New growth on dead plant!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah but like i said i really don't wanna put anymore stress on my plant....Its already been through hell and back....


Well-Known Member
Another problems is one side seems like it's stretching...The one side that's bigger is pretty much as bushy as it was before and the other side that's taller really looks like it's streching...I use a level every time i move the lights...Not sure if anyones ever seen this but i need some advise....


Well-Known Member
Yeah i know that but it's my first plant and it's already died once i'm kinda nervous beacuse its a bag seed and i won't have any money till late december to buy good seeds....I've been using pot instead of my narcotic pain killers that are perscribed...I really wanna have good weed that isn't 50 a 1/8th that takes the pain away....


Well-Known Member
Man you will be fine. Always remember that its a weed. And cant you get your hands on some seed riddled shwagg? I can always get that stuff. Thats where I get my seeds.


Well-Known Member
Nah man i don't go looking for it in that part of town....This was a bag from my friends last grow...Lately i've been gettin NYC D, WW, And some great upstate NY outdoor....I really only smoke joints so i break that shit up good and always look for seeds never find ANY!!....I wish i could man...I'm gonna order some sort of Kush soon like less than a month...I also am gonna get a 150 watt HPS but still use CFL for side growth...I can never not grow with CFL again they have amazed me!!!


Well-Known Member
Lol "That part of town" Even my main guy knows people with seeds. Ah well man. On your next grow maybe you can try cloning. Perhaps Ill try cloning on my next grow as well.


Well-Known Member
Yeah well i hung out in that "part of town" for like 4 years at my buddies apartment and i saw someone get shot and die....SOOO i don't really go down there anymore...Again i live in Central New York the armpit of NY....The reason i'm growing this is so i can take clones for me and my friends so we don't have to pay 50 bucks a 1/8th...I started out just for my self to moke but then i wanted to help my friends out so they didn't have to pay 50 bucks a 1/8th.....Not sure where u live but here u cant just goto a spot or creep on a corner....

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
I'm still thinking of a name for your new plant....Got a couple one is Silky Smooth and another is Randy Johnson like the pitcher!!.... I kinda wanted to use your name in them?!!
first bout the 4 cola insteada 2 they are usually think about that...second hmm im likin the randy johnson kinda...gonna need to get a lot taller tho haha...cant go wrong with silky smooth...u guys know who silky johnson is? chappelle's character at the haters ball...hater of the year..."i hate you, i hate you, i dont even know you but i hate ya guts!"


Well-Known Member
Usually plants dont come back from the dead either lol. As far as we know this freak of a plant could be the exception to the rule.


Well-Known Member
id hate to rain on your parades but u cant call a bagseed a new name,or create a name,bc u need to do serious breedin before u can call it ur own.all it is is bagseed,not silky this and that

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
yep, if u dont know the name you can call it whatever u want...if you know the name you like sayin you cant call ur baby whatever u want, u gotta call him whitey, blacky, yellow-skin, red-skin, or retardy cuza what the look like...and if they come back from the dead, even more of a reason to give a new name


Well-Known Member
yep, if u dont know the name you can call it whatever u want...if you know the name you like sayin you cant call ur baby whatever u want, u gotta call him whitey, blacky, yellow-skin, red-skin, or retardy cuza what the look like...and if they come back from the dead, even more of a reason to give a new name


frankenstein bud


Well-Known Member
First pic is of the inner growth it's really liking the 42watt 2700k and the 23watt 6500k lights on the side...And the other 2 are of the tops of each plant the 1st one is of the taller side...Tell me what ya think of the plant over all...And how bout the bat guano...How much should i be using it everytime i water or should i use it every other watering...Im now having to water almost every 2 days....



Well-Known Member
Also in the first set of pics the 3rd pic can u see the yellowing on the edges?? What could that be from??? I figured a N def...But i have been using 10-2-1 bat guano shouldn't they be more green by now???