*newb* monster build, pics, lets do this!

Max Fan's are cheaper, same brand and more CFM. the 8HO's are last years model.

P.S. I mostly agree with your post... assuming his venting is proper and the air intake isn't hot, humid nasty stuff :-)

I have never seen Max Fan's but I will start looking into them..

"that is sooo last year." :shock:

yeah definitely, venting and the air source has to be equal to the fan, 737 cfm of 98 degree air aint a beni.. lol

I know a guy that made a room w/ cardboard stapled to strapping and sealed with panda plastice. He tryed to pull the air out with a 10"HO and not enough venting and it pulled the wall down on themselves.. the shit looked like a syfy flic, imploading and shit..

where the updates????

^ What he said!

Something I would like to point out is that you've lost some height with the OCHO XXXL and the 2x4 and the BADASS rope ractchets. I recommend you remove the (metal clip things - I'm drawing a blank to what they are called) from the ratchets and connect them straight to the hood and the hook on the 2x4. If it's a closed hook, switch it out with an open one.
already ahead of you water cooled :P:P, i removed almost everything extra so its pure rope straight to the hood i saved a total of 6 inches sorry for the slow updates, i also purchased a 400watt lumatek ballast, reflector and MH set up just to grow out my new babies im trying to get a few mothers just to clone i have jack here babies i will post the link in this thread. :P i will post updates also tonight sorry fellas.
ok fellas here are some pics of the room being painted with some fine white flat paint.


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we r paying attention to detail so to make it super air tight we put down a solid piece of that plastic flooring i forget the name and glue all over the floor one solid piece, and also trimming thats gunna b painted an glued to keep air from leaking.


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here is a small return can it will bring in the fresh air from within the garage, also the whole garage is being insulated to keep the heat and cold out and keep the run at an ideal temperature range because the grow will get its fresh air from within the garage. the grill will be cut into the wall of the growroom on the inside i will post more detailed pics later. thanks all :P the grill will have pleated filters to keep all bugs an any dust out of the room, the room will only receive nice fresh clean cool air.


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now for a finally shot let me know what you guys think of the set up thanks!.....:twisted:


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yeap i planned to have them kinda long so when i drop the light, but when i run it ima just straighten them out when they are high.
ok here r some updated pics of my return fresh air filtered grill, its a 10x10 can it has an 8 inch hole on the back side and i added a aluminum box on the back side pointed down and under the growroom this way only fresh air can be sucked in, i have a pleated filter to keep bugs or any kinda dust out. it was an added feature we felt would help promote nice growth "fresh clean air"


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this box here is on the outside of the growroom, its attached to the return can thats inside with the grill and filter, same one i just posted in the above reply, and is air tight. It points straight down and under the growroom, where its nice and fresh and cool, u can see it go under in the second pic.


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