Is it large ? Did it say why it failed. ?
Don't remember the error message if there was one. What I do remember a gray line ended up in my reply box instead of a video or the dreaded red X.

It could have been too large, it was 3 photos stitched together running one after the other with crappy music Imgur added.

Made it into large thumbnail, I'll give it a go. Its my first indoor grow in 2018....24 days into 12/12

okay, small thumbnail I'll try next:

First time trying to post a video on a message board, its probably my noobness, Sunni. I can not delete that shite music Imgur adds!!!!

Prayer Pupil, 2018 first grow, day 24 of 12/12.......pulled it day 59....2 plants, 6.5 dry zees

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spell check is your browser, so i need more info regarding that "spell check doesnt work" doesnt give me a lick of info

This is the only site it happens on so I figured it had something to do with here. Not a big deal as I tend to proof read everything before posting and am a very good speller. Things like whole paragraphs underlined red and words that are obviously misspelled not underlined keep happening. But only here.

Like I say, no biggy and thanks for responding.

For me, it often indicates every word in the sentence is misspelled.
This is the only site it happens on so I figured it had something to do with here. Not a big deal as I tend to proof read everything before posting and am a very good speller. Things like whole paragraphs underlined red and words that are obviously misspelled not underlined keep happening. But only here.

Like I say, no biggy and thanks for responding.

but still more info? ..browser? pc? mac? iphone?
but still more info? ..browser? pc? mac? iphone?

Until a week ago I was using a Win7 desktop with FireFox but switched back to Win10 now with FF and it's persisted.

I haven't accessed the site on my phone actually as I hate using it for stuff like that. I text like a Boomer! labrat.gif

keep this to bug reporting only plerase no chatter. too hard for me to help with issues