New NASA Data Blows Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

Steven Hawking said in an interview with Larry King that if we dont expand our species to another planet within 300 years(I'm sure he just means soon... these predictions are almost always off IMO) that it could mean the end of our species and life on the planet as a whole.

Could that have anything to do with us destroying the planet? IDK... But when you have Hawking predicting the end of life on Earth it makes you think...
mmm, no, I think you will see a billion more people die than are born in the next 100 years. Think of all the people that are going to starve once QE3 starts?
No, inflation of commodities and energy will starve people to death. When you make $2 a year and a loaf of bread costs $100 you can bet you aren't eating much.
Steven Hawking said in an interview with Larry King that if we dont expand our species to another planet within 300 years(I'm sure he just means soon... these predictions are almost always off IMO) that it could mean the end of our species and life on the planet as a whole.

Could that have anything to do with us destroying the planet? IDK... But when you have Hawking predicting the end of life on Earth it makes you think...

It's possible he is also stating this based on an "all eggs in one basket" kind of philosophy. There are many ways that earth could be destroyed or lose it's atmosphere. If we had 33% of humans on earth, and the rest spread to other planets, the survival our species wouldn't be in so much danger.
No, inflation of commodities and energy will starve people to death. When you make $2 a year and a loaf of bread costs $100 you can bet you aren't eating much.

my wife just bought some gluten-free bread at the farmer's market that you said would cease to exist last year :dunce:
Giant Factories billowing out smoke did not evolve from the natural world, nor did tail pipes

ah, they most certainly did. they are called guisers, volcanoes, forest fires, pure acid waterways in several places.

this isnt a namby pamby world and you cant polute it anywhere near as fast as it can polute itself
No, inflation of commodities and energy will starve people to death. When you make $2 a year and a loaf of bread costs $100 you can bet you aren't eating much.

i do believe you will find the uprisings in the muslim world were started by food shortages

at least it was a contributing factor
Was that about the same time that you said that the unemployment rate would be down to around 1% by June 2011?

if you can find where i said that and quote it, i will send you a free pound :shock:

i said from very early on that this would be a lost decade. the jobs we lost ain't coming back. time to find some new ones.
if you can find where i said that and quote it, i will send you a free pound :shock:

i said from very early on that this would be a lost decade. the jobs we lost ain't coming back. time to find some new ones.
I will quote you just as soon as you quote me saying bread would no longer exist.
I will quote you just as soon as you quote me saying bread would no longer exist.

i never said that you made the claim that bread would no longer exist.

you often insinuate that it will cost $100 for a loaf (:lol:), and you did claim back in the thread about the food safety and modernization act that farmer's markets would cease to exist and that this was the 'first step towards complete corporate takeover of the food supply'.

other people claimed my backyard garden would be illegal. you might have been one of them.

in any case, you guys don't get to be alarmists (falsely) while accusing us of being alarmists for talking about the possible effects of accelerated climate change spurred in some part by the activities of man.

this whole thread is based on the study of a man who takes money form exxonmobil and endorses intelligent design. you guys need to up your evidence.
you often insinuate that it will cost $100 for a loaf (:lol:), and you did claim back in the thread about the food safety and modernization act that farmer's markets would cease to exist and that this was the 'first step towards complete corporate takeover of the food supply'.


no, the first steo to corporate take over of the food supply was done in the public schools. unless you are one of the monster companies like cisco, or monsanto, your products aint getting in. trust me, i work at a school. if you dont believe, go to your old high school and ask to see their food storage freezer, and the canned goods room.

prepare to be alarmed, very alarmed. your children are eating processed shit food. and in some cases are forbidden to bring in lunches from home.

but i assume you wont take my advice and you will just type from your computer telling us how full of shit i am.
no, the first steo to corporate take over of the food supply was done in the public schools. unless you are one of the monster companies like cisco, or monsanto, your products aint getting in. trust me, i work at a school. if you dont believe, go to your old high school and ask to see their food storage freezer, and the canned goods room.

prepare to be alarmed, very alarmed. your children are eating processed shit food. and in some cases are forbidden to bring in lunches from home.

but i assume you wont take my advice and you will just type from your computer telling us how full of shit i am.

no doubt they have been eating processed shit food.

but the number of schools prohibiting lunches from home are low. exceedingly low.

i could say more, but i just found out that bowling from 8-10pm is $8 including shoe rental and unlimited bowling. so i am headed out.

as a man wiser than myself once said: fuck it dude, let's go bowling.
in any case, you guys don't get to be alarmists (falsely) while accusing us of being alarmists for talking about the possible effects of accelerated climate change spurred in some part by the activities of man.

this whole thread is based on the study of a man who takes money form exxonmobil and endorses intelligent design. you guys need to up your evidence.

You can talk about it all you want, have meetings, vote for leaders and crown them with Eco-Loon Grand Poobah hats, just don't expect any of us to believe it and/or help you dessimate our economy and way of life over the MMGW fraud. Carry on and go buy a hybrid death mobile, flourescent bulbs and move into a teepee for all I care, I'll wave as I drive by in my Tahoe full of a lifetime supply of incandescent bulbs on the way to my overly air conditioned home.

And even if he takes money from Exxon and endorses intelligent design, that doesn't mean he's wrong. And so far the only "peers" I've heard denouncing his data is one liberal twat, who most likely gets HER MONEY from those who want this fraud advanced. That bullshit dismissal works both ways. We'll see how this one plays out, but my money is on MMGW being just as much bullshit as the last hundred impending Eco disasters.

Recycling is a perfect litmus, that's all I need to know about you. If you actually recycle, you're a hopeless loon.
You can talk about it all you want, have meetings, vote for leaders and crown them with Eco-Loon Grand Poobah hats, just don't expect any of us to believe it and/or help you dessimate our economy and way of life over the MMGW fraud. Carry on and go buy a hybrid death mobile, flourescent bulbs and move into a teepee for all I care, I'll wave as I drive by in my Tahoe full of a lifetime supply of incandescent bulbs on the way to my overly air conditioned home.

And even if he takes money from Exxon and endorses intelligent design, that doesn't mean he's wrong. And so far the only "peers" I've heard denouncing his data is one liberal twat, who most likely gets HER MONEY from those who want this fraud advanced. That bullshit dismissal works both ways. We'll see how this one plays out, but my money is on MMGW being just as much bullshit as the last hundred impending Eco disasters.

Recycling is a perfect litmus, that's all I need to know about you. If you actually recycle, you're a hopeless loon.

It's not just that he gets money from Exxon. He works for a firm that is hired by Exxon as political lobbyists. He has extreme bias.

Also, while global warming may as well be not as significant as painted to be, it in no way would mean that it is okay to continue to harm our ecosystem as we are. Whether our current industry is greatly affected the earth now, it absolutely will in the future. As I've said, we only have one earth and we need to treat it like our lives depend on it, because our lives do.