NooB Advice


Well-Known Member

The mites and neem over reaction contributed to stunting their growth and cost them a lot of leaves, but the spotting on the leaves didn't start until a few weeks ago. My guess is that it's a problem with the nute mixture, but since FF nutes use multiple products on every watering trying to figure out exactly what to adjust has been totally trial and error, and so far error is winning. On the plus side my blueberries aren't going to have to flower with FF nutes- I've got myself a bottle of dyna grow (general, not the bloom booster) and a tub of jacks classic bloom booster, so I should be good to go. I may continue to use the FF veg nutes until they are gone, but I think the others are going to end up gathering dust. You do a half strength mixture of dyna grow and jacks usually, don't you? I know you discussed it earlier, but I'm not sure what pages that dicussion was on.
Where I talked about feeding nutes was page 36, that is re-copied on page one of the Calling al noob growers thread. (easier to find)

but basically start at 1/4 strength and work your way up 1/8 increases at a time till you see a sign of burn, then back off 2 steps


Well-Known Member
Hey riddleme! On my quest for a CMH I found the following link I wanted to share with you and our fellow growers that follow your thread.
It has a lot of lower wattages, from 50 to 150, for the stealth growers or those with small spaces. They look very good compared to the ones you directed me to at looking at a 150 or two 70's for the future. I hope this helps folks out.

On another note, isn't it said that 3000-4000 color spectrum is no good for MJ? I am not going to follow that theory, cause I have seen good buds off of CMH by v12 in his pc cabinet, and u plan to use the 4k 250 watt, and u kno what your doing. Happy growin!


Well-Known Member
Hey riddleme! On my quest for a CMH I found the following link I wanted to share with you and our fellow growers that follow your thread.
It has a lot of lower wattages, from 50 to 150, for the stealth growers or those with small spaces. They look very good compared to the ones you directed me to at looking at a 150 or two 70's for the future. I hope this helps folks out.

On another note, isn't it said that 3000-4000 color spectrum is no good for MJ? I am not going to follow that theory, cause I have seen good buds off of CMH by v12 in his pc cabinet, and u plan to use the 4k 250 watt, and u kno what your doing. Happy growin!
You have to be careful when shopping for CMH as there are models that have a UV filter in them and do not give the UVB benefit that we are looking for. The growlightexpress link gives the model numbers of the ones that DO NOT have the UV filter, that is the main reason I use that link, cause they show the correct model # we want, does not matter where you get it just make sure you are getting your UVB before you buy


Well-Known Member
From what I found phillips has a feature call FB, or FadeBlock. The lamps with this feature block the UV light. The others should no, but I emailed phillips for a definitive answer. I will post there response once I receive it. I hope this info helps everyone


Well-Known Member
Hey Riddle,

Well, this first grow just threw me another curve. I'm halfway through week 7 and am just starting to show amber trichs on the plants, and what do I find today? One of the ungrateful buggers has decided to go hermie on me! One set of banannas sticking up out of the top of the main cola, and I would have sworn there was no sign of them yesterday. Guess I'm going to go ahead and harvest this one now so that it doesn't get a chance to pollinate anything. On the plus side it's late enough that the bud should still be decent quality even if it isn't fully done yet.


Well-Known Member
Hey Riddle,

Well, this first grow just threw me another curve. I'm halfway through week 7 and am just starting to show amber trichs on the plants, and what do I find today? One of the ungrateful buggers has decided to go hermie on me! One set of banannas sticking up out of the top of the main cola, and I would have sworn there was no sign of them yesterday. Guess I'm going to go ahead and harvest this one now so that it doesn't get a chance to pollinate anything. On the plus side it's late enough that the bud should still be decent quality even if it isn't fully done yet.
If your trichs are going amber you'll be fine, smoke will be good

I would bag that branch and let it go to seed, I love hermies as the seeds are most usually female, plant trying to save itself. if this is a consideration for ya simply put a clear baggie over it and tie it off at a open branch spot that bud will go to seed and they are free and female


