New to Colorado but not to growing


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, I am planning a move to Colorado to take advantage of cheap abundant land and much more lenient marijuana laws than Illinois where I currently live. I have a few years experience growing, and I take pride in the work that I do. I have a Master Grower certificate from CTU, so I have qualifications, limited as they are. I have grown a few strains and plan on trying to breed them into something better, while using cloning and perpetual grow in DWC so each of my grows would be better or the same as the last (I would do that by replacing all inferior stock with a new seed within the same genotype). I would have to live in Colorado for 3 months to be considered a resident, however after that 3 month time period I would like to become a caretaker. I see the requirements

To become a caregiver, you must:
  • Be 18 or older.
  • Be a Colorado resident.
  • Not be the patient’s physician.
  • Not have a primary caregiver of your own.
  • Submit a Caregiver Acknowledgment form with the patient's application or change form.
And the only thing that I am missing is the residency. I was wondering what the best way to advertise myself to get clients, and how I could best stay legal

or alternatively

how I could get a job in marijuana growing
It is hard to find a job in the industry. You first need to get badged which means you need a clean background. Once you do that you'd probably have to start off at the bottom at minimum wage trimming or bud tending.

As for becoming a caregiver. The regs surrounding that are changing soon so you might wanna wait till then. I'm not sure how you would "advertise" yourself, craig's list or facebook would be a good start I guess. However your gonna need the FIRE to make any real money I think, shit is cheap and widely available out here. You will be competing with 400+ dispensaries, in the Denver area at least, and hundreds more private caregivers and blackmarket sellers.
I found a site that advertises land for 700 or so an acre, I was going to start with one acre and go from their, I will have absolute fire, you can check my grow thread to see that I do know how to grow pretty well, I don't want to end up just relying on the black market, but that's what I've been used to in Illinois. I have several people from Illinois that want to "contract" with me, basically me providing Illinois with black market product, I am really hoping I can find a way to do this legally, thanks for the input so far!
700 an acre is gonna get you some shitty land in a shitty location - MILES away from civilization. Also, that land is not gonna have electricity, water, sewage...nothing. The law regarding water out here is stupid retarded. Just because you own the land does not mean you own the water on it or under it. They restrict water usage in regard to home use, agricultural use, etc. Do your homework before you drop the hammer.
Currently there is no legal way to get weed from inside Colorado to outside of Colorado.
Good luck.
Where do I find more about the water laws you were talking? I have a water filter system, I was planning to go super off grid for this, then next year say March or so, I will have already been in co for well over 3 months and have a crop harvested to restock on my needs. What about selling to a dispensary? I'm sure there are tons of people out there trying to, or actually doing just that. How easy would it be to get my product tested?
There is no such thing as cheap abundant land that is inhabitable. Unless you want a greenhouse with a shack next to it and no utilities. Then the zoning board will come along and tell you that you cant live in the shack.

Your chances of being able to sell to clients is extremely limited. Just about everyone here already has a connect that grows fire too. Not saying its not possible, just saying it isn't easy. You need to get out and meet people, after your first harvest. Most people aren't going to connect with craigslist sellers. Until you harvest it isn't going to do any good because any potential patients would want to sample your product before signing over their plants. Without anything to sample you are just one of the other 1000 people that has moved here that believes they can make a living growing weed. 99% of them are wrong. If you want to grow weed here and make a living doing it you better bring your A game. What passes as fire back east is closer to mids here in CO. Your competition has been doing this for years and have access to premium genetics. Meanwhile unless you meet someone you will be limited to seeds or dispensary clones.

