Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Instead of getting caught up in whether beams of light curve, couldn’t you teach yourself to fly a plane then continue to fly in one direction until you arrive back at the same point? Would that be a sufficient debunking test or do we not trust the compasses either?

Flat earthers fall victim to the exact same fallacies religions present, that if you can’t prove something that they have the obvious only other explanation, when in fact EVERY OTHER possible explanation is equally valid too.

The world and the universe don’t exist at all. You’re all figments of my imagination. Prove me wrong.
Instead of getting caught up in whether beams of light curve, couldn’t you teach yourself to fly a plane then continue to fly in one direction until you arrive back at the same point? Would that be a sufficient debunking test or do we not trust the compasses either?

Flat earthers fall victim to the exact same fallacies religions present, that if you can’t prove something that they have the obvious only other explanation, when in fact EVERY OTHER possible explanation is equally valid too.

The world and the universe don’t exist at all. You’re all figments of my imagination. Prove me wrong.
the burden of proof lies with the fellow spouting a load of shit, not those trying to avoid the aforementioned shit spout...
Yeah, I grew up in Pacifica Ca and used to convince myself I could see it too. But alas, no.

You should be able to detect it from an aeroplane at a cruising height of around 10,600 metres (35,000 feet), but you need a fairly wide field of view (ie 60 degrees) and a virtually cloud-free horizon. The reality is that clouds, hills and mountains mean we rarely get to see the kind of perfectly flat horizon where the curve would be most obvious.

Instead of getting caught up in whether beams of light curve, couldn’t you teach yourself to fly a plane then continue to fly in one direction until you arrive back at the same point? Would that be a sufficient debunking test or do we not trust the compasses either?

Flat earthers fall victim to the exact same fallacies religions present, that if you can’t prove something that they have the obvious only other explanation, when in fact EVERY OTHER possible explanation is equally valid too.

The world and the universe don’t exist at all. You’re all figments of my imagination. Prove me wrong.

Einstein predicted that light bends by gravity. This was proved around the year 1920, about a 100 years ago by a scientist named, Sir Arthur Eddington.

This isn't a theory, it's fact, like 2 + 2 = 4 is fact.

There is no dispute and people that adhere to make believe and try to pass them as fact should be remanded to a mental institution and stop allowing them to plague society with their bullshit beliefs and their moronic Trumpism.
Einstein predicted that light bends by gravity. This was proved around the year 1920, about a 100 years ago by a scientist named, Sir Arthur Eddington.

This isn't a theory, it's fact, like 2 + 2 = 4 is fact.

There is no dispute and people that adhere to make believe and try to pass them as fact should be remanded to a mental institution and stop allowing them to plague society with their bullshit beliefs and their moronic Trumpism.
I agree, but 2 + 2 does not always equal 4. I learned this in my linear algebra class a lifetime ago :)

All mathematical operations boil down to addition and multiplication, which can be redefined into other operations. The best we can do is determine the vector space those operations exist within.
I agree, but 2 + 2 does not always equal 4. I learned this in my linear algebra class a lifetime ago :)

All mathematical operations boil down to addition and multiplication, which can be redefined into other operations. The best we can do is determine the vector space those operations exist within.

Yes we know trolls will claim that 2 + 2 equates to some algebraic formulae that is irrelevant to basic math. We KNOW. Redefining something doesn't change the fact, it just calls it something else.
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