Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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What a great example of a mentally deficient cut and paster

why is it that the least educated are the biggest fans of this horseshit?
Because the stupid ppl out there are much easier to fool. The lowest educated ppl.are generally the ones that believe nonsense. I swear we as a people are doomed because there's more stupid out there then there are intelligent folks. Look at the people out there that believe the vaccine has microchips or magnets in them. Do they realize how big the needle needs to be to microchip someone?
Because the stupid ppl out there are much easier to fool. The lowest educated ppl.are generally the ones that believe nonsense. I swear we as a people are doomed because there's more stupid out there then there are intelligent folks. Look at the people out there that believe the vaccine has microchips or magnets in them. Do they realize how big the needle needs to be to microchip someone?
Speak it, brother
12 to 15 gauge needle to chip a dog, depending on what chip you use, but those are just tracking chips, all they do is allow the dog to be located by satellite....something that is unnecessary for most people, they have a whole pocket full of chips in their phones...
you can't ever win a fight against people who really believe the matter what you say, they'll have some kind of bullshit "proof" that they're right, and your proof to the contrary will be "fake news" "disinformation" or "government lies"....
Deluded people don't want to be proven wrong, that would mean they have to re-examine their entire lives, and realize that they were morons who were so easily mislead that they shouldn't be allowed out of their homes without supervision.
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