NASA Scientists Say We Will Meet Aliens by 2034

Damn dude thats awsome. Did she scrape.
That being that I saw was laying down on My neighbors roof, I didn't see that being "run" anywhere.

And the girl that I had sex with was not a "downs syndrom", she was very intelligent, and she actually taught Me a few words that I never heard before. And the girls I got the blow jobs from were normal enough too.

That being that I saw was laying down on My neighbors roof, I didn't see that being "run" anywhere.

And the girl that I had sex with was not a "downs syndrom", she was very intelligent, and she actually taught Me a few words that I never heard before. And the girls I got the blow jobs from were normal enough too.

I was just playing with you... Every single girl that I have ever dated belongs in a mental institution. They are all bat shit crazy.. ;)
No, I haven't snorted anymore dog medication.

I am not some kind of drug addict, but I usually drink alcohol every night, but I don't get drunk.

You're a alcoholic then, I just quit drinking. And believe me it sucks, I thought I would have more energy and motivation... nope still the same lazy fuck,., lol
why do you need a vacation from your family?

not just a regular vacation...
does it have to be at the mental hospital?

I don't NEED to take a vacation from My family.

I actually enjoy taking vacations at the mental hospitals for a few reasons: I don't have to pay anything to take a vacation at the mental hospital, My insurance covers all of the cost: I enjoy meeting new people, and making new friends: I like the food at the hospital: and I usually get to know people pretty good for the few weeks that I am there.

Its not that bad, you would have to go there to know: but every mental hospital is different, and there are always new people coming and going, so its never going to be the same people or atmosphere.

One time i had this dream that short aliens where in my house and where looking through my stuff like they wanted to know more about me or us but i couldnt move they could talk to me with telephaty and i was scared as shit! But then i woke up so i thought it was a dream months later i told my mom about my dream and she freaked she told me that her and my dad had the same dream!
Also noticed a puncture like wound in the back of my neck and my mom and dad had it too!:o
Ever since then im very phsychic
and alot of my dreams come true.
And so is my mom.:o

Do you believe you were abducted in your own home? if that is even considered "abduction".

Maybe you, your mother, and father should get that thing on the back of your neck checked out by doctors?

Oh yeah! Mining the "less fortunate", a coupla candy bars and its all cool. Shrewed , a man with a plan

No, these girls that I got the blow jobs from, I wouldn't consider them "less fortunate": I would consider them My peers.

After all, I was in the psych ward just like them. Its not like they were even close to being retarded. One girl that I got a blow job from, I watched her play the guitar, and sing the song "Zombie" by the Cranberries, or whatever its called. I can't even play the guitar, and sing all of the lyrics to that song. These girls were not retarded, but they might have been horney.

Do you believe you were abducted in your own home? if that is even considered "abduction".

Maybe you, your mother, and father should get that thing on the back of your neck checked out by doctors?

Actually my mom got a mri on her neck cause her neck and spines been jacked and giving her headaches and it does show some object there the doctors dont know what to make of it?
Ive never told anyone about this!
In not somany words they told me there where good aliens and there where bad and some of them are offsprings of human/alien hybird.
Love is in the air in the mental institutions. Same With drug detox and rehab facilities. If its co-ed its hilarious all the fuckin and suckin between patients. Staff members also.

But, remember that staff usually checks on people usually once per hour, so you need to get your sex on in between the staff checks.

Why do we need to "protect our mother Earth?"

Do you believe aliens are an (imminent) threat?

Indeed I do; they want our precious bodily fluids. We must protect our essence
Neil deGrasse Tyson On Life On Other Planets!(2013 MUST WATCH!!!!)

Tyson also says, in this video, that extraterrestrial life might be inevitable.

it take god many attempts to perfect life on earth ....... Just like it took many attempts to create the perfect race .

Adam and eve was the last attempt.

sorry :) ..... Noah was the last attempt .

there's as much chance as life on another planet , as there is as much chance as the second coming of Christ..........ZERO !!
it take god many attempts to perfect life on earth ....... Just like it took many attempts to create the perfect race .

Adam and eve was the last attempt.

sorry :) ..... Noah was the last attempt .

there's as much chance as life on another planet , as there is as much chance as the second coming of Christ..........ZERO !!
so let me get this straight you think that a perfect race exists on our earth today? What race do you think this is? And why do you believe this to be true?