Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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im still baffled by not being able to see the northern star from Australia. No good explanation was given. anyway ive changed my tune, Retarded gorilla has me convinced so my posts from now on will be about proving the earth is flat, ill ignore all the evidence like how the shape of the moon shows earths shadow between new and full moons. Any scientific proof you guys give ill just back peddle and spout out some shit about water not being able to curve on a massive planet as it doesnt stick to a tennis ball. Like a tennis ball has enough gravity to overcome earths gravity!

i might become even dumber that retarded gorilla. So much wasted time that could have been used for something meaningful. Stubborn prick he is without a clue and not one point of truth to anything he says.

If its the bible that causes people to believe this shit than the obvious thing to do would call bullshit on the bible not make a thread hundreds of pages long with things flat earthers say.

All those other religions and gods are wrong my one is the real religion. Just send me $50 a month and you get to choose your own afterlife guaranteed satisfaction or your money back in the afterlife. Choose to be a dolphin or horse or butterfly these are all available in your afterlife.
Send me a pm for more info.
Only the psychologically vulnerable fall prey to tall tales. LOL you think you can land on and live on this twinkling light in the firmament?
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@Stealthstyle said. "im still baffled by not being able to see the northern star from Australia. No good explanation was given."
Why don't you give me something difficult? bongsmilie....The declination of the pole star? The "North Star" aka Polaris is situated directly above the north pole and is stationary. The sun, moon and stars are on a path that is concentric to Polaris. Polaris is closer to the earth than the distance from Australia to the north pole so it reaches a vanishing point this also explains sunsets and sunrises. I guess you have never watched a flock of migrating birds until they fly out of sight? Their altitude doesn't change they just reach a vanishing point you mental midget. Crepuscular sun rays. The sun's rays angle out of the clouds during a sun burst because it's not 93 million miles away. It creates a hot spot on top of the clouds. If it was 93 million miles away the sun rays would be vertical and there would be no hot spot. Yet more proof the sun is close to earth. Dummy. :dunce: OOPS... I mean psychologically vulnerable.

@Stealthstyle You believe the earth's shadows are responsible for the moon phases? And look who clicked like. My God. No wonder you Globetards believe in phony space missions. You morons have absolutely zero business in a science & technology thread. LOL and you call me retarded? LMAO !!!
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You’re a dope and hopelessly full of bullshit are the one who thinks the earths shadow causes the moon phases. :dunce: You can't even keep up with all the lies and myths you were indoctrinated with in government schools. Priceless. You Globetards don't know whether to shit or go blind. hahaha
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im on your side Retarded gorilla didnt you read my post?
Im going to go as far as to say the sun is a giant COB (that gets hot) in the sky created by god especially for human life, its flat and animals dont matter they dont go to heaven so they are here for our use.
When all the fish in the ocean are gone due to over fishing jesus will come back to Earth and make millions of fish again for us to eat.
Jesus will also sue mel gibson as he has his money royalty to collect. He will enjoy cocaine and extacy as designer drugs beat the hell out of wine.
He will crusify anyone who wears a cross as thats not the sort of thing jesus wants to see on his return.
He will also find real proof of the flat earth by flying over the edge and not falling off.
He will take photos of the edge and the world will realise you were right the whole time but all those priests are just some guy, nobody special, they didnt levitate down from the heavens above like jesus will.
He will prove there is an invisible man living in the sky called God who created the universe in seven days yet still needs our money.
crepuscular rays do not prove how close the sun is you idiot. You are just too retarded to realize the fucking “vanishing point“ you constantly refer to also applies to crepuscular rays.
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Retread is a fool of galactic proportions. Mental illness, to be fair. Like a hoarder that can’t control their thoughts.
bongsmilie I want to hear how the earth's shadow causes the moon phases. Please explain. HAHAHAHA :dunce:

You have been victimized by the mind control tactics of the Zionist controlled main stream media outlets due to being psychologically vulnerable. You tards are lazy and haven't cultivated your minds. I would venture to guess 99% of you knuckle dragging mouth breathers spent your formative years playing video games, eating snacks and doing bong rips. :P
How does your common flattie account for different length of twilight by latitude?
There is a huge difference between plant life in deep southern latitudes compared to the same latitudes in the north. It's more sparse in the southern latitudes. Sunrise and sunset in New Zealand is very abrupt compared to the same latitudes in the north. The change of season in New Zealand is a more gradual process whereas in the North spring happens quickly by comparison. In the north gardens are planted facing south for maximum sun exposure. Below the equator gardens are planted facing north. This is further proof the sun is close to the earth not 93 million miles away. bongsmilie
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