New Year's Resolutions Pertaining to Politics.


Well-Known Member
They don't have the history cotton plantation slavery and the society it created like we do in the US. That southern plantation society is still part of the US culture. Very authoritarian and reactionary against change.

Also, Canada's smaller population spread across a similar land mass helps hide the nut jobs.

So, it's completely possible that Canada has a lesser and different problem to deal with compared to the US's when it comes to the propaganda blared out 7/24 across many sources, including social media.

For one thing, there is willingness in Canada to see guns regulated and you'd have pry their socialized healthcare system from their cold dead fingers. Canada is already farther left than the US is. A staunch Canadian conservative would be kicked out of the Republican Party for being a communist.
I think there is a fundamental flaw with a system that places individual free speech above truth.


Well-Known Member
If an actual Cold War didn't kill Democracy, internal bickering isn't gonna do anything.

Stop being so easily "brainwashed" by your own, or the opposite Party. You don't have to fight like hell to keep your country; hell, our military doesn't even have to.

Best advice for 2022: Don't trip, moneygrip.


Well-Known Member
If an actual Cold War didn't kill Democracy, internal bickering isn't gonna do anything.

Stop being so easily "brainwashed" by your own, or the opposite Party. You don't have to fight like hell to keep your country; hell, our military doesn't even have to.

Best advice for 2022: Don't trip, moneygrip.
We do need to fight like hell to take back our society from the party of rape, pillage and lies. As long as the Big Lie keeps appearing in our media, we have an existential struggle on our hands. So take your sly “both sides” message, adorned with a straw man about the military, somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
I view it as a remote possibility, if things go off the rails down south. As for the commonwealth, that would mean nothing, the UK will be in no position to help, but it would be the end of NATO. However if the worst would happen, it would have a pernicious effect on democratic institutions world wide, including Canada. We don't need to be invaded, just subjected to enough bullshit coming across the border and shoved down our throats. There ain't much we or other countries can do about YouTube and American based social media, regulating it and hate media in America is essential for their survival and the health of other democracies. Democracies depend on an informed electorate, not on a misinformed one, or one where the population is whipped into a frenzy causing it to go tribal and turn on minorities.
when i moved to Colorado i immediately gained 20+ IQ..this is what we're up against.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I think nationalistic pride is foolish so if I appeared boastful, it was unintentional.
So no “sunny ways”?
If an actual Cold War didn't kill Democracy, internal bickering isn't gonna do anything.

Stop being so easily "brainwashed" by your own, or the opposite Party. You don't have to fight like hell to keep your country; hell, our military doesn't even have to.

Best advice for 2022: Don't trip, moneygrip.
A nation of internal bickering has never caused any serious consequence? :o! I hope your right but most looking in from the outside typically do not share your optimism :(.


Well-Known Member
I think there is a fundamental flaw with a system that places individual free speech above truth.
When we were growing up, any radio, TV station, or even newspaper that disseminated disinformation in the midst of a deadly pandemic that killed thousands, would be shut down. For that matter, any broadcaster who aligned themselves with a political party like Foxnews does, would be shut down, the airwaves are public property, not propaganda platforms for owners with political agendas. A house divided cannot stand and these people profit from the division they create by well known methods of psychological manipulation, they are in effect conducting psychological warfare on the population and country. It is not a genuine difference in policy or points of view, just crude manipulation for profit by reifying socially destructive narratives. It doesn't help that their disinformation mirrors the Russian propaganda narrative that they often amplify, sometimes it's hard to know where the original material was written, in America or Russia.


Well-Known Member
I’m guessing/hoping that 200 years from now, we will be living in the inner solar system but not on a planet or even moon. Earth will be slowly cleaned up and returned to a wild condition, as befits its major “purpose” which is to evolve the next sapience. We will need to take our wild humans with us, probably against their will. Planets are cradles. Adults live in deep space. Why they are so very quiet worries me.
Oceans are the point of my largest concern. We could see a major die-off in oceans (seeing it happening already) before we are ready to live out there. It could end us. .
We aren't ready to spend our lives in space. We don't know enough about ourselves and don't know what we don't know. Maybe two hundred years we'll be ready
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