Need help with cannabutter PLEASE !!


New Member
Hi!! I’m new here and could realllly use some help.
I used to always cook my cannabutter with the weed directly inside the (no water), and I had my first issue the other day but I was able to fix it!
I made a new batch last night with water, and the color isn’t that beautiful green that I’m used to. Instead, I got a light yellow with a green hint, and I’m afraid that the potency isn’t high.
I was wondering if I should try cooking the weed in the butter again?

I used
-50g of bud 15% thc
-1lb of butter
-about 8 cups of water

Got the butter warm and melted, turned down the heat to a low simmer & let it sit there for 4 hours stirring every like 15-20 min or so. Once the 4 hours were up my stove was still on but my mixture was not really warm to the touch I could say maybe even room temperature. Is this normal when simmering with water?
I’ve been in stress mode since last night trying to figure this out!
Please help ❤️ Thank you.
Hi!! I’m new here and could realllly use some help.
I used to always cook my cannabutter with the weed directly inside the (no water), and I had my first issue the other day but I was able to fix it!
I made a new batch last night with water, and the color isn’t that beautiful green that I’m used to. Instead, I got a light yellow with a green hint, and I’m afraid that the potency isn’t high.
I was wondering if I should try cooking the weed in the butter again?

I used
-50g of bud 15% thc
-1lb of butter
-about 8 cups of water

Got the butter warm and melted, turned down the heat to a low simmer & let it sit there for 4 hours stirring every like 15-20 min or so. Once the 4 hours were up my stove was still on but my mixture was not really warm to the touch I could say maybe even room temperature. Is this normal when simmering with water?
I’ve been in stress mode since last night trying to figure this out!
Please help ❤ Thank you.

It sounds like your stove got stoned and forgot to heat up to an actual persistent simmer. Is it an electric stove ?
You need a thermometer to check the temperature of the water/butter in the saucepan. Keeping it between 160-200 F is very important. I've got a $12 waterproof thermometer I use. Just take the pan off the burner (important step) and use your thermometer to get a reading. If you've properly decarbed the weed first, just give yourself a three hour window where you WILL NOT GET DISTRACTED... So you can check your temps constantly and stir the mixture. Don't get blazed either, just asking to get sidetracked. If you want the most potent product, stay with it the entire time and do it sober! Trust me... lol
I just made my first batch of butter in a decade. I used to simmer the butter, water, and weed together as well. This time I spent $25 on a candy thermometer, put the ground-up, decarbed flower into a Mason jar with the butter, closed the jar and completely submerged it in a hot water bath on the stove. 4.5 hours between 165-190F. I made a make shift lid for the pot out of aluminum foil. When the temp would get up to 190 I would remove the foil. When it would drop down to 165 I would replace it. I never touched the flame.I also clarified the butter. The finished product looks much better than what I made in college. Making brownies right now so we will see what happens. The color sounds like you still have regular butter. Maybe it never got hot enough. If you saved the flower just throw it back in and try again lol.