New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

RIU. Where the mods troll you.

but the insults are OK. :)

that should be the motto. i think most of us are smart enough to figure out when we are just busting balls. we all go o ver the top on occasion but we are okay with that. plus, apparently some of us are very productive/ and a few are even pretty smart
and some day when they legalize weed, maybe we could all get together and have a smoke out

i would win the smoke out, just like i win the politic section
that should be the motto. i think most of us are smart enough to figure out when we are just busting balls. we all go o ver the top on occasion but we are okay with that. plus, apparently some of us are very productive/ and a few are even pretty smart
I got a sunburn, its not too bad, but putting a roof on your house in the heat can be quite taxing. But of course I probably could have finished entirely if Only I hadn't spent that 20 minutes while eating lunch and making those 3 posts on RIU. Oh I also applied to a institution of higher learning to get my masters degree since I seem to have all this extra time on my hands. I'm a fool.
did i mention i banged my girlfriend 7 times in two days?

you realize by having to mention it it makes you look as if you never get it otherwise? it should pretty much go "without saying".

i don't need to insult anyone. you all make yourselves look the way you do without my help. :)
^ lol

Seriously, this is an example where government intervention helped the industry - not hurt it - and it lead to more choices, higher quality choices, and lesser fuel consumption... I really dont see the problem.

And I dont distrust the private sector, I just understand that there are such things as market failures... In the case of lightbulbs we were using an inferior product for over 100 years and the market failed to innovate... Energy is a huge economic issue and so government intervention not only helped to spur innovation, it also helped to alleviate some of those economic pressures via lower energy consumption. What is so bad about government intervention in this case? You can't get incandescents? Well, your single choice was replaced by at least a half dozen more - what the fuck is the problem? Dont like any of the superior products being presented? I think you're just being a slave to idealogy... Crying over a non-issue so that you can remain idealogically pure and without compromise...

Forcing people to buy a product that is much more expensive in the name of innovation, how is this American?
you realize by having to mention it it makes you look as if you never get it otherwise? it should pretty much go "without saying".

i don't need to insult anyone. you all make yourselves look the way you do without my help. :)

i was viagra assisted, but i gotter done!!

at my age, if i didnt mention it, my peers would beat me up!

plus the fact that she is way younger and hot.....i have applications in 4 newspapers for a front page story!

i am interviewing authors now.....

all bow to viagra, it truly is the fountain of fuck.....err i mean youth
Perhaps someone can point me in the right direction, but what I've found is that CFLs were invented by Ed Hammer of General Electric in 1976 and has been a huge success for them ever since. It's much more recent when government mandates pushed:

The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 calls for a transition to more energy efficient lighting starting January 1, 2012, when 100-watt incandescent bulbs will no longer be sold. Seventy-five-watt traditional bulbs are the next go in 2013. Sales of 40- and 60-watt bulbs become a thing of the past in 2014.
Am I missing something here?
i was viagra assisted, but i gotter done!!

at my age, if i didnt mention it, my peers would beat me up!

plus the fact that she is way younger and hot.....i have applications in 4 newspapers for a front page story!

i am interviewing authors now.....

all bow to viagra, it truly is the fountain of fuck.....err i mean youth

you have a broken dick.

now i'm really laughing.

Perhaps someone can point me in the right direction, but what I've found is that CFLs were invented by Ed Hammer of General Electric in 1976 and has been a huge success for them ever since. It's much more recent when government mandates pushed:

Am I missing something here?

nope. further research will show that they became common about 2 years before the bill made incandescent illegal.

we were already moving away. then some nitwit says do away with the bulbs.

it has accomplished nothing accept putting more mercury in our houses and businesses and enviroment. every single merc bulb is broken. it pollutes wherever it lands. read the advisory from maine. that doesnt sound like cleaning up a normal thing.
seriously read it very good. thats what the state of maine is telling you to do with it if it breaks

that sounds like an epa procedure.

and that doesnt even consider the effects on the poor.

at least we dont have inflation.....

but apparently that doesnt bother the lead paint crowd or the tree huggers. or the keynsians. they are good with everything
No, seriously. People really have NO CLUE what they want... How much do you know about lightbulbs, Jeff? On this site people generally know a bit about HIDs, CFLs, and LEDs but how many people do you know that know HID lamps and ballasts well? How about something your less likely to know a ton about - projector lamps? Again, jeff, I have tons of recent experience in the lightbulb industry... Could probably tell you damn near everything about damn near any lamp used for not just residential, but industrial and commercial lighting as well... Photography, etc etc... Halogen JC, JCD, MR16 lamps...

People really have no idea what all of this shit is... For every incandescent leaving the market people are gaining at least a half dozen choices. For example, for every 60 watt incandescent you wont be able to buy (lasting between 1000-2000 hours usually... there are some that last longer called Rough service lamps or you could use higher voltage lamps like 130v or 145v instead of 120v blah blah blah)... but anyway you'll be able to get a Warm white CFL, 5000k CFL, 6500k CFL (there are a few less common ones including "Full spectrum" lamps these days... all CFLs lasting between 8-10k hours and use 1/4 of the energy) or you could go with LED Warm white or daylight(which last 20k-50k hours depending on brand/model and use even less energy)... There's the Halogen 60w, which is actually brighter and is protected under the act as a specialty lamp... I could keep going but you get the picture...

