NASA Scientists Say We Will Meet Aliens by 2034

I wish @KLITE would probe you in your stupid ass...

I just think it would be cool to watch, ya know???
Yesterday, I talked with a MUFON Field Investigator.

This woman that I talked to from MUFON said that the being that I saw could have been military or an alien, she doesn't know.

She also said that the government is working on invisibility technology.

Expect a friendly visit soon and choose your words carefully.images(4).jpeg images(5).jpeg
I believe in aliens, but why would one run across your neighbors roof? And I thought Haladol was banned, that stuff is hardcore. And lastly smashing chics with down syndrome might be rape, but IDK? Lol...... just kidding
Expect a friendly visit soon and choose your words carefully.View attachment 3327944 View attachment 3327945

I am expecting an email from MUFON, but no "men in black". And the next time I go to the mental hospital, it will be because I am taking a vacation from My family.

For the record, they usually don't put people in padded rooms, and I have never seen anyone wear a straight jacket. But, I have seen people with both their arms and legs tied to a bed, thats called 4 points.

Dude wat if it was all real woulnt u feel like a dumb ass...but i guess we wouldnt know cus we would all b dead i guess...

I wouldn't say something unless I believed it was real. If I am not sure of something, I usually end My statement with a question mark.

For example, how do you figure we all would be dead if these things are real?

One time i had this dream that short aliens where in my house and where looking through my stuff like they wanted to know more about me or us but i couldnt move they could talk to me with telephaty and i was scared as shit! But then i woke up so i thought it was a dream months later i told my mom about my dream and she freaked she told me that her and my dad had the same dream!
Also noticed a puncture like wound in the back of my neck and my mom and dad had it too!:o
Ever since then im very phsychic
and alot of my dreams come true.
And so is my mom.:o