New clone technique ?


Well-Known Member
New clone technique ?

First off, I clone my own “Whorehound” plant crossed between Lemon Kush and NY Diesel… The plants I usually take clones from are my various clones that go through my system… The original plant has long been smoked... I clone from sexually mature plants...

I have started doing this and want to report great growth and luck… You might want to try it…

I take a clone, that has rooted 17-24 days old, depends on first growth…

I then cut the top off, and clone it …leaving behind a little clone with two or three nodes/little branches.

Now I have two clones, both grow perfect… The 20 day older clone, grows out two or three Colas, which I LST to give me good growth and looks and very bushy…

The younger clone roots, and takes off growing like crazy !

In another 20 days I can do it again if I want…

I like growing short SOG style plants with multiple colas… this method works great for me, and very easy…usually, I run too many clones… and just like playing in the grow room…

Out of all the fun parts of growing, I like playing and cloning clones best… I found out this new way when I had used UB’s method for 2-4 main colas on a plant… I just pushed up the time table, to ultra quick…

Good Luck…
Sounds like an interesting system :) I find that taking cuttings from the main stem, produces the easiest made clones. You can clone from any part of the plant. But a primary branch or main stem, lower on the plant, has the material most similar to the root structure. So, you can't cut to close, when taking a cutting ;) Here's a fun vid I just made on the subject ... [video=youtube;jzJdlsWjv4c][/video]


Well-Known Member
I say, what ever works for you use that method... I still clone the 'regular way' also from a branch... I just ran the math, so if I clone one plant my method, and re-do the cloning of its daughter and granddaughter etc... in one year, you could be on the 15th generation.... 12-15 harvested plants [depends on veg time] from just one clone in just one year ? Sweet.... and that's just cloning each plant one time...


Well-Known Member
when yu take use 45 degree cut do you like to do a light scrape above the cut before dipping in in cloning gel to promote faster roots?


Well-Known Member
This is how I do it… Others do it different…

However…when you find a way that gives you 100% Use it…

My Cloning Technique…

First Wash my hands with rubbing alcohol…

I then select a great little branch, between 2” and 6” [long], with at least two nodes to go under medium…

My Medium is: 50% MG Seedling Soil/20% Vermiculite/30% Perilite…Percentage may vary…

Cups-Dixie or equal I like the 12-16 oz kind, holes in bottom…

I cut branch off with a very sharp razor blade or equal…

I re-trim cut to a 45 degree just below the node to be under medium…between the two nodes to go under medium, I pull off growth, and shred it carefully…from one node to another…

If you use snips of any kind you may experience clone loss…If you loose one-two out of ten, and you use snips, that is why… Spring/Summer/Fall I loose zero %, even with one node under, and trying to clone an ugly stick, it still roots… This technique is idiot proof, cause at times… am an idiot…

I remove any extra leaves, and trim remaining leaves to fit the inside of a clear Dixie cup…

I take my medium, and use a fine spray bottle with water and Super Thrive and mist my medium [mist medium, not clone]…My medium stays moist for the first week…

I then take a wood skewer and make a hole in middle of my medium for clone cut, hole is just slightly larger than clone shaft…

I then mist/spray the soil mix a few times again…

My cuttings have been ‘soaking’ in a mixture of Water and Super thrive [Super Thrive has been proven to add to rapid root growth…and that’s about all]

I now take cutting and Dip it in my [active ingredient] Indole-3-Butyric Acid powder, covering up to where I plan on putting it under soil…[dry rooting powder]

The hole in soil is just larger than the cuttings to be put in soil…

The clone is then inserted into hole, and medium/soil is compressed against the inserted branch…and I continue to compress the medium around inside of Dixie cup as to not let there be any air bubbles between soil and Clone powder/clone gel…

Sometimes I do 3 or 4 at a time, I’ve done up to ten clones at a time…

The clone in soil is now watered again, with the water super thrive mix they were soaking in before insertion…

I now take a clear 10 oz plastic cup and notch bottom [you do not want air tight] and use it as a lid on top of my clone cup…

I now put them on my clone rack two inches from under Aquarium grow lights, with some 22 watt CFL’s 4-6” in front of them…

Day one- Mist soil 1-2 more times, some times clone droops, I use skewers and tooth picks to prop up…if it happens

Day two through seven- Mist two to three times the soil only, not the plant!

