NooB Advice


Well-Known Member
well the security is 50/50. but I have read where numerous people only receive a letter from customs when there seeds are caught in transit.


Active Member
well the security is 50/50. but I have read where numerous people only receive a letter from customs when there seeds are caught in transit.
Do you know or think they got hassled at home? I was going to use a prepaid crdit card and a false name , dont rlly know where to send yet tho


Active Member
well.... I got a couple of people I'd like to see fry, lmao. But really, customs gets a wallet with MJ seeds in it, they don't try to repremand you for it? or are they not allowed to open it? IDK how customs works. It makes my wife nervouse with ordering online, especialy with that article about the "net- related" raids, they followed online orders to people's houses. I think those were mass orders, the article kept saying for "commercial growers". I put in that I want some kinda Indica strain( I don't like the speedy highs ) that is of medical qualities, like "northern light blue" . Any suggestions for a full body couch lock strain? I'm sure the amount I smoke every day I can handle it just fine, I got ADHD something fearce, need a good "put you to sleeper" also..... I'm not fluent with the "dank" strains, all I get here is what looks like some good grown reggi.....thats over priced.


Well-Known Member
well.... I got a couple of people I'd like to see fry, lmao. But really, customs gets a wallet with MJ seeds in it, they don't try to repremand you for it? or are they not allowed to open it? IDK how customs works. It makes my wife nervouse with ordering online, especialy with that article about the "net- related" raids, they followed online orders to people's houses. I think those were mass orders, the article kept saying for "commercial growers". I put in that I want some kinda Indica strain( I don't like the speedy highs ) that is of medical qualities, like "northern light blue" . Any suggestions for a full body couch lock strain? I'm sure the amount I smoke every day I can handle it just fine, I got ADHD something fearce, need a good "put you to sleeper" also..... I'm not fluent with the "dank" strains, all I get here is what looks like some good grown reggi.....thats over priced.
want couchlock, grow northernlights #1 from sensi seeds, it is the strain that started it all, won the cup so many times that breeders asked for it to be disqualified so others could win


Active Member
if you want her to thicken up every other week untie her and let her streach for a few days in flower.... will also send more resin to the buds creating more bud size ... lst is cool but it makes plants build alot of stem when in flower and from the looks you don't need more stem...and don't prune her anymore she will fill out nicely for you if you put the scissors down and let her run wild for a bit

looking good man.... cure her up in another couple months and you will have come decent smoke !! cant wait for the report !!
Thanx for the advice, I pulled the pins out of the walls this AM when I turned on the lights( had to do some adjusting ) lol sprung up and actually looked relieved, ha. How long should I leave her loose? When she sprung up and the buds hit the lights she put off SOME KINDA ODOR lol kinda smelled like lemon heads.......

Riddle, thanks for the curing info..... I am seeing, tasting, smelling a HUGE diff


Active Member
fnf2.jpgfnf4.jpgfootloosenfancy1.jpgI think I am gonna leave her loose, it brought everything closer together and allows me to pull the lights closerfnf5.jpg together. Now the lighted areas cross over each other insted of fading off at the edges. I swiped annother shop lightfnf6.jpg from some one, I think those are just the white ones.... Are there T12's that are better for flowering( more in the redfnf7.jpg/orange )

Do you think it would hurt to move her into the sun outside? LOL Don't know if I could get her out the door.fnf3.jpg



Active Member
IDK why the pics did that way, I have always wonderd how people put them in the sentence like that. I finally do it and didn't mean to and still don't know how...LOL

Man I lost my connect......The guy that was getting my smoke was made to go into rehab (via his Mom) for getting hooked on OC, he took like 200mg this sat and flipped out. Damn pill heads, if everyone would leave these mind and body destroying crap alone and jus smoked, we would all be better.....


Active Member

I am sorry for spamming your thread, lol it's just been awhile for me and I am naturaly a spazzz, specialy when I'm out of smoke.


Active Member
Riddle, Tilder was Northern # 1 right? Looked it up, quite expensive, lol. How much weight did you get off her dry? My wife gave me the ok to get some as long as 1) I get the best stuff out there( so she don't hear me complain ne more lol) 2) gotta use a prepaid card with no name on it 3) Gotta get a pre paid cell to order on. 4) she wants me to send it some where other than here.

What bank did you use riddle and did it go well for you?


Well-Known Member
Riddle, Tilder was Northern # 1 right? Looked it up, quite expensive, lol. How much weight did you get off her dry? My wife gave me the ok to get some as long as 1) I get the best stuff out there( so she don't hear me complain ne more lol) 2) gotta use a prepaid card with no name on it 3) Gotta get a pre paid cell to order on. 4) she wants me to send it some where other than here.

What bank did you use riddle and did it go well for you?
Tilders was actually a NorthernLights Special from KC Brains and those seeds are cheap (10 for $20)

I just ordered mine using my credit card and sent to my house but I'm in a legal state

The Northern Lights #1 is gona be my next order


Active Member
Are there diff customs agents for diff states? I would fig they would be sorted through customs as soon as they hit US soil, then dispatched to accoording states. Any who wish there was a remote to fast forward and rewind time lol. As I said I found a 250w HPS for $50 new( the "yard security" type. Says on box it puts out 400w but draws 250..........IDK I'm gonna say it's a 250 and be happy if it's more.

