Sure you said that slow enough? It might need more spaceYou
Following cables and then cross continents a person could circumnavigate the Earth which is a spinning ball!
You're so stupid you don't even know who you are arguing with. Fiber optics are in submarine cables on the ocean floor. Yes, I agree.Btw fiber optics must be fake. All that stuff I worked on the usaf was fake. I'm fake.
Whatever you say... I'm retired you are retarded.You're so stupid you don't even know who are arguing with. Fiber optics are in submarine cables on the ocean floor. Yes, I agree.
You don't read very well btw. I understand now.You're so stupid you don't even know who are arguing with. Fiber optics are in submarine cables on the ocean floor. Yes, I agree.
@9:56 a belt if ice 1200 miles thick !!! Mountains 13,000 ft
Apparently. Next we'll hear that the firmament is at 36,000', so it's impossible for planes to fly higher than that.
I don't believe that those who say the earth is flat actually believe it. Its stupid little cunts like Kyrie that say it just to get a rise outta people. Real life trolling at its finest.
Voice communications over the entire world, thanks to intercontinental submarine cables NOT SATELLITES hahahahhaHey, why do you just skip over things when they don't suit your narrative. You're the one who brought up this Byrd character.
Everything you say is immediately turned into swiss cheese:
"Byrd's work would therefore serve as a prototype for late-twentieth-century programs of space exploration and colonization were it not for his dependence on private funding."
"In 1957, the year Byrd died, human history entered the space age with the first orbiting satellite. Meanwhile, scheduled air traffic across the oceans was rapidly becoming commonplace, and voice communications encircled the globe."
So, Byrd is referenced in the same sentence with "space", "orbiting satellite", "encircled the globe", "space exploration". It goes on and on.
Take your head out of your ass and put it back into the sand where you usually keep it. You're so lame you can't even troll right.