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i'm trying to calibrate my Ph meter and i'm using the solutions that came with it and following the directions. for some reason i dip the probe in the 6.8 and level the meter to 6.8 with the screw driver. i then wipe the probe off and dip it in the 4.0 solution it reads at 4.2-4.3..not 4.0 like it should..and i can wipe it off and put it back in the 6.8 solution and it reads fine. do you have any idea why this may be? could i be doing something wrong?


Active Member
I need help!!!!!!!!! I need a magic dust/powder/nutrient/solution that makes my tomatoes flower instantly. I hate waiting!!! Ohhh Myyy Gaaawwdd


Well-Known Member
i'm trying to calibrate my Ph meter and i'm using the solutions that came with it and following the directions. for some reason i dip the probe in the 6.8 and level the meter to 6.8 with the screw driver. i then wipe the probe off and dip it in the 4.0 solution it reads at 4.2-4.3..not 4.0 like it should..and i can wipe it off and put it back in the 6.8 solution and it reads fine. do you have any idea why this may be? could i be doing something wrong?
If you are doing everything exactly right, then it may be that you have a defective product...Is there a warranty?



yea there is a 1 year warranty. the only thing i'm not doing is rinsing it with distilled water between dips only cause i didnt have any on hand, i rinsed it with bottled water instead. then i tried it without rinsing with the bottled water in case that was the problem. but i'm still drying the probe off to make sure no 6.8 goes into the 4.0 and messing with it..


also has anyone else's page setup changed on this site and now says vBulletin at the top left and no longer a "my rollitup" link at the top? the home page still looks the same but nothing else does


well i'm glad its not just mine but its stupid cause now idk how to get back to "my rollitup" and look at my subs without having to go back to the home page and all that crap..anyone got a better way? and sorry for this on your thread SLB but i think it will help others on this problem also.


Well-Known Member
well i'm glad its not just mine but its stupid cause now idk how to get back to "my rollitup" and look at my subs without having to go back to the home page and all that crap..anyone got a better way? and sorry for this on your thread SLB but i think it will help others on this problem also.
click "settings" upper right top of page


I'm very new growing, and I have a question about water ph. When I alter the ph of the water I'm giving my plants is it okay to use either vinegar or baking soda? I'm very unclear about using certain substances to alter water ph.


thank you riddleme! how often should a 2 gal res have the Ph be checked and balanced? like daily or multiple times a day? and what should the PPM be kept at? thanks in advanced
i waas wondering im a new grower and i started one soil and one hydro i kind of just jumped im head first.. my plants look great thanks to this wonderful site.. but there only three week old og kush strain.. can you help me understand what is the veg process and the flowering process and how they are different and what do i do to get there...


Well-Known Member
well i'm glad its not just mine but its stupid cause now idk how to get back to "my rollitup" and look at my subs without having to go back to the home page and all that crap..anyone got a better way? and sorry for this on your thread SLB but i think it will help others on this problem also.
No problem at all, We were all confused about it! haha


Well-Known Member
I'm very new growing, and I have a question about water ph. When I alter the ph of the water I'm giving my plants is it okay to use either vinegar or baking soda? I'm very unclear about using certain substances to alter water ph.
Yes, you can use a very small amount of Apple cider Vinegar or White Vinegar to help lower the pH of your water...but I would prefer to just use store-bought pH's a lot more stable



Well-Known Member
thank you riddleme! how often should a 2 gal res have the Ph be checked and balanced? like daily or multiple times a day? and what should the PPM be kept at? thanks in advanced
2 gals, really isn't much, I would check and balance it at least once a day...
And can't give you exact measurements for ppm, I don't know the stage & age of your plants...


Edit: And the EC conversion...


Well-Known Member
i waas wondering im a new grower and i started one soil and one hydro i kind of just jumped im head first.. my plants look great thanks to this wonderful site.. but there only three week old og kush strain.. can you help me understand what is the veg process and the flowering process and how they are different and what do i do to get there...
Ok, the vegetative stage, IMO, starts when the first set of "true" leaves form and it ends when the first signs of sex are shown under 12/12 lighting...A plant will remain in the vegetative stage until it is put under a flowering light cycle(12 hours on/12 hours off)
The flowering stage starts when the first signs of sex are shown under 12/12 lighting and continue on until harvest...



2 gals, really isn't much, I would check and balance it at least once a day...
And can't give you exact measurements for ppm, I don't know the stage & age of your plants...
i kno this kinda depends on strain and sativa or indica and what not but could you give me an idea on PPM for veg(after its a week old thru 3 weeks old), early flower, and mid-late flower.