New CFL grow using Miracle-Gro African Violet Potting Mix in 6" pots


Well-Known Member
were they flowering when you tied them down or was that during veg?

I am thinking my short rider will need to be tied down soon. Looking excellent.. too bad i cant give rep :(

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
were they flowering when you tied them down or was that during veg?

I am thinking my short rider will need to be tied down soon. Looking excellent.. too bad i cant give rep :(
thats cool thanks, i dont want rep, i want buds!! LoL. yes, as soon as i saw it was a female, i got rid of the male which already had buds forming with lots of seeds. remember, i topped it at 8 days old at the 3rd node, it went into flowering at 15 days. i tried to tie it down at day 28, thats when i broke the first branch off which was also when she showed sex. i then tied down the other main branch at day 31. i tied the other branches down a few days later.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
its day 57 and 6 weeks of flowering. nb has come along real nice, i wish i would have gotten some clones, thinking about starting some new seeds and hope to get another female. there are plenty of nice buds forming now, i will have to start watching closer to see when she will be ready for harvest. she drinks about a gallon every 4 days of water and nutes. for flowering, i have been mixing 1/2 scoop of worm castings (N), 1 scoop of bat guano (P), almost a full scoop of jacks and the GH bloom. this has worked good so far watering twice a day.

the leaves around the buds are full of crystals and very sticky to the touch. the buds have white hairs all over them, they look so good. i cut a smaller bud off the bottom and dried it out under one of the exhaust vents on the box. i cut it up and smoked it in a wooden pipe and it really didnt have much taste to it, but it gave me a stoney high for about an hour or so, it was pretty good. today, i also took her out of the box and vacuumed all the fans, the floor, and the bulbs to get rid of all the dust. the temps are running at 82 during the day with the ac on and 79 at night with the lights off.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
well its day 58 and the bean is still looking good. got some new buds the other night that was pretty good, thinking about starting a few seeds now to get a head start on the next crop. i think i'll do the same, start a few and try to get a female and can the males. we'll see.



Well-Known Member
I feel ya, I'm itching to germinate my next auto flowers but I'm only a month into this grow so i have to wait a while. Your plant looks great.


Active Member
yeah man they are looking good i wish i had my WW on 12/12 but i wanna get it big then flower it and i'm budding the LR2*AK47 so it's cool ima put pic's up soon


Well-Known Member
just found your thread again man. Plants look NICE. they're gonna get huge!!!! you say they're about a month and a half into flowering?? they'll be massive. they still look young.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
thanks johnny, well, here we are at day 60, new bean is doing great and the buds are budding. shouldnt be much longer now as it has been 45 days of flowering. im thinking maybe 2 more weeks??? the last week i think i just water her with plain rain water to do my flush, cant wait.

