The genome tree took a hard left turn with both societies.trumpies might be dumber than flat tops are the one who thinks the earths shadow causes the moon phases.You’re a dope and hopelessly full of bullshit
Retread is a fool of galactic proportions. Mental illness, to be fair. Like a hoarder that can’t control their thoughts.
There is a huge difference between plant life in deep southern latitudes compared to the same latitudes in the north. It's more sparse in the southern latitudes. Sunrise and sunset in New Zealand is very abrupt compared to the same latitudes in the north. The change of season in New Zealand is a more gradual process whereas in the North spring happens quickly by comparison. In the north gardens are planted facing south for maximum sun exposure. Below the equator gardens are planted facing north. This is further proof the sun is close to the earth not 93 million miles away.How does your common flattie account for different length of twilight by latitude?