No, Not All Of Them, Just One


Well-Known Member
what's preposterous is that you believe that the most powerful nation in the world would let President Obama run for, get elected to, certify said election as valid, and then go on to swear him into office.... all while not meeting one of the 3 criteria to hold the office.

it's a hard task to find more ridiculous statements.

his college transcripts and records are immaterial to his citizenship. there are only two documents which matter to determine american citizenship:

Birth Certificate or Certification of Live Birth (ORIGINAL OR STATE PRODUCED RE-PRINT) and Social Security Card.

that's it...

all of the information regarding his history can be found in WIKIPEDIA.

how many times he farted, or what grades he got, or what his mid-term paper in Humanities 101 in College was about is immaterial to his citizenship status. it only matters to close-minded, irrational-thinking fools who just want some more information to nit-pick at.

obama is smarter than that. he's not going to give you the chance. in terms of his citizenship, it's already settled. that's why he's in office.

all the rest of the blah blah blah blah blah blah, it doesn't matter. he had a different upbringing than most of us, but you know what?? wherever he was he was still a gringo.... so leave him alone....

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
what's preposterous is that you believe that the most powerful nation in the world would let President Obama run for, get elected to, certify said election as valid, and then go on to swear him into office.... all while not meeting one of the 3 criteria to hold the office.

This is exactly what happened. He doesn't meet one of the criteria. Unless you shift the burden of proof from him to anyone who questions him. Even that's kind of amusing since he controls the only document on earth that can prove the point and he won't let us see it. I've asked this before with no answer of course - If i'm 30 and I run for president, do I have to prove I'm 35? or do they have to prove I'm not?

jeff f

New Member
You want to see a manifest from 1961? Now that's Fucking hilarious! Literally three fourths of the world were making fire by rubbing sticks together and you don't think there is any room for errors in a manifest from 61?yikes
maybe dan rather and the nutball that forged thebush documents has it? Ha ha. Rather still holds onto that story even though it's completely made up.


Well-Known Member
Gringo means Foreigner, just putting that out there.
in northern mexico/southern us states, gringo pretty much means 'white guy'.

just believe me on this one. you are technically correct however.

some scholars maintain that 'gringo' comes from the word 'griego', meaning 'greek', as in 'it is all greek to me'.

some scholars maintain it means 'a whale vagina'. we'll have to agree to disagree.


Well-Known Member
Again, learn the difference between racism and prejudice.

And it CAN'T be prejudice if it's true. If it's true, then it's simply a statement of fact. The ONLY reason you think "racism" applies is because you don't agree with his assertion. The assertion on it's face has nothing to do with race. Lot's of people are born in huts in Africa. Only a "prejudiced" (I refuse to use racism where it obviously doesn't apply) person would think that being born in a hut in Africa is an insult, especially if he was born there. Just saying...Racist. LOL
it can't be prejudice if it's true? i beg to differ.


dɪs/ Show Spelled [prej-uh-dis] Show IPA noun, verb, -diced, -dic·ing.
–noun 1. an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.

2. any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.

3. unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group
nothing in there that hinges on truth to fit the definition.

and i will maintain that his statement had elements of subtle racism.


əm/ Show Spelled[rey-siz-uh
m] Show IPA
–noun 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

see definition 3. glance at his avatar. review his statement that 'obama was born in a hut in africa'. consider those born in huts in africa.

ah, fuck it.

you are too simple to understand the concept of 'subtle'.


Well-Known Member
in northern mexico/southern us states, gringo pretty much means 'white guy'.

just believe me on this one. you are technically correct however.

some scholars maintain that 'gringo' comes from the word 'griego', meaning 'greek', as in 'it is all greek to me'.

some scholars maintain it means 'a whale vagina'. we'll have to agree to disagree.
Where do you see redivider Qualify it as something said by N Mexicans? Pretty sure he said everywhere. BTW the Word Gringo is used by more than just people acting in a spaghetti western and referring to Clint Eastwood as the "Gringo". But of course you are Just a racist towards all other Spanish/Portugese speaking people, I mean its only obvious you hate Latino's.

jeff f

New Member
Where do you see redivider Qualify it as something said by N Mexicans? Pretty sure he said everywhere. BTW the Word Gringo is used by more than just people acting in a spaghetti western and referring to Clint Eastwood as the "Gringo". But of course you are Just a racist towards all other Spanish/Portugese speaking people, I mean its only obvious you hate Latino's.
oh yes, just hit him in the heart....


