temp is 85.1
humidity is 43%
ph is 5.7 in each tank
and the ec reading was 2.2
i will just check on the feeding program and change it as and when it needs it, at the moment its 1 x 15m feed per day which looks adequate.
thanks lads for all your info, its been a real help
im going to sit back now and relax for 4 weeks and let them do what they do...
ill post a few pics up weekly and if i get any problems i know where to come
thanks again
humidity is 43%
ph is 5.7 in each tank
and the ec reading was 2.2
i will just check on the feeding program and change it as and when it needs it, at the moment its 1 x 15m feed per day which looks adequate.
thanks lads for all your info, its been a real help
im going to sit back now and relax for 4 weeks and let them do what they do...
ill post a few pics up weekly and if i get any problems i know where to come