The light bulb argument isn't about whether the cfl lightbulb is better, its whether the government should be making the choice for you. Cars are bad, would you car if they outlawed yours? Junkfood is bad, what if they outlawed that. Its about government overstepping their primary purpose. I would like to make my own choices and raise my own children.
The light bulb argument isn't about whether the cfl lightbulb is better, its whether the government should be making the choice for you. Cars are bad, would you car if they outlawed yours? Junkfood is bad, what if they outlawed that. Its about government overstepping their primary purpose. I would like to make my own choices and raise my own children.

its about energy and resource waste.. resources on earth are not finite...there's a certain amount of resources (one being coal) in the earth, no matter how good we get at extracting resources like coal. if you took the earth and broke it up into piles of it's constituent components, there would be X amount of coal. the amount we can use will always be kX where k< time to think on every level how to save this planet for our childrens children...
Yeah, I agree with LF and others that in this specific case - serving the national interest with regards to energy - is more important. If people were already moving away from incandescents as you say, Jeff, than all government intervention did was accelerate the process. I agree that government should let the markets decide in most cases but this specific case is essentially the poster child for when it is good for government to intervene.

I mean, Government isn't always good, but neither are the markets and in this case government was able to manipulate the market in a way that serves the national interest considering our heavy dependance on foreign oil can cause some serious damage to our entire economy(gas goes up, domestic aggregate demand goes down - jobs are killed... less dependance on gas means a lesser negative effect on domestic demand which then in turn reduces the job killing effects of high crude oil prices). This already happened with gas prices recently, the increased gas prices(reaching $4 per gallon) took our already weak growth to a screeching halt earlier this year.
its about energy and resource waste.. resources on earth are not finite...there's a certain amount of resources (one being coal) in the earth, no matter how good we get at extracting resources like coal. if you took the earth and broke it up into piles of it's constituent components, there would be X amount of coal. the amount we can use will always be kX where k< time to think on every level how to save this planet for our childrens children...

so switching to floro is saving the planet? making poison bulbs mandatory is somehow going to save our planet for the children?

i think we should shut down starbucks and ben and jerry's ice cream.

that would save the planet because all you fucking loons wouldnt have a place to sit around and figure out ways to "fix" everything for us.

do you think that there is less demand for coal because of your wonderful govt banning bulbs? really?

seriously, you people are nuts. absolutely bonkers.
Yeah, I agree with LF and others that in this specific case - serving the national interest with regards to energy - is more important. If people were already moving away from incandescents as you say, Jeff, than all government intervention did was accelerate the process. I agree that government should let the markets decide in most cases but this specific case is essentially the poster child for when it is good for government to intervene.

I mean, Government isn't always good, but neither are the markets and in this case government was able to manipulate the market in a way that serves the national interest considering our heavy dependance on foreign oil can cause some serious damage to our entire economy(gas goes up, domestic aggregate demand goes down - jobs are killed... less dependance on gas means a lesser negative effect on domestic demand which then in turn reduces the job killing effects of high crude oil prices). This already happened with gas prices recently, the increased gas prices(reaching $4 per gallon) took our already weak growth to a screeching halt earlier this year.

of course you agree with your fellow loon LF. nobody surprised there.

cracks me up how much better you think the world is cuz the light bulb got banned.

reduced job killing effects? really? the only remaining bulb factory in the US was shut down. guess we wont have to worry about them laying off folks.

decreased demand for electricity? really? so we shouldnt have had brown outs last week when it was really hot right?

your thinking is so narrow minded its scary. your preachers have you so wrapped around the axle about stupid bullshit like light bulbs, you actually think what you are doing is good.

ban this, ban that, its bad for you, its bad for the children, it killed a baby seal, the lizards are struggling, spotted owls cant get enough to eat.....look at me, look at me, i am saving the world.

i will bet its so bad for many of you, that when you are driving your little death trap down the highway and see me in my f250 deisel, you have rage in your heart.

youre nuts dude.
so switching to floro is saving the planet? making poison bulbs mandatory is somehow going to save our planet for the children?

i think we should shut down starbucks and ben and jerry's ice cream.

that would save the planet because all you fucking loons wouldn't have a place to sit around and figure out ways to "fix" everything for us.

do you think that there is less demand for coal because of your wonderful govt banning bulbs? really?

seriously, you people are nuts. absolutely bonkers.
Dude you can't be this stupid to keep missing a point...ok one more time...IT TAKES MORE ENERGY AND RESOURCES TO RUN THE WORLD ON INCANDESCENT BULBS THEN FLORO'S....and in fact you put more mercury in the world by burning coal to make incandescent bulbs work when you flip that switch in your home ... you can't argue this..its fact read this whole page I linked...If you still hate floro come back and tell me why, but read the fact street first
of course you agree with your fellow loon LF. nobody surprised there.

cracks me up how much better you think the world is cuz the light bulb got banned.

reduced job killing effects? really? the only remaining bulb factory in the US was shut down. guess we wont have to worry about them laying off folks.

decreased demand for electricity? really? so we shouldnt have had brown outs last week when it was really hot right?

your thinking is so narrow minded its scary. your preachers have you so wrapped around the axle about stupid bullshit like light bulbs, you actually think what you are doing is good.

ban this, ban that, its bad for you, its bad for the children, it killed a baby seal, the lizards are struggling, spotted owls cant get enough to eat.....look at me, look at me, i am saving the world.

i will bet its so bad for many of you, that when you are driving your little death trap down the highway and see me in my f250 deisel, you have rage in your heart.

youre nuts dude.
are you not doing this when you bitch about Hg...we saving resources
HOLD ON A SECOND HERE!!! Tobacco kills 100,000 times more people per year than Global climate change does. Why haven't we banned Tobacco yet?