Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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In the back ground i see tin foil, curtain rods and duct tape. LOL They didn't do shit in that hunk of junk.
So your logic is, and correct me if I am wrong. They made it look "flimsy" to try and trick you but you aren't falling for it because it looks flimsy. So answer me this stupid, since you don't believe in space-ships the fck should one look like since you know what they don't look like?
So your logic is, and correct me if I am wrong. They made it look "flimsy" to try and trick you but you aren't falling for it because it looks flimsy. So answer me this stupid, since you don't believe in space-ships the fck should one look like since you know what they don't look like?
lol :eek: well certainly not like a tent pitched by a mentally ill homeless person on a San Francisco sidewalk.
Maybe study a little bit about why it was wrapped in those thermal layers and you would be satisfied. What we have here is a person who doesn't understand why something is the way it is making assumptions on the way things should be.
Maybe study a little bit about why it was wrapped in those thermal layers and you would be satisfied. What we have here is a person who doesn't understand why something is the way it is making assumptions on the way things should be.
Exactly. Do I need to go over all the facts supporting the existence of the firmament? Of course not. It would be a waste of my time. It challenges the belief system and irritates the psychologically vulnerable. Your weather "satellite" photos are composites super imposed on a map retrieved from radar data. You follow in line with the masses nicely.

Math does not lie nor does the behavior of water. The fairy tales you have to convince yourselves of to keep your cherished doctrine alive is unfortunate because it makes you look like the imbeciles you pretend not to be. :dunce:.
Math does not lie nor does the behavior of water. The fairy tales you have to convince yourselves of to keep your cherished doctrine alive is unfortunate because it makes you look like the imbeciles you pretend not to be. :dunce:.
If we admit we’re dumb and the earth is flat will you go away? bongsmilie
It’s a crazy compulsive behavior. It really is interesting on some clinical level.
Imagining that water can curve into a ball is called Globtardism. :dunce: It can't be duplicated in a lab or anywhere else. Rivers can only flow down a gradient. Gradient can be measured. A section of the Nile flows for a 1,000 miles through the African Serengeti and drops only 12 inches. Sorry, Globetards there is no curve. You need to come to terms with reality. Stop jerking off to Star Wars because outer space does not even exist.
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