Need a lil Qb rig design help!

@verticalgrow & or @Humple, I'm only getting 218 watts at the wall pot turned full blast(no resistor). Pot read @ 108.2k on the multimeter so I figuered no resistor needed.
Dammit, I should've recorded what the driver read full blast with no pot connected when I first tested the QBs and driver when they arrived.
Any thoughts? I finished one four panel Qb rig, it's not permanent. Just needed to get them hung so I could see what I'm working with.
I'm thinking I need to just unhook the pot ..... pshhh,shrink wrap and all lol,and start from step one with the reading of the drivers output.
@verticalgrow & or @Humple, I'm only getting 218 watts at the wall pot turned full blast(no resistor). Pot read @ 108.2k on the multimeter so I figuered no resistor needed.
Dammit, I should've recorded what the driver read full blast with no pot connected when I first tested the QBs and driver when they arrived.
Any thoughts? I finished one four panel Qb rig, it's not permanent. Just needed to get them hung so I could see what I'm working with.
I'm thinking I need to just unhook the pot ..... pshhh,shrink wrap and all lol,and start from step one with the reading of the drivers output.
I'm running A version drivers myself. Let us know what reading you get straight from the driver!
I'm running A version drivers myself. Let us know what reading you get straight from the driver!

What' good @Humple ? Disconnected the pot and I'm still getting 220.

Gonna go grab the other 240 driver and hook it up and see what that reads.
Do ya think my AC side wire& plug being smaller or less thick than the meanwells drivers outputs wires have anything to do with it?
Looking back I wish I hadda got the A version to get the max wattage outta the boards. Even if I get the whole 240 from both drivers, that only puts me at 480 wall watts in my 4x4. Wash in a rush to grab 'em because they went down from 16 in stock to 4 in 2 days! I'm sure I got 2 of the last of then3 that were left when I finally hit checkout.
I'm not trippin' tho I'll rock that 480 and see what happens. 30 watts sqf right on the edge of what's recommended. .That is IF I can get the whole wattage outta the damn drivers!!! Lol
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Second driver reading 221. Somethings up. Gonna change the AC side now.

*edit add..... Changed the AC plug side to thicker wire, no dice. Still reading 220 watts on the kill-o-watt.
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Second driver reading 221. Somethings up. Gonna change the AC side now.

*edit add..... Changed the AC plug side to thicker wire, no dice. Still reading 220 watts on the kill-o-watt.
Sounds like your drivers are pushing around 2.3 amps to the boards. I have heard that the B drivers don't test out as high above rated current as the A versions do.
Yea I know the A side can go past rated. It's just that I thought the 240 would at least hit 240. My 185-1400 x2 give me 200 watts My 320 gets 330 @ the wall.

It's cool tho, these will eventually be veg lights. Gonna do a few "cradle to the grave" runs under them tho before I upgrade them.
Hello peoples!

Thought I'd start a thread to see if it helps get some ideas tossed my way.
I purchased 8 Qb120's and 2 Hlg 240-2100 drivers. These will go in a 4'x4'x6' tent.
I need some rig frame ideas. I'd like a 2 frame system with 4 boards per. Don't have a lux meter at the moment or I would do as advised by humple and temprarily string them up in the tent and map out a design.
What I need suggestions,help or ideas with are-
What size/dimensions should the frames be?
What layout/s would you use.
Not knowing the footprint of the boards,how should theybe spaced?
How far should they be (frames) from the wall of the tent?(I THINK I read 6")

I have some 1x1x1/8" angle aluminum. Buddy gave me 32' feet of it cut into 4' pieces.
I've built a few cob rigs, so I'm not a total noob to diy.Just the qb's I'm new to. I've perused a many of qb threads believe me. Just couldn't find anyone with 8 boards in a 4'x4' to get ideas from,or brainstorm with if you will. I know I've asked this in afew QB threads,please forgive my persistence. Figuered I'd make my own thread as I only have this weekend as free time to complete thiese builds or I'll have to shelf them for a while.
Did you try googling it? Im curious about this myself... Im gonna go and check it out...
Did you try googling it? Im curious about this myself... Im gonna go and check it out...

What Good @Frank Nitty ? Thanks for stopping by. Yea I was a googlin goblin when I made this thread, the rigs for my veg soon to be new flower tent have been built already.

260 kit eh? I wonder about those new hlg96's. I'm liking the fancyness of @Or_Gro is doing some great mapping and testing on them.
Thanks for stopping in mayne.
I like it. I don't know how it would ultimately shake out against the 3x2x3 pattern, but I think I like this better anyway - that empty space in the middle is just begging for one of those GrowMau5 far red pucks, or some other flower-initiation lighting.
I was thinking that empty space would be a problem... I like that set up,but I would have put another 120 in there... That's just me though...
What Good @Frank Nitty ? Thanks for stopping by. Yea I was a googlin goblin when I made this thread, the rigs for my veg soon to be new flower tent have been built already.

260 kit eh? I wonder about those new hlg96's. I'm liking the fancyness of @Or_Gro is doing some great mapping and testing on them.
Thanks for stopping in mayne.
Not a problem bro!!! I was surfing and I saw that you had a thread and I had to swing through... Just so happens that I am looking for the same type of thing for my 4x4x7...
Budget? What's that? .....kidding. Seriously tho, it's only like 5 square ft. I'm open to all suggestions.
Well I'll toss in my pitch for spread/uniformity - if they can be found in stock, what about 9 double-row 1-foot F-series strips on an HLG-185-24A (or B), in three rows of three? Or 18 Bridgelux EB Gen 2 on an HLG-185H-20A (or B), in three rows of six?