If you want to put in the work anything is possible, so don't think I'm trying to tell you not to pursue your dream. However, understand that things will not be easy, at all.
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What do I do about the zoning board? I have several Colorado patients who will be having me as their caretaker, one in particular mentioned that she was able to have 47 plants and so when she signed them to me I would have 53 total. Does that work? I'm sure she will explain more later. I'm mainly concerned about the zoning issues, I've been thinking of them for a while. You have to have your foundation and stuff, I'm planning on something a little more than a shack, not much but just enough to last me through winter. I also have alternate accommodations so the "house" would not primarily be for living
Hello everyone, I am planning a move to Colorado to take advantage of cheap abundant land and much more lenient marijuana laws than Illinois where I currently live. I have a few years experience growing, and I take pride in the work that I do. I have a Master Grower certificate from CTU, so I have qualifications, limited as they are. I have grown a few strains and plan on trying to breed them into something better, while using cloning and perpetual grow in DWC so each of my grows would be better or the same as the last (I would do that by replacing all inferior stock with a new seed within the same genotype). I would have to live in Colorado for 3 months to be considered a resident, however after that 3 month time period I would like to become a caretaker. I see the requirements

To become a caregiver, you must:
  • Be 18 or older.
  • Be a Colorado resident.
  • Not be the patient’s physician.
  • Not have a primary caregiver of your own.
  • Submit a Caregiver Acknowledgment form with the patient's application or change form.
And the only thing that I am missing is the residency. I was wondering what the best way to advertise myself to get clients, and how I could best stay legal

or alternatively

how I could get a job in marijuana growing

First off you need to invest in a heated greenhouse with lighting and a black out section.
You also can find smokers just walk on down the streets or strap on a pair of ski's(or snow board)
I've got lights, it seems as soon as I announce I'm going to do this he'll or high water, suddenly everyone has extra supplies that they are freely giving me! I love their generosity. I'm going to make a green house next year, this year hopefully the plywood and insulation will stay warm enough with the lights on and I will have to put a heater in with lights out. I'm checkin out several types of alternate energy, solar and wind generators seem to be combined I'm seeing 400w wind + 200 w solar panels. If I get 3 sets would that be enough to run everything and keep it warm? I think so but of course I'm nothing but optimisim right now! Thanks for the input it gives me something to think about especially since I am 1000 miles away, I have to make sure those ducks are in a row before I even get in a car to go out there!
I've just been informed that as soon as I get my card I will have a job. Its a bitch job, trimming and being a "gofer" for them but after a few months the lady will sign her grow to me. How long does it take to get the card and what forms should I be looking up online?
I've just been informed that as soon as I get my card I will have a job. Its a bitch job, trimming and being a "gofer" for them but after a few months the lady will sign her grow to me. How long does it take to get the card and what forms should I be looking up online?
To work in a legal shop you need a support badge. The application can be found here: 8525e Support Appl 02202015.pdf

To get a med card the information can be found here:

You need a colorado id for either of these.

To be her caregiver, she just needs to designate you as her caregiver. She can do so by submitting this form:

With that you would also submit this form:
Sweet I was having trouble finding the forms thanks a whole bunch!!
No problem. For future reference the Mmed is who control Rec and dispensary licenses. Cdphe controls issues the med cards to patients. Between those two you can find anything you want to know. Even if locals give you information verify it there for official guidelines and procedures. I believe someone mentioned that our caregiver system is being overhauled so in six months all of this may change but those sites will have up to date info.
Buy an old silver mine in the mountains and build it out, lol.

Also yea man, until a few days ago, I might have suggested you should head to Cali, they are far less regulated. But that is changing as well.

Chase your dream but I think you need to do a bit more research. It's not as simple as getting a shack in the middle of nowhere and having some patients that have inexplicably high plant counts(that the state doesn't even recognize) to break into the cannabusiness in Co.

To make it small time, you'll need lots of hustle and that bond money put away for when you get popped. To make it big time, you'll need like $5mil and and a license holder and shit, unless you wanna wait 2 years. And only 40% of the money can come from investors, competition is crazy and they have their own interest groups and lobbyists, etc, etc, etc.....
Well I just bought an acre in the middle of nowhere. My purpose in growing weed is not production or money, it is genetic enhancements. Obviously cycling thru phenos like I plan will get me production however, in order to produce a good product I will have to go thru a lot of bad or lower qual stuff, which I already have a plan in mind. I hope that I can meet people in colorado and maybe help out with trimming so I can get to know what's up in the industry. I'm not planning on being breaking bad or something lol I've got the stuff going in the right direction, and hopefully I can meet the right kind of people