**Nirvana's Feminized White Widow CFL Grow**

How much will my yield be from BOTH plants?

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some real nice plants man. I'm glad ur doin the grow thread because i have nirvana ww fem. seeds on the way.

thanks. =) yeaa i was the same way when i was waiting for my ww seeds.. there was this 1 thread i would check daily.. just to see what my plants would eventually look like. =) good luck with your seeds man. :bigjoint:

Mmm. Looks delicious man! So how many total watts does this bring you to? Just using cfls correct? Will be looking forward to packing up my morning bowl and checking out your pictures when I get up tomorrow

thanks. it smells delicious too. lol. imm. not sure on the total watts actually. i can tell you tomorrow morning when the lights are on and i take her out. i think its close to 280?? i got a few 40 watters in there adn then some 32 watters too. I'll do a count tomorrow to find the exact amount.

and alllllrighty. ill have the pics ready for ya!:bigjoint:
Np brother.

I'm in the green zone right now :leaf: and am pretty happy to be apart of the thread. It's gorgeous.
Heyy guys. My fault the pics arent up yet. I felt like shit last night and didnt get any sleep soo i slept in a little bit. Up now pullin that bitch outta my closet for her photoshoot. =) Sooo (SICC) new pics will be posted up real soon guys!
uploading pics to photobucket now.. =D soo i did good. i still put the pics up before noon! =D well hopefully. lol. i got 11 minutes!!
Allllrighty Guys.. Sorry it took me so long to post up the pics.. like i said. only got 3 hrs of sleep last night.. soo i tried to nap this morning, but only could for a couple hours...

Anywayz.. as most of you know... i get a lil pic happy.. soo be prepared. theres probly 25 or 26 pics. lol. Mostly Bud Shots.. alot of them are the Siamese Bud too.. cuz it just looks soo fucking amazing!!

PS. A couple people asked me how many lights I had, and how many watts. well, i did a quick count.. and there are... 10 lights... and a total of 310 watts. theres 9 CFL's.. and I have 1 floro tube thats 20 watts.

KK. Now.. on to the pictures..... =) Enjoyyyy!:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Strain : White Widow
Day : 56 - Day 35 of Flower

























Jesus Dude! That's so beautiful! So think, So bushy! Don't stop what you're doing see how massive of a harvest you can get she's gonna Double in size I hope. Send me a seed if you find any! Lol. I'm serious =)
hell yea man nice and bushy

yesss she is!! probably the ONLY time i enjoy something being very bushy.. ;-):lol: actually.. not probably.. definitely! lol :lol:

Lookin great! and i bet its smelling better and better everyday

thanks! and yeaa. well honestly.. it doesnt have much of a smell.. when i open my closet.. i dont smell anything.. just get a blast of hit humid air (if i havent opened the closet for a while) But when I touch those crystals man.... the smell in unbelievable!! I friggen LOVE the smell!! Fruity Pebbles and Skunk.. lol. thats wat it smells like 2 me! =)
Jesus Dude! That's so beautiful! So think, So bushy! Don't stop what you're doing see how massive of a harvest you can get she's gonna Double in size I hope. Send me a seed if you find any! Lol. I'm serious =)

lol. Thanks. =) Its nice hearing people compliment it.. what do ya mean shes so "Think"? lol. i was tryna think of what you meant to type.. but i couldnt figure it out? :lol:

Yeaa i was thinkin about that.. shes already filling out really nicely.. and its week 5 of flowering.. soo i have anywhere from 3-5 weeks left.. i was planning on about 9.. but where shes been growing so much so quick.... im wondering if she will be done by week 8? that would be nice!! but anywayz.. wat im think is if she has 3 weeks to go... shes gonna be HUGE by then!! cuz 3 weeks ago.. she only had lil white hairs here and there.. not much tho.. and in 3 weeks... she looks like this!! soo if theres been this much growth in 3 weeks.... i can only imagin what another 3 weeks is gonna do to her!!!

BRIGHT orange hairs are starting to show up everywhere.. which is a good sign shes starting to mature! =D cant fuckin wait to harvest her!! Im Sooooooooooooo excited to see how massive that Siamese Bud turns out to be.. i was looking at it today.. and the top part thats starting to fill out is about as thick as thick as like 3 bic lighters already... soo i cant begin to imagine how fat that buds gonna be!!

And yea man.. if i find any seeds.. (im kinda hopin not too tho. =/) ill send you a nice lil birthday card.. ;-)
Yum Yum give me some! ! Both of our plants should be done around the same time, we'll have to meet up and match! Actually you two weeks ahead of me!They look great, nice and green! Did you spill a bag of sugar on your plant or what! LOL Nice job!
Yum Yum give me some! ! Both of our plants should be done around the same time, we'll have to meet up and match! Actually you two weeks ahead of me!They look great, nice and green! Did you spill a bag of sugar on your plant or what! LOL Nice job!

lol. yeaa. i remember we were both startin around teh same time at 1st.. but we both had problems.. lol. Your plant is comin along nice too. that screen filled up really nicely!! Yeaa she is pretty green. =) and Naaaa..i didnt spill sugar on it. lol. it was salt. :-P:lol: yeaaa riiiite. that would be fuckin GROSS!! lol

Thanks 4 the compliments. =D
Allllrighty Guys.. Sorry it took me so long to post up the pics.. like i said. only got 3 hrs of sleep last night.. soo i tried to nap this morning, but only could for a couple hours...

Anywayz.. as most of you know... i get a lil pic happy.. soo be prepared. theres probly 25 or 26 pics. lol. Mostly Bud Shots.. alot of them are the Siamese Bud too.. cuz it just looks soo fucking amazing!!

PS. A couple people asked me how many lights I had, and how many watts. well, i did a quick count.. and there are... 10 lights... and a total of 310 watts. theres 9 CFL's.. and I have 1 floro tube thats 20 watts.

KK. Now.. on to the pictures..... =) Enjoyyyy!:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Strain : White Widow
Day : 56 - Day 35 of Flower


























Lookin great man, you've come along way since the last time i followed your grow, keep up the good work +REP
lol. Thanks SICC.. and yeaaa. I have come a long way. I gotta thank you for that tho. Like I tell alotta peple here who ask me questions all the time.. I always tell them I'll try to help them as much as I can.. Cuz when I 1st started growing.. I need a lot of help.. and there was one person that stuck by my WHOLE grow from start to finish and helped answer my million and one questions... lol. and that was you SICC. Soo now I'm tryna do the same thing you did.. and help out people as much as I can.. cuz I know exactly how it was before.

But I wanted to ask you... (here I go with more questions.. lol) have you ever seen one of those "Siamese" Buds before?? 2 buds growing on 1 stem/in 1 budsite? wasn't sure if its somewhat common.. and I just never heard of it. or if I got something kinda special??
hey chb how do link to your grows in you sig like that? I don't want it to have the link I want to just label them and than habe it link directly to them like yours..thanks man

Nice pics btw
just go to where you add your signature.. and add this

[COLOR=#009600 ! important][COLOR=#009600 ! important]http[/COLOR][/COLOR]://url you wish to add"]Text you want to be clickable[/url]

just post your link where it sais http.. etc.
**Make sure that the link is in the quotes.. and then just type whatever you want to show up where is sais text you want to be clickable. then just preview it to make sure it worked. heres a link to a site that has stuff on it.


**Also.. if you want it to be in color like mine too.. after you preview it.. and it is the words you want to be clickable.. just highlight the words and change the colors with the option right next to the box that sais sizes.. you can make it bold.. different font.. or w.e. u want.

Hope this helps. :bigjoint: