New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

well, that would explain the styx video :razz:

not that i mind, that is a good tune which i am listening to as i type this out.

some people like to argue about whether soil or hydro is better, some people like to debate the merits of anal sex, some people like to argue politics, religion, and science.

are you the grand arbiter of who gets to argue over what? or which discussion is worthy and which is not?

everyone has their own interests. some people like to post threads about blowing glass, others like to post threads about political figures worthy of mockery.

it is what it is. live and let live.

i don't really argue much here.

i do laugh a lot though.

i am allowed to laugh aren't i?

Anyone burning sodium lamps to grow and gives anyone else crap about global warming is a hypocrite....just saying.

hmmmmm (10 char)

A sodium vapor lamp is a gas discharge lamp that uses sodium in an excited state to produce light. There are two varieties of such lamps: low pressure and high pressure. Because sodium vapor lamps cause less light pollution than mercury-vapor lamps, many cities that have large astronomical observatories employ them.
Are you powering your 400-1000watt lights using solar panels on your house or does it come from the power company? Wasn't talking about the lights themselves. Doubling/tripling/pr quadrupling your power bill is not "green".
This picture looks like a good start to me. :)
The questions is NOT - IS GLOBAL WARMING REAL? (It is scientifically real)

The Question is: are these CON-ARTIST politicians trying to scam us?

and the answer is yes my friends, carbon taxes do not help the earth, they do not help the people, they help the big corporations. Its all a big scam(politically).

Are you powering your 400-1000watt lights using solar panels on your house or does it come from the power company? Wasn't talking about the lights themselves. Doubling/tripling/pr quadrupling your power bill is not "green".

So therefore your statement about "anyone" using those lamps being a hypocrite is obviously false.
intelligent design is not scientifically testable.

"Intelligent Design has been shown repeatedly to be wrong." this was in the article you quoted. It seems like a weird statement by someone who is reaching to prove a point that cant be proven.

plants can and do use CO2 outdoors. but that is not really the point.

If plants grow bigger in the presence of more CO2 (proven) and put off more oxygen when they get bigger, wouldnt that mitigate any effects of man made global warming? Considering it is what .02 percent of the atmosphere?
True, all the ones with solar panels or wind turbines on their rooftops are not hypocrites.

You have to admit though that indoor growing is highly "ungreen". 100's of kwh for a lb of weed. Greenies should only buy outdoor.
When was intelligent design proved wrong? Shit i missed that

Also why do we add CO2 to our grow rooms for our plants to use, but if we add CO2 outdoors plants cant use it?

that and anyother question you may have has already been answered many times in many different places

What the science says...

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More Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is not necessarily good for plants.
An argument, made by those who deny man made Global Warming, is that the Carbon Dioxide that is being released by the burning of fossil fuels is actually good for the environment. Their argument is based on the logic that, if plants need CO2 for their growth, then more of it should be better. We should expect our crops to become more abundant and our flowers to grow taller and bloom brighter.
However, this "more is better" philosophy is not the way things work in the real world. There is an older, wiser saying that goes, "Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing." For example, if a doctor tells you to take one pill of a certain medicine, taking four is not likely to heal you four times faster or make you four times better. It's more likely to make you sick.
It is possible to help increase the growth of some plants with extra CO2, under controlled conditions, inside of greenhouses. It is based on this that 'skeptics' make their claims. However, such claims are simplistic. They fail to take into account that once you increase one substance that plants need, you automatically increase their requirements for other substances. It also fails to take into account that a warmer earth will have an increase in deserts and other arid lands which would reduce the are available for crops.
Plants cannot live on CO2 alone. They get their bulk from more solid substances like water and organic matter. This organic matter comes from decomposing plants and animals or from man made fertilizers. It is a simple task to increase water and fertilizer and protect against insects in an enclosed greenhouse but what about doing it in the open air, throughout the entire Earth?
What would be the effects of an increase of CO2 on agriculture and plant growth in general? The following points make it clear.
1. CO2 enhanced plants will need extra water both to maintain their larger growth as well as to compensate for greater moisture evaporation as the heat increases. Where will it come from? Rainwater is not sufficient for current agriculture and the aquifers they rely on are running dry throughout the Earth (1, 2).
On the other hand, as predicted by Global Warming, we are receiving intense storms with increased rain throughout of the world. One would think that this should be good for agriculture. Unfortunately, when rain falls down very quickly, it does not have time to soak into the ground. Instead, it builds up above the soil then starts flowing to the lowest level. It then quickly floods into creeks, then rivers, and finally out into the ocean carrying off large amounts of soil and fertilizer.
2. Unlike Nature, our way of agriculture does not self fertilize by recycling all dead plants, animals and their waste. Instead we have to be constantly producing artificial fertilizers from natural gas which will eventually start running out. By increasing the need for such fertilizer you will shorten the supply of natural gas creating competition between the heating of our homes and the growing of our food. This will drive the prices of both up.
3. Too high a concentration of CO2 causes a reduction of photosynthesis in certain of plants. There is also evidence from the past of major damage to a wide variety of plants species from a sudden rise in CO2 (See illustrations below). Higher concentrations of CO2 also reduce the nutritional quality of some staples, such as wheat.
4. The worse problem, by far, is that increasing CO2 will increase temperatures throughout the Earth. This will make deserts and other types of dry land grow. While deserts increase in size, other eco-zones, whether tropical, forest or grassland will try to migrate towards the poles. However, soil conditions will not necessarily favor their growth even at optimum temperatures.
5. When plants do benefit from increased Carbon Dioxide, it is only in enclosed areas, strictly isolated from insects. However, when the growth of Soybeans is boosted out in the open, it creates major changes in its chemistry that makes it more vulnerable to insects, as the illustration below shows.

