New growth on dead plant!!!


Well-Known Member
I haven't put it into flowering i have a spot to put it but its gonna be 2-3 weeks till i can get it there...The closet i have it in now isn't light tight if you wanna call it that it's got alot of light leeks....I took some pics today it fucking blew up over night i had to raise the lights cause they were basically touching the leaves...It grew 2 inches in height over night....I also went to the hydro store today...I picked up some bat shit...high in N and i watered last night but only a 3rd of what i watered cause i new i was gonna get nutes today...I mixed up a gallon of the shit and watered with 12oz...The guy at the hydro store said it wasen't worth the money to buy big grow now because i am gonna flower soon....


siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
that shit is lookin REAL i said with the way it was 'topped' it REALLY does look like 2 seperate plants potted real close to eachother, especially from the top...yeah its lookin good, i would wait til at least 12 inches to flower it...idunno they say 4 weeks of veg or something...if mine gets to a foot before that imma just wait it out to the end of that period...but yeah 9 inches would make the final between 18-27inches...and considering the 'topping' it would probably yield a good bit more than a normal plant of that its whatever, im waitin to see how it goes with the pheonix haha...keep it up! and tell me where u got that bat shit


Well-Known Member
that shit is lookin REAL i said with the way it was 'topped' it REALLY does look like 2 seperate plants potted real close to eachother, especially from the top...yeah its lookin good, i would wait til at least 12 inches to flower it...idunno they say 4 weeks of veg or something...if mine gets to a foot before that imma just wait it out to the end of that period...but yeah 9 inches would make the final between 18-27inches...and considering the 'topping' it would probably yield a good bit more than a normal plant of that its whatever, im waitin to see how it goes with the pheonix haha...keep it up! and tell me where u got that bat shit
Thanks man!!..I was gonna wait till it hit 12 inches before i put it into flowering and till i got some nutes in it to kinda give it some strength before it went 12/12....Yeah i really am thinking i'll get twice the harvest!!! HAHA...But the way it's growing i could put it into flowering in 2 days!! It really grew almost 2 inches in 24 hours...I was kinda itching to put some N in there but i watered yesterday but i only watered half what i should have cause i knew i was gonna get nutes today so i watered 12oz with the bat guano...U can really tell it has a N def...I got the bat guano at my local hydro store...I guess its not so local cause i have seen people talk about it on RIU...U can get their stuff off Ebay their called K-G Garden supply...I saw a thread where someone said that the owner is a ex-FBI but that is total bullshit...I have meet the owner several times (he's in there every time i go there) and he is in no way shape or form a ex-FBI....He's a cool guy and grows his own herb...He's got some awsome hydro tomato plants growing in the front window of his store....I'll post a pic of the bat shit tommorow...He said that it's just as good at Fox Farm Big Grow...


Well-Known Member
I really hope its female. God I hope its female. Lol. With as much care and attention youve given this thing it would be a huge blow if it turns out male. Ill keep my fingers crossed for you man.


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot i hope its a fem also (knocks on wood)...What do u think about clones when should i start cutting???


Well-Known Member
New pics....How longs does it take for a plant to turn around from a N def??? I started using bat guano yesterday high in N....Besides that i've never have seen a plant grow this quick...Today is the 4th day in a row that i had to move the lights up atleast an inch....What do you guys think?? Should i put into flowering now???



Well-Known Member
Again wouldn't let me put them all in...The inner growth is looking pretty cool and it's growing really fast...Not sure how to postion the leaves cause some of them are growing into each other and twisting....The last pic is of my newer setup..Still 2 23 watt 6500k on a Y socket 1 42 watt 2700k from the side vertical and another 23 watt 6500k on the other side but horizontal....What do u guys think about the lights i know everyone says more lights but what about the position and how bout the 2700k with the 3 6500k???



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah the stem is getting super thick and i put some soil up higher on the stem and i moved alittle away on acdient today and noticed that the stem near the top of the soil was growing roots also...I thought that was fucking cool...I guess that's what happens when you put 2 fans on it...It's gonna be real stable when it get even bigger!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok i just read what it is....I guess i basicly did that when the plant came back to life...I really don't wanna put my plant through any more unneeded stress....I will post pics of it in a little while...It seems like its stretching alittle but it could just be growing faster cause i started to add bat guano....

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
i wouldnt fim yet...but i dont know if it works never done it...well i broke the stalk...its in recovery...i think its gonna live, knock on wood, minus a couple of nodes...but second thought dont fim its gonna be good neway i think


Well-Known Member
I'm still thinking of a name for your new plant....Got a couple one is Silky Smooth and another is Randy Johnson like the pitcher!!.... I kinda wanted to use your name in them?!!