Well-Known Member
Where do you see redivider Qualify it as something said by N Mexicans? Pretty sure he said everywhere. BTW the Word Gringo is used by more than just people acting in a spaghetti western and referring to Clint Eastwood as the "Gringo". But of course you are Just a racist towards all other Spanish/Portugese speaking people, I mean its only obvious you hate Latino's.
it seems my comments were not with the same levity i intended.

i have no comment on what redivider said.

all i am saying is that, from my own experience, 'gringo' translates to 'clueless non-native' more than 'foreigner'.

deal with it.

i can regale you with anecdotes of how many conversations i have interrupted with news that i was a hispanohablante, rather than a gringo.

again, deal with it.


Well-Known Member
That's awesome Buck, if you go far enough down on lots of internet based reference sites, you can find RECENT, POLITICALLY CORRECT, PROGRESSIVE additions. Only the FIRST definition is an acceptable definition of the word "racism" as evidenced by the fact that most other sources don't have your little OPTION #3 (but I understand the website you chose was first on Google and suited your argument). And since the whole SUPERIORITY of the white race hasn't been uttered in any of the examples you've put forth, it doesn't apply... which is why I'm right, you're wrong. Just like every other douchebag out there screaming racism, when they mean prejudice. And going by the first two definitions of "prejudice", it may not apply either since none of the comments I've seen are "preconceived" or without thought, knowledge or reason. That's just your condescending judgment because you hold an opposing viewpoint to their assertions.

And as to the prejudice reference, it the very quote you put in your reply, I made it quite clear it is prejudiced, only it's YOU who are prejudiced for thinking it's an insult to be born in a hut in Africa.


Well-Known Member
it seems my comments were not with the same levity i intended.

i have no comment on what redivider said.

all i am saying is that, from my own experience, 'gringo' translates to 'clueless non-native' more than 'foreigner'.

deal with it.

i can regale you with anecdotes of how many conversations i have interrupted with news that i was a hispanohablante, rather than a gringo.

again, deal with it.
Just admit you are a racist and be done with it.


Well-Known Member
The Times Herald even reports: "the senator's grandmother, brother and sister, who live in Kenya, believe they were present during Obama's birth in the African country." Here, the Times Herald uses the word that his family 'believe' he was born in Kenya (perhaps to avoid possible law suits by Obama's Truth Squad?).


Well-Known Member
Wow so America the great super power was fooled by a man born in an African he is running the country and may just win another 4 years..Damn that guy is good ...WTF :shock:

some people just choose to leave the button on "stuck on stupid"


Well-Known Member
Wow so America the great super power was fooled by a man born in an African he is running the country and may just win another 4 years..Damn that guy is good ...WTF :shock:

some people just choose to leave the button on "stuck on stupid"
LMAO the American people get fooled all the fucking time, its a nation FULL of fools bro. I'm sure even you would concede that point.


Well-Known Member
That's awesome Buck, if you go far enough down on lots of internet based reference sites, you can find RECENT, POLITICALLY CORRECT, PROGRESSIVE additions. Only the FIRST definition is an acceptable definition of the word "racism" as evidenced by the fact that most other sources don't have your little OPTION #3 (but I understand the website you chose was first on Google and suited your argument).

oh, shit. looks like i picked a fight with the editor of merriam websters.

i thought you'd have to spell words correctly to get that job. or at least that your position would enable you to easily reference the proper spelling of words.

man, is my face red.

And since the whole SUPERIORITY of the white race hasn't been uttered in any of the examples you've put forth, it doesn't apply... which is why I'm right, you're wrong.

usually when you have to announce that you are right and the other guy is wrong, the situation is anything but.

Just like every other douchebag out there screaming racism, when they mean prejudice. And going by the first two definitions of "prejudice", it may not apply either since none of the comments I've seen are "preconceived" or without thought, knowledge or reason. That's just your condescending judgment because you hold an opposing viewpoint to their assertions.

And as to the prejudice reference, it the very quote you put in your reply, I made it quite clear it is prejudiced, only it's YOU who are prejudiced for thinking it's an insult to be born in a hut in Africa.
your mom was born in a hut in africa.


Well-Known Member
But she can probably produce a birth certificate.
it's all a conspiracy dude.

they should just leave us alone to treat each other how we see fit.

if i don't want an inuit to have a seat at my restaurant, that is my right.

libertarianism FTW!