Apart from the couch lock, I want her SHORT like a 1/4 of this stemy tree, I know its alot of stretch but I don't want a tall one geneticly. What's " ruderalis" IDK exactly whats called but it was *X* w/ indica. Guess I'll let ya know when I get it. I want no sativa in it at all .

LOL here is a stupid question, should I stop thumping the buds? I like smelling them before, then smelling after I thump em, I noticed when they sprung up and hit the lights the odor got real strong. I'll sit there and thump one and burry my nose in it and breath deep, really strong lemon smell( my wife says just like 'lemon pledge' lol)


Active Member

I just thought of a BIG problem I am more than likely to encounter with adding that 250w HPS to my closet grow. My concern is, the closet everything will be in is like some what of a "dead zone" as far as the air circulation of my house. In the summer, this side(especialy the closet) gets really hot while the rest of the house is cool. Right now, just with the sun heating the house my closet gets where the plant whilts until I turn the fan on in the "toilet room" and the fan in the "bath" room, ( the celing exhast fans x 2) then is cools off good. Is this HPS going to cause alot more heat or not too bad? I am getting some "shorties" and going to put all in that cabnet I started with when I didn't know shit. Going to modify it greatly, are there any threads you know of that touch on ......complicated ventilation? I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get this heat out of my bathroom without doing anything major or noticeable.


Well-Known Member

I just thought of a BIG problem I am more than likely to encounter with adding that 250w HPS to my closet grow. My concern is, the closet everything will be in is like some what of a "dead zone" as far as the air circulation of my house. In the summer, this side(especialy the closet) gets really hot while the rest of the house is cool. Right now, just with the sun heating the house my closet gets where the plant whilts until I turn the fan on in the "toilet room" and the fan in the "bath" room, ( the celing exhast fans x 2) then is cools off good. Is this HPS going to cause alot more heat or not too bad? I am getting some "shorties" and going to put all in that cabnet I started with when I didn't know shit. Going to modify it greatly, are there any threads you know of that touch on ......complicated ventilation? I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get this heat out of my bathroom without doing anything major or noticeable.
a 250 will be not to bad to use your words prolly raise your temp a few degrees at best


Active Member
Riddle, you are an EARLY bird huh lol...... well.... the time says the same for my clock on here too, NVM.

Is there anything I can do to stop the tops of the buds from stretching?

......"to use my words"? did I say it funny? lol


Well-Known Member
Riddle, you are an EARLY bird huh lol...... well.... the time says the same for my clock on here too, NVM.

Is there anything I can do to stop the tops of the buds from stretching?

......"to use my words"? did I say it funny? lol
Yeah I'm a early to bed early to rise kinda guy (still looking for the wealth)

would say bud stretching is related to the spectrum of light as well as the amount of light you are using

and no, not funny, just thought it would make it more clear


Active Member
yeah I think the bulbs that are in the fixtures have alot of blues in it, I know that there are T12's that are in the red/orange range but have had no luck finding them. I found a link that gives you some kind of bulb # to look for reds but when in the store I don't see #'s like that one at all (____k or some shnt) Is there a name like" warm sun" or some thing? I got a taste of a 1/2 cured one (properly/ kept in jar for almost a week) like an explosion of SWEET lemon head. Think I am ordering Hymilaen Blue , or Chessus. dont care if miss spelled lol


Well-Known Member
Hey JD, any of the flourecent t12 that have warm in the name are going to be closer to the red/orange spectrum and they are usually around 3000k, the daylight one I use is around 5000k, more blue, I think it had kitchen bulb on it. I use one of each for extra lighting during flower so I can try and get close to the best par value.


Active Member
Hey JD, any of the flourecent t12 that have warm in the name are going to be closer to the red/orange spectrum and they are usually around 3000k, the daylight one I use is around 5000k, more blue, I think it had kitchen bulb on it. I use one of each for extra lighting during flower so I can try and get close to the best par value.
So basicly, the lower ____k # probably closer to the right color.... I am adding my CFL's , took the hoods off and hanging in the "pits" or "pockets" of the tops, so there is bud circling the CFL's, by the way (stretch aside) it is looking prettyy good in there....
I know the CFLs I got are all "warm" something. I'll post a good pic in morning, already tucked in for the night.

Lemon Heads.....................Hmmmm.................


Well-Known Member
So basicly, the lower ____k # probably closer to the right color.... I am adding my CFL's , took the hoods off and hanging in the "pits" or "pockets" of the tops, so there is bud circling the CFL's, by the way (stretch aside) it is looking prettyy good in there....
I know the CFLs I got are all "warm" something. I'll post a good pic in morning, already tucked in for the night.

Lemon Heads.....................Hmmmm.................
Just remember you want a mixture of the blue and red spectrums. I run a 50/50 6500k/2700k mix in my veg box and a 70/30 mix 2700k/6500k in the flower with a 3000k t12 and a 5000k t12 for good measure.

Good idea to hang them down into the plants. I have mine mounted in a fixture I made with clamp lights surrounding the girls.

Hope this helped.