Well-Known Member
Too late bud, I already took the top off of it. Just took the main cola and a small side bud, and the results after trimming were about as disappointing as I had expected. Came out to 9.5 grams wet, and thats with a good bit of stem involved. This was one of the least developed plants, but it's still obvious that the problems a couple months back had some serious effects on final weight. These plants put a lot of really spidery side growth off and have a lot of secondary bud sites, so my final yield may end up surprising me yet, but it's not going to be anywhere close to what i was hoping for. Still, I've managed to get my first six through all the way to harvest, which I think puts me ahead of the game. I've learned a lot from this grow (and this thread) and i think it shows in the blueberries I've got going now. :)


Well-Known Member
Will a plant hermie like that late in flowering for no apparent reason very often? I don't think I had a light leak, but i thought getting a hermie without some sort of light leak was a rare thing? And isn't it a bit unusual for it to happen this late into flowering? I mean I'm no more then a few days from harvest, so I doubt the seeds would develop enough to be viable even if I left it growing until it died of natural causes.


Well-Known Member
Will a plant hermie like that late in flowering for no apparent reason very often? I don't think I had a light leak, but i thought getting a hermie without some sort of light leak was a rare thing? And isn't it a bit unusual for it to happen this late into flowering? I mean I'm no more then a few days from harvest, so I doubt the seeds would develop enough to be viable even if I left it growing until it died of natural causes.

Yes it is actually quite normal and MJ is one of the only plants that does it. the light leak thing (as I say all the time) is a myth. The plant goes hermie to save itself has not much to do with stress or anything else. but folks want to blame something when percieved bad things happen.


Well-Known Member
glad i could help.

i priced one out and you can get the 150 watt bulb and ballast for 75. but you have to puut the ballast together yourself, which I can do easily enough.


Active Member
Dude, i've been reading some of your posts and i love em! I was wondering if maybe you could give me some advice. I've got 3 plants growing in MG potting mix about 4ft below 8-4ft 6500K daylight florescent bulbs, no nutes, and a constant fan in the room. They've all shot up really tall, but they're not getting bushy at all. One is pushing 7 1/2 inches but is almost bare. I run a 14L/10D schedule on them and recently moved then about 2ft under the light via ladder to see if that helps.

Any pointers? Thanks many!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Dude, i've been reading some of your posts and i love em! I was wondering if maybe you could give me some advice. I've got 3 plants growing in MG potting mix about 4ft below 8-4ft 6500K daylight florescent bulbs, no nutes, and a constant fan in the room. They've all shot up really tall, but they're not getting bushy at all. One is pushing 7 1/2 inches but is almost bare. I run a 14L/10D schedule on them and recently moved then about 2ft under the light via ladder to see if that helps.

Any pointers? Thanks many!:leaf:
switch the light cycle to 18/6 and move the light to just 2 to 4 inches above the plants (unless T5's then 6 to 8 inches)

are the lights T5's, T8's or T12's???


Active Member
Okay i've gotten them in a better spot with closer lighting and they are all perked up now.
This'll be there 5th week from sprout.



Active Member
Don't know exactly when i went to 12/12.... more than a month ago...

ONly nute avails in soluable here is 20-20-20 , tht was the highest Phos they had.
They had a 10 48 10 but it was 100$ for a little bag. F tht I was using a dollar general "african violet" @ 8-14-9, but ran out and it rlly didn't seem like it was doing ne thing.

Never seen one in flower before so I dont know if its stretchy or on time or what... I need more and better ligh ( as always):wall:



Active Member
Ive pulled ALOT of lower veg and "flowers" off, I'll get stoned and goin and come out with a hand full of branches, my wifes gets mad and say Ill never get nething off it if i keep cutting, I think with taking all the lower stuff not really in the light, and tying it down, helps it do better up top near the lights, by the way I havent moved the lights at all, if one gets too close i just tighten the rope and pull it lower


Active Member
BTW I have smoked alot of what I ve cut.... it has a REAL BAD taste, (nutes?) , I am constantly bumping up nutes and singing the tips of leaves, then back down a bit...the high is like a hot flash on my body and really up there but goes away quick, ( too young?)

How much longer to see buds? or are they not rlly going to thicken

srry its been a while so i got alot to ask,

How about the taste, smell, havent smelled tht classice bud in a bag smell yet, just kind of chemicly smell and taste