Figure 1: Plant defenses go down as carbon dioxide levels go up, the researchers found. Soybeans grown at elevated CO2 levels attract many more adult Japanese beetles than plants grown at current atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Science Daily; March 25, 2008. (Credit: Photo courtesy of Evan Delucia)

Figure 2: More than 55 million years ago, the Earth experienced a rapid jump in global Carbon Dioxide levels that raised temperatures across the planet. Now, researchers studying plants from that time have found that the rising temperatures may have boosted the foraging of insects. As modern temperatures continue to rise, the researchers believe the planet could see increasing crop damage and forest devastation. Science Daily; Feb. 15, 2008.

Figure 3: Global Warming reduces plant productivity. As Carbon Dioxide increases, vegetation in Northern Latitudes also increases. However, this does not compensate for decreases of vegetation in Southern Latitudes. The overall amount of vegetation worldwide declines
In conclusion, it would be reckless to keep adding CO2 to the atmosphere. Assuming there are any positive impacts on agriculture in the short term, they will be overwhelmed by the negative impacts of climate change.

It will simply increase the size of deserts and decrease the amount of arable land. It will also increase the requirements for water and soil fertility as well as plant damage from insects.
Increasing CO2 levels would only be beneficial inside of highly controlled, enclosed spaces like greenhouses.
Rebuttal written by villabolo. Last updated on 14 July 2011.
The questions is NOT - IS GLOBAL WARMING REAL? (It is scientifically real)

The Question is: are these CON-ARTIST politicians trying to scam us?

and the answer is yes my friends, carbon taxes do not help the earth, they do not help the people, they help the big corporations. Its all a big scam(politically).

It doesn't have to be a conspiracy, simple facts:

1. taxes will not stop global warming.
2. People work for money. (even politicians and legislators)

these taxes would only benefit the wealthy, carbon taxes will help them corner the market even more, If by some miracle they hire people to install and maintain actual improvements they will be paid like shit, but hey at least a few guys are getting paid I guess? Instead of the everyone getting paid in a free market. What purpose do carbon taxes serve? You could Ask ol G-Dubb about that one, ask him how his bill helped big corporations get more money while polluting more.
Bad politics can and should be separated from the actual science.
The evidence is that we are warming very fast, on the order of decades rather than centuries and that we are dumping vast amounts of a known GHG into our atmosphere. The evidence is all around as we lose tons of glacial ice at staggering rates.

and the evidence that we warmed and cooled very fast in the past. pretty much how the dinosaurs went extinct. happened real quick like, almost over night.

but hey, you dont like evidence anyway which is why you think you can stop global warming.
nope, just laughing at the same dozen people arguing the same dick measuring contest for the past how many years?

none of you ever prove anything other then you all cry and insult each other when people don't agree with you. don't you all ever get tired? sooooooooo redundant. :sleep:

it would be cool if anything ever came from any of this, but it doesn't.

i just don't get the point. do you really need the satisfaction of "being right"? how much "time" do you spend on being right? seems like you all could be doing better things.

at least my posts offer something for others. i have no reason to prove anything. i come here to help. ;)

if only we were as smart as you.....
what if we convert more rapidly to sustainable, renewable, non-polluting energies? what is the harm?

it is the smart, cost-effective thing to do anyway. why impede progress towards this improvement with your holier-than-science, anti-intellectual attitude?

the harm? you are putting the cart before the horse. that is the harm.

the way to find the new "sustainable energy" isnt to choke off the only energy we can currently use.

its to exploit the energy to get smarter, faster, more efficient.

we didnt stop logging in order to find kerosene.

we didnt smash all the tv tubes in order to invent the transistor.

we didnt kill all the horses to invent the car.

we didnt outlaw carburators in order to invent fuel injection.

and we damn sure cant cut off energy by driving prices so high nobody but the elite can afford it in order to invent the next renewable energy.

not unless you think rolling blackouts are a step in the right direction.

your way of thinking only cuts down our ability to fuel the future. it certainly doesnt enhance it.

its more expensive to mine copper, coal, plutonium, steel, oil etc. that doesnt help anyone who is working on inventing the next best thing. it only makes it more difficult to find long term solutions.

it might make you feel better, but it doesnt help.

and if you are an indoor can go fuck yourself. you have no right to tell anyone to cut down on power...that is unless yourrunning your grow with a windmill. and we know your not.

we did however, smash all the incandescent bulbs so we can now use the poison ones with all the mercury in it. and that is just a stupid idea. almost bordering on ethanol.....real fucking stupid. but i am glad it made you libs feel better for a couple years.
Bad politics can and should be separated from the actual science.

why? it never stopped the ethanol crowd. even though the science said 1. it takes a gallon and a half of gasoline to produce a gallon of ethanol. 2 if we burn our food, people will starve and riot because of shortages of corn and other crops

it didnt stop the save the polar bear crowd. more polar bears now than 100 years ago. so many that they are becoming a real danger in many communities of the north.

it didnt stop the spotted owl crowd who shut down our national logging operations. now almost all our lumber comes from canada or eastern bloc countries.

lefties always put politics ahead of science and its bitten us in the ass more times than i care to mention.

you clowns are always emotional over factual. every single time.