Clear dome stays on for one week/seven days only off for spraying soil…

Day Eight- they are put under brighter/higher wattage CFL’s and watered daily [twice if dry] with a nice water soluble fert at 25% strength…

Days 8-14 Water as needed…

Day 14-20 ready for trans plant…

Good Luck everyone, like I said, fool and idiot proof... cause well, at times I am....

Oh yea… cheap also…Ha!


Well-Known Member
when yu take use 45 degree cut do you like to do a light scrape above the cut before dipping in in cloning gel to promote faster roots?
Yes, and I pull of the growth gently between the nodes that are going under... I've done side by side clone test, one with growth pulled of easy between nodes, one did nothing between nodes, and one I scraped the shaft raw... The clone I just pulled the growth [which sometimes it comes off in a shred ... which seems fine]... Rooted fastest, however, all rooted fine, the one I pulled the little growth off grew roots first... Good Luck !


Well-Known Member
Sand4x105, how many nodes do you aim to have above the soil? I understand two below, but I've never been sure how much I ought to aim for above.


Well-Known Member
Sand4x105, how many nodes do you aim to have above the soil? I understand two below, but I've never been sure how much I ought to aim for above.
Every time I just shoot for two under, and two above... more than two above are fine, I like cloning a very short [overall] 5-6 node smallish branch, or top of small clone... Sometimes, I pinch the top of a plant [FIM] and then I top it for clone, and I call it "FIM from birth" it will then grow two to four colas.... very nice... The first time I cloned a clone at 17 days... I am like, well, this should be fun... and it worked, my first topped at 17 day clone is now grown into a very nice, normal three headed plant which will be going into bud next week... ... Good Luck!


Active Member
I say, what ever works for you use that method... I still clone the 'regular way' also from a branch... I just ran the math, so if I clone one plant my method, and re-do the cloning of its daughter and granddaughter etc... in one year, you could be on the 15th generation.... 12-15 harvested plants [depends on veg time] from just one clone in just one year ? Sweet.... and that's just cloning each plant one time...
I'm fairly new to successful cloning. Many years ago I was told by the guy who helped me set up my very 1st grow that it was not good to take clones from clones, that a mother should be grown from seed. Is that one of those urban myths started from ignorance? From what you've said [& other stuff I'm reading here on Riu] my friend was wrong.
Your knowledge on the subject would be most appreciated.


Well-Known Member
do you cut the tips of the leaves off to promote faster root growth???
Yes, I trim leaves to fit under the clear party cup that sits on top of the red dixie cup... and then, if leaf on clone drops too much, I gently cut it again... then 4-6 weeks later, I see the cut leaf, and it's growing with vigor...


Well-Known Member
the guy who helped me set up my very 1st grow that it was not good to take clones from clones, that a mother should be grown from seed. Is that one of those urban myths started from ignorance? ...
Your knowledge on the subject would be most appreciated.
Thanks man... Some, do think it is better to clone from a Mother... I see no degrading of my clone from clone, and seriously, I clone the fastest growing clones of clones, so My plants are growing faster, and faster.....
I had a mother plant... I cloned from it for a year... Then, I started to clone my clones of mother [grand daughter]... The clones grew just as fast, or faster... so I went with all clones of clones....
So, I clone a sexually ready plant, which pre hairs in Veg, and shows buds 7-8 days in the bud room.... cloning is my favorite part of growing... Good Luck!


Active Member
Thanks Sand4, well I'll definitely relax my clone from seeded mother only mode of operation. It'll make things so much easier.
I really sucked at cloning until I bought a heat mat & learnt to harden clones. It was a good lesson in perseverance & now achieve a 100% strike rate.