Newbie looking for guidance!

What kind?
probably talking about expansive environmental moderation and statistical logging equipment, PAR meters and Tissue culture lab testing/ meristem cell preservation/modification techniques . Some of the logging and monitoring setups cost hundreds of thousands, and the Tissue culture labs normally require biology major level of knowledge that most newbies can't afford obviously.
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probably talking about expansive environmental moderation and statistical logging equipment, PAR meters and Tissue culture lab testing and meristem cell(like stem cell) preservation/modification techniques . Some of the logging and monitoring setups cost hundreds of thousands, and the Tissue culture labs normally require biology major level of knowledge that most newbies can't afford.
I just want the tech that adjusts the EC and pH of your rez lol. I almost feel bad for the guys who buy all that shit you listed and then go bankrupt in legal states.
I just want the tech that adjusts the EC and pH of your rez lol. I almost feel bad for the guys who buy all that shit you listed and then go bankrupt in legal states.
its a terrifying, anxiety inducing industry these days for sure. The funny thing about it all, is even with the hundreds of thousands of equipment, i still saw first hand a company i won't mention pulling and hanging plants covered in white pistils that looked to have three weeks left. Sacrilege.
its a terrifying, anxiety inducing industry these days for sure. The funny thing about it all, is even with the hundreds of thousands of equipment, i still saw first hand a company i won't mention pulling and hanging plants covered in white pistils that looked to have three weeks left. Sacrilege.
heres an example off the top of my head. Go to 4:40 in this vid and watch them pull a branch for trimming. It has even more than three weeks. What i saw wasn't quite this bad, but it still pissed me off lol. What's even worse, is i had to consult for the company i mentioned, so had to do fabrication work there for weeks and saw 10's of kilos harvested early.
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What kind?
I'm referring to it doesn't have to be like
probably talking about expansive environmental moderation and statistical logging equipment, PAR meters and Tissue culture lab testing/ meristem cell preservation/modification techniques . Some of the logging and monitoring setups cost hundreds of thousands, and the Tissue culture labs normally require biology major level of knowledge that most newbies can't afford obviously.
That's what I'm talking about don't need to go full blown marijuana scientist organic chemistry mode
heres an example off the top of my head. Go to 4:40 in this vid and watch them pull a branch for trimming. It has even more than three weeks. What i saw wasn't quite this bad, but it still pissed me off lol. What's even worse, is i had to consult for the company i was talking about, so had to do fabrication work there for weeks and saw kilos harvested early.
"This is the first cannabis plant I've ever trimmed"

We know, friend :lol:
Yeah that's it kiss. keep it super simple. Like most often less is more the plant don't need hourly attention and don't try growing stuff like you see in high times all special laboratory equipment top of the line assortments
Special lab equipment? The most tech I think I have is trolmaster or my ro system…….maybe I’m not doing it right. Plus why would you not want to shoot for the best end product? It’s easily attainable in a home grow with a bit of thought.
You don't need either of those books. You'd be better off learning basic Botany and plant science than using some decades old cannabis books that are full of non-science based stuff. You don't need a book on cannabis to grow healthy cannabis plants. Cannabis is just a plant and functions and grows like other plants. Learn basic plant science and you learn how to grow any plant.
You don't need either of those books. You'd be better off learning basic Botany and plant science than using some decades old cannabis books that are full of non-science based stuff. You don't need a book on cannabis to grow healthy cannabis plants. Cannabis is just a plant and functions and grows like other plants. Learn basic plant science and you learn how to grow any plant.
Any books or videos you can recommend?

"How Plants Work" is an excellent book for anyone that is just starting out gardening. It's science based.

Linda Chalker-Scott
Associate Professor and Extension Specialist

Educational Background
  • Ph.D., Horticulture (minors in Biochemistry & Botany), Oregon State University (OSU)
  • M.S., Marine Biology, OSU
  • B.S., General Biology, OSU
"How Plants Work" is an excellent book for anyone that is just starting out gardening. It's science based.

Linda Chalker-Scott
Associate Professor and Extension Specialist

Educational Background
  • Ph.D., Horticulture (minors in Biochemistry & Botany), Oregon State University (OSU)
  • M.S., Marine Biology, OSU
  • B.S., General Biology, OSU
Hello all! Im brand new to growing and am currently reading up on some Jorge Cervantes and Ed Rosenthal to get a grasp of the basics. There is so much information out on the internet, but im not sure what is credible and what isnt. Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated!
Jorge and Ed are not the ones to follow anymore.. Jorge was good back in the 80s when prohibition was raging.. Now that prohibition is closing down and more places are legalizing, a lot more viable sources have came out with a lot better information that fits our times rather then growing in the 80s..
Jorge and Ed are not the ones to follow anymore.. Jorge was good back in the 80s when prohibition was raging.. Now that prohibition is closing down and more places are legalizing, a lot more viable sources have came out with a lot better information that fits our times rather then growing in the 80s..
Ed's grow bible doesn't hold up to the test of time?
Jorge and Ed are not the ones to follow anymore.. Jorge was good back in the 80s when prohibition was raging.. Now that prohibition is closing down and more places are legalizing, a lot more viable sources have came out with a lot better information that fits our times rather then growing in the 80s..
I see, and that makes sense why people are referring more to horticultural gardening sciences
Ed's grow bible doesn't hold up to the test of time?
Im sorry but no, there are just too many advances that have happened from when that book was written until now.. Ed and Jorge was good when there was very little information out there but now that there are mounds and mounds of information out there we are learning better ways of doing things then we did before.