Ya 9lb is a great strain. Very resistant. I crossed my 9lb with a purple punch. Made for some heavenly smokeThis probably doesn't help what so ever. But I got a 9lb hammer cross outdoors doing beautiful so far. Blackberry kush x 9lb hammer x deluxe sugarcane. Most vigorous out of what I'm running atm. But still early
I'm growing a few 9lb hammer outside right now. They've been vegging fine so far. We had a heat wave but they had no issues.Has anyone here grown 9 LB Hammer outside? How did it go?
Is it good hiding it behind corn like does anyone expect it etc?2 months old now, 1 month in the dirt. One girl had some stunting and yellowing issues after transplant, the other took right off. Shorty has greened up and ought to start taking off. Tall girl going to be topped today, need to keep her below the corn.
Ahhh okay I always wondering probably gonna try to find some place way deep in the woods like way back mile deep in the woods on a highwayCorn helps conceal the plants. This corn is bi color Ambrosia. It only gets about 6 to 6.5 feet tall, so something like Silver King or Queen that gets to 8 feet is better for concealment, but I like the Ambrosia better for eating. I also grow sunflowers at the end of the rows. Next to the corn are tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, cantaloupe and watermelon. So, the weed fits in pretty well. Lots of camouflage. However, come fall, when the corn goes brown, the bright green weed does stand out a bit!