Well-Known Member
I'm digging the thorough build, subbed.
next what i did was measure the room exactly to fit the reflector dead center, so what i did was cut a 2by4 about 3 feet long and center it in the room, since the beams that run across arent dead center of the room. ull see what i mean. also i just had to hang the reflector to see it hanging and man! it was such an awesome site this thing is a giant!!!
You may want to consider mounting a piece of o s b on the ceiling. I usually paint it white. What it will allow you to do is screw hooks etc. into the o s b and not worry about hitting a stud. It can make life real easy.
whats osb? can u break it down? thanks yes everything is painted white ill post some more update pics
Awsome! It looks like you guys are off to a great start! 1000 watt HPS...nice...6x6x8...nice.... Besides the obvious parts you still need I'd think about mounting a window A/C unit on the back for further badassery.
with an ocho hood and a cann 8HO fan you won't need AC