My old high school Medieval History professor talked about the Flat Earth Society in one of his classes. He described them as what we would now call "Poes", satirists of the fundamental viewpoint. I got the impression he was a member, or at least had been one, by the enthusiasm he had about using Flat Earth satire to dismiss irrational beliefs.
He was a pretty cool teacher. Too bad he had to teach from a mediocre book.
hahaha, so there is an official name for it. I have started "Poes" on this forum..... it's amazing sometimes. No matter how obvious I make it that I am kidding in a post, for the purpose of humor, someone always shows up and thinks it's for real..... flame war commence!! :lol:
They're not going to bomb the moon per say. They're going to slam it hard enough so that dust from the moon can move upward off the ground. They're going to test these dust particles for, Helium 3, Hydrogen, and water among other things. The long term plan for this test is to see the exact composition of the moon and see if colonizing the moon will be a viable idea. I'm personally a fan of colonizing the moon and other planets. Theirs a wealth of new elements and materials out there. It's great for humanity, the economy and science as a whole. I say go NASA go!
Why do so many stoners have to be so stupid (this coming from a guy who smokes daily)? Am I the only person here who hears things like "The NWO is gunna get you" or "NASA is gunna blow up the moon" and thinks, "wow, that is a REALLY CRAZY idea, lets see if there is any evidence".

Honestly though it might not just be stoners, I think America in general is getting progressively dumber and this latest crop of youth has broken the mold.
They're not going to bomb the moon per say. They're going to slam it hard enough so that dust from the moon can move upward off the ground. They're going to test these dust particles for, Helium 3, Hydrogen, and water among other things. The long term plan for this test is to see the exact composition of the moon and see if colonizing the moon will be a viable idea. I'm personally a fan of colonizing the moon and other planets. Theirs a wealth of new elements and materials out there. It's great for humanity, the economy and science as a whole. I say go NASA go!

For those who are too lazy to read. The video explains the above post but it does it with colors and pictures, might hold the attention of some of the "slower folks" here.
My old high school Medieval History professor talked about the Flat Earth Society in one of his classes. He described them as what we would now call "Poes", satirists of the fundamental viewpoint. I got the impression he was a member, or at least had been one, by the enthusiasm he had about using Flat Earth satire to dismiss irrational beliefs.
He was a pretty cool teacher. Too bad he had to teach from a mediocre book.

LOL, I am on the forum where that "law" was coined and the guy it is named after still posts there a lot.

It really does make a lot of sense, I mean I could make up the most batshit crazy theory with utterly nothing to support it, post it here and I promise at least a few people would agree.
I think Don was joking Wikipoo. :wink:

He wanted to see some sparks while he struck some sparks.

lol, when you just called me Wikipoo, it made me think of Witchypoo


And I was thinking more of the person who started this thread when I made that comment :razz:

I never said the whole thing would explode.


does anyone think this is a good idea id ont the moon controls tides and has a gravitational pull on the earth as well what the hell are they thinking? there supposedly looking for water but we already know there is water and ice on the moon This could really fuck us all

um i dunno do you want a tsunami coming at your house? or to get pulled off orbit and have everything get fucked up?

shit we've never detonated bombs in space how do we know there wont be some crazy shockwave effect that effects the universe adversely with severe consequence?
