Need advice.


Active Member
Hi, I am new member here, this is my first time planting marijuana I need some advice, 2 days ago my seed just Sprout and what should i do next ?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the site....check out some of the grows in the journals forum for lots of info...


Rebel From The North
step 1 put them in soil or a hydro system
step 2 put alight on them
step 3 veg them out
step 4 bud them out
step 5 cut them down and dry
step 6 smoke it and enjoy lol


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
Welcome to the site!
You can find great info just reading around everywhere, especially the grow journals! Vague questions will most likely be answered vaguely, while more specific questions will have much more detailed answers. I hope you enjoy growing, Good Luck!


Active Member
anyway I use semi Indoor, In the morning I move the plant in the outdoor then when night I put it into my warehouse. Is this method okey? Since I live in Tropical Island Bali.


Well-Known Member
anyway I use semi Indoor, In the morning I move the plant in the outdoor then when night I put it into my warehouse. Is this method okey? Since I live in Tropical Island Bali.
man i'm doing that semi indoor too,because my lady is already in the flowerin stage,and i have one lil plant sprouting 4 days ago and i don't wanna kill it.also i'm curious if that semi indoor will work.peace

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
when plants are older they dont like to move much. increases your chance of having a male but w/e you might end up with some bud


Active Member
man i'm doing that semi indoor too,because my lady is already in the flowerin stage,and i have one lil plant sprouting 4 days ago and i don't wanna kill it.also i'm curious if that semi indoor will work.peace
Yup, I am bit worried if this method will not work so I am planning to use electricity in my warehouse ..I hope she can grow and grow, Cheers!