itself through some kind of internal activity. The Earth also may have a role, Wargo said.
"If the water that was formed or deposited is billions of years old, these polar cold traps could hold a key to the history and evolution of the solar system, much as an ice core sample taken on Earth reveals ancient data," NASA said in its statement.
"In addition, water and other compounds represent potential resources that could sustain future lunar exploration."
um i dunno do you want a tsunami coming at your house? or to get pulled off orbit and have everything get fucked up?
The moon has a mass of 2,447,550,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds and you think that a two ton metal projectile is gonna interrupt the Earth's control over it?? The Earth???? Which has a mass of 13,230,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds???

You don't even know that it's not a explosive bomb do you.
You need to learn man.
Here's what they are NOT telling you.

I picked this up from a 9/11 "truthers" website. They are credible sources....and always ahead of the curve.



  • dogs on moon.jpg
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did this happen? 'cause i was lookin outside the other day and I couldn't see the moon? it would kinda suck though 'cause when im stealin' tv's outta peoples houses and smokin' crack in the alley the moonlight helps me see the police before they come and lock me up with my dad.. life from the perspective of a nigger..

on a serious note, your government spent your tax money (70+ million) just to find out if there is water on the moon? They only found 24 gallons of water? well holy fuck batman for $3,000,000 a gallon they better be gettin' something good outta it, maybe it will tell them where osama is.. or what the Russians are up too.. and I thought gas was expensive @ $4 a gallon..
Destruction increases with the square of the velocity.

How fast would a two-ton chunk of chocolate need to be traveling in order make the moon's largest crater?
did this happen? 'cause i was lookin outside the other day and I couldn't see the moon? it would kinda suck though 'cause when im stealin' tv's outta peoples houses and smokin' crack in the alley the moonlight helps me see the police before they come and lock me up with my dad.. life from the perspective of a nigger..

on a serious note, your government spent your tax money (70+ million) just to find out if there is water on the moon? They only found 24 gallons of water? well holy fuck batman for $3,000,000 a gallon they better be gettin' something good outta it, maybe it will tell them where osama is.. or what the Russians are up too.. and I thought gas was expensive @ $4 a gallon..

Jesus fucking christ.

There's WAY more than 24 gallons on the moon. It was a deep impact mission to the moon. The impact creates a plume of debris that reaches out into space, of which a sample is taken to study the composition of the southern pole's surface. There was a total of 24 gallons in the debris that was studied.
Thanks for the rep Wikid.

The tentative estimation for the lunar ice deposits is 6,000,000,000,000 kilos.

Which NASA proposes to be used by the future Lunar Outpost as a high performance space shuttle fuel.
meh, still not worth the money.. for that much they coulda bought me a real nice piece of cheese

Harvesting Helium 3 to finally create nuclear fusion on Earth is more than worth what money they spent...That really is the underlining idea as to why we want to see if their is water on the moon. We'll colonize it and harvest a shit ton of resources. Planetary harvesting of resources is the wave of the future.
Harvesting Helium 3 to finally create nuclear fusion on Earth is more than worth what money they spent...That really is the underlining idea as to why we want to see if their is water on the moon. We'll colonize it and harvest a shit ton of resources. Planetary harvesting of resources is the wave of the future.

He speaks the truth. The utter truth. Soon businesses with claim planets for their resources whores. :-(
This does not have to do with the thread topic, but is a cool fact about the Moon's real gravity.

The Bullialdus/Newton Inverse/Square Law states that any physical quantity or strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, specifically, the gravitational attraction between two massive objects, in additional to being directly proportional to the product of their masses, is inversely proportional to the sqaure of the distance between them.

Nasa convinces you, using newtons gravitational law, which assumes the mass of the earth and the moon.
Thats not what you want to use, you want to use the bullialdus/newton law of inverse square cause you dont need to care what the mass is.
All you need to know is what the distance is, and where the neutral point is. If we know where the neutrel point is and the size of the planets then we can find what the gravity is. Now we know the neutral point because wernher von braun told us for 1, number 2 crew appolo 17 told us, number 3 one of the other appolo missions told us.

Re - radius of the Earth - 3,960 Miles
Rm - radius of the Moon - 1,080 Miles
X - distance from the Earth's center to the neutral point - 200,000 Miles.
Y - distance from the Moon's center to the neutral point - 43,495 Miles (according to Wernher Von Braun)

Ge - Earths surface gravity
Gm - Moons surface gravity

Since the forces of attraction of the Earth and the Moon are equal at the neutral point, the inverse-square law yields:

Ge (Re³/X³) - Gm (Rm³/Y³)
Gm/Ge - Re²Y²/Rm²X²
- (3,960)² (43,495)² / (1,080)² (200,000)²
- 0.63586

Therefore, Gm- 64% of Ge