Newbi 20 day old bags seeds 400 watter


Well-Known Member
how tall were urs before flowering and how many plants r u flowering? how long did u veggi?

I would like to see some pictures of urs.


Active Member
these two are by themselves..had problems with them ever since the get go..figured id grow them for the hell of it..
vegged for 1 1/2 months..15inchs before bubbleponics/the other soil. had problem after problem with these,ph,etc....its like they diddnt like anything i did to them.and i lollipopped one after trying to take clones from it.that diddnt, and shes topped..Notice the giant Y..and the part that is to close to the light one day.but ya i went to take pics the other day..turned the over-head light on for better pics..stoned..
and left that light on..(damn it) hope it dont fuck them up even more..since they are on 12/12...extra 4 hours of light...?
whatever if it does..theres more..ha
here they both are uptodate..oh and a link on water cloning... where near as nice as yours bro..



Well-Known Member
those look good bro. im haveing a lil problem with a few of mines got some yellowing and spoting. went to go transplant to bigger pots and notice i dont have enough soil for 3 gallon pot for all 7 plants so the transplant is gonna have to wait till this weekend.

hey lazy didnt know u grow soil. got a question for ya how often do u flush? my plants r over a month old and i havent flush them yet and my soil is time release.


Active Member
shit your krazy man..those are the worst i
and i think they are both males..idk...maybe a pic would help...its only been like maybe 5 days or so...
be honest with ya..i dont flush inless theres a problem..i dont really know if i should..i mean..i grow outside mostly..and u never have to inless theres a problem..i cant see why you would wanna flush..that might be a question for someone with more exper..that sucks not having enough soil..and i prolly should have transplanted the one in soil in the big to a 3 gallon before flowering..but with all the problems i had with it..i choose not too..and i checked on them kinda thinkin it may be a male..ill try and take some more pics often due to something with the the spots are nutes/hotspots...or thats what i go by anyways...have ya did anything to cause either of them to yellow n spot?? and i use time released soil as moister control/mixture with heavy perlite/gravel
hell i use the same thing in my bubbleponics system..just more perlite/gravel and even less soil..they say you shouldnt do that..but who are they to make the rules.......and ive had nice whats your 12/12 loooking like??


Well-Known Member
i had to flush my plants. they had a lil yellowing problem after feeding them big bloom FF nutes.the only good new i got so far is how big they r. Before i place them in 12 they were 8-10 inches after only 5 or 6 days of flowering they r 14-16 inches damn near a half of foot of grow in 6 dayz. Im only flowering 7 of my 10 plants and 3 of those 7 r starting to show sex:wall: looking like males:cuss:im seeing some tiny tiny lil balls on the top of 3 of the 7 plants but they r so so little i cant hardy tell. haven seen any hairs on any of the plants. i was hopeing to have 5 females out of the 7 plants.would be mess up if all were males i try not to think that way :neutral: think im gonna wait till they sex to transplant them dont wanna waste any more time/money on males


Well-Known Member
Sup guys & gurls after about 8-9 days of flowering my 7 tallest plants 6 of them have showed their sex i have 4 males and 2 females and the other 1 i think is a female.I also have 3 other plants that r the same age as the rest just let them veggie longer plan on moveing them into the flower room today after i cut down the males which is painful. I hate to cut any of my plants down:cry:But anyways
picture 1&2 r the 4 males
picture 3&4 r the 3 females
picture 5 r the 3 in veggie
picture 6 tent with my 3 females



Well-Known Member
is it ok to take cutting from the females 8 days in flowering for clones? & i plan on cloneing with water&superthive so how long do u have to feed the clones?


Well-Known Member
sup yall no replys to my Q............. any ways i just cut down all my males and tranplanted my females in 3 gallon bags.
2 of my females look like they had root bound i cut some of the roots at the bottom so the roots can spread out in the new 3 gallon bag. on my females their bottom leafs r yellowing and most of the leafs r droopy. i know it isnt over watering.

i still would like to know if i can take clones from these females after about 10 days flowering i was planing on doing it today till i saw they were in shock from root bound.

So is a good idea to wait till they recover from shock to take clones? cuase i wannna take clones before they start buding


Well-Known Member
you should be ok taking clones at 10 days into flower, it might take them a little longer to root, but it will still work. I would suggest not taking clippings while the plant is stressed too much, you don't want to stress it more and make it hermie. If you do take clippings, I wouldn't take many...


Well-Known Member
yes! thank u for replying bro. my biggest female is stressing but not to bad it's bottom leafs r yellowing and some of the other leafs r droopy


Well-Known Member
i only want like 2 clones from each female only have 2-3 females still got a unknown sex plant in my tent


Well-Known Member
i have 1 other problem might be best to show u rather then try to explan it. ill try both ill have picture later tho. i had 3 other plants that i veggi longer but r the same age as my bigger ones. today i look in the veggi box and saw 1 of the 3 plants was droopy i mean every leaf was reaching for the ground is that root bound? this just happen in the last 18 hours i havent water them in the last 2 days


Well-Known Member
lol MJ plants r crazy lol. so the plant i was talking about the 1 that was droopy the only thing that was standin up was the stem no joke i transplanted it in a bigger pot like 20-30 mins ago and feed GB&BB fox farm nutes and toss it in the flowering room was gonna trash it 30min later all its leafs that were droopy now they all r reaching for the light problem fix in 30 mins thats crazy


Well-Known Member
it may be, but I only have experience with rootbound plants from friends, and on here, none of mine have been rootbound(I don't think) This is my first indoor grow, I usually grow outdoors, no pots, didn't have to worry about it. The clone I have flowering now is to test how big a plant I can do in less than a gallon pot. So far its ok, its not even 3 weeks in into flower and taller than my other plant was before I topped it. Hopefully someone else will post that has had experience with rootbound plants...


Well-Known Member
ya but only u and lazy reply in my thread every 1 eles just looks and move on. would be nice to get other replys not that u and lazy help me enough

wanna thank u and lazy for all the help/input u two have gave me

think im gonna wait 1 more day to take clones give them a chance to get use to their new pots


Well-Known Member
blow my mind how quick this plant recoved 1 sec all its leafs r touching the ground/soil then 20-30 min later all the leafs r reaching for the sky


Active Member
hey hey..I havent been around in a few days..had internet problems..and now i have the net.and my computer is going, but sounds like youve had some problems of your own..ya them bitches can be testy sometimes.and its krazy how fast they reacted..agreed with soilder,growing much easier..
so sounds like prolly rootbound to me..kinda like when plants at the greenhouses are wilted looking..its not from the not being taken care of..just roots need room to them.take them home and plant them and the next day they have life again...
and as far as clones go..ya you can take clones in flowering..idk about how late.but i know you can while they are still young.
and my clones.haha..i choose to just say the hell with it and flower those the times my clones grew roots...,my plants showed sex and where both therefore...the clones were males..Had to toss everything sad...
anyways..hope all is well with the ladys..and idk what to tell you why so many people just read and dont reply..
i started a thread "Lazy & His Meangreen" as well..had like one reply to 30 vistors..ya whatever tho..
peace out.


Well-Known Member
glad ur back bro thx for the input i took a few clones today and toss them in water/superthive under a 40watt fl tube guess we'll see how well i do trying to clone for the frist time


Well-Known Member
im total noob at this would love mine to look like that

im on the same boat as u bro (total newbi) im happy that my 1st grow is turning out great with help from this site and FC & lazy to keep me on the good path

welcome any input/tips to help me out thx all for watching