Now Democrats Call To Delay Obamacare.

all i did was point out that the same factions who burnt crosses are now the same factions who make the tea party what it is.

all of your meanie poo words don't change that.

i guess that's another thing they forgot to teach you at devryU.

I didn't know the Tea Party was considered a wing of the Democratic party. Damn, didn't know that.
Thank you for clearing that up.

Bucky. why bury the truth? You should embrace it.
The Democratic party supported the KKK, historically.
We all get the hint, You like to distort history.
what buck said:

it's not racist or bigoted to point out the 100% true fact that the same political extremists who burnt crosses are now calling themselves "the tea party". that's a fact.

what schuylaar said:

southern avenger fits the definition

This is not factual support for what Buck said.

Once again, you are now doing exactly what Buck sits here and accuses other people of doing all damn day--you are generalizing from your knowledge/experience of a single human being or a group of them and ascribing it to millions of other people.

how so?
Dude, clue me in on all the tax money the "little people" pay, WTF are the squeezing out of them?? LOL

I want to know that too. from what I have seen, most poor people receive a tax refund larger than the amount of tax they paid in, basically their tiny bit of legal income is subsidized by others. I bet its a great life if you can find another way to make income that isn't taxable......
what buck said:

what schuylaar said:

southern avenger fits the definition

how so?

The actions or beliefs of any one individual person could not possibly factually support Buck's claim. If you don't recognize that you have no business trying to defend it.

Indeed, Buck already did you a favor and refined his claim: "all i did was point out that the same factions who burnt crosses are now the same factions who make the tea party what it is." He did not say "There are some fucking crazy people in the tea party," which everyone would happily agree with, he said that cross burners are the heart and soul of the tea party movement.

Your little article and your little post here do absolutely nothing to support that claim.
I didn't know the Tea Party was considered a wing of the Democratic party. Damn, didn't know that.
Thank you for clearing that up.

Bucky. why bury the truth? You should embrace it.
The Democratic party supported the KKK, historically.
We all get the hint, You like to distort history.

even sadder that middle school us history class covers the fact that the parties were complete opposites of what they are now..
are you fucking stupid?

"if it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks who want the government to give them everything, so be it" - don yelton

we're not burning crosses anymore, nitro. even a slow witted dumbass like you should know that.


So now you are saying that nobody is burning crosses...Which is it buck? Or are you making shit up again?.. I am beginning to think that weed you are growing is pretty good shit...And somebody just told me the other day there wasn't any good weed in the valley..

Because you are espousing an opinion as fact. We know historically the democratic party has held the racist vote up until the last few decades. The last few decades the rich racist white side with pubs or tea party, the union racist white side with dems or tea party, the black racists side with dems. The libertarian who's views of equal laws can not by definition be racist since all colors of the rainbow would be held equal in the eyes of law. Nearly all libertarians align with the tea party platform.

So doing the math, we can say racists thrive in all parties, but based on platform, the tea party is the only one pushing for laws that are color blind while the other parties have their own separate racist agenda.

What party does the black congressional caucus represent by majority? Are they pushing for laws that are color blind?

My bias says the dems are the most racist but my logic says it's basically unquantifiable. My logic also says the only faction out there for color blind laws is the libertarian wing. You may feel righteous in creating laws that favor one skin color over another, but you shouldn't do it while pointing fingers at a group that is explicitly NOT doing this and call them racist. It makes you look like a hypocrite and frankly, not very fair minded or bright.
The actions or beliefs of any one individual person could not possibly factually support Buck's claim. If you don't recognize that you have no business trying to defend it.

Indeed, Buck already did you a favor and refined his claim: "all i did was point out that the same factions who burnt crosses are now the same factions who make the tea party what it is." He did not say "There are some fucking crazy people in the tea party," which everyone would happily agree with, he said that cross burners are the heart and soul of the tea party movement.
noooooooooo he didn't..
Your little article and your little post here do absolutely nothing to support that claim.
southern avenger does support bucky's claim
even sadder that middle school us history class covers the fact that the parties were complete opposites of what they are now..

They also teach the civil war as "the war on slavery", what's your point? that the liberals have taken over public education and are re-writing history? Yeah, we knew that already. But to be fair, both sides do it, Texas wants to pretend Jefferson never existed.
southern avenger does support bucky's claim

As much as getting robbed by a black man would support my claim that all black people are criminals.

Why can't you just come up for air and admit that what Buck said is as ignorant and moronic as the kind of stuff he attacks? Are you incapable of independent thought?
I don't want a delay with the mandate...I want the SUCKERS TO PAY UP NOW.....Only the Democrats can think up this shit..

If the Web site doesn't work call the phone number it works, you can sign up, and support that guy in the white house..
I didn't know the Tea Party was considered a wing of the Democratic party. Damn, didn't know that.
Thank you for clearing that up.

Bucky. why bury the truth? You should embrace it.
The Democratic party supported the KKK, historically.
We all get the hint, You like to distort history.

Yeah and they all moved to the Republican party who embraced them with open arms

This is something you already know. Which makes you dishonest
I am realizing what a joke you are becoming, to call wasting tax payers money a "non issue" tells me you're not much of a thinker.
And to accuse me of stonewalling the debate while using your race baiting tactics exposes your lack of knowledge on the issues and the hypocrite you truly are, race baiting is stonewalling, got brains?

In other words, I see you as typical progressive who preaches against intolerance yet cannot except another persons point of view or constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

And for the record, I didn't blame Bush for the Katrina debacle, FEMA (government agency) is just another example of how government can't do a fucking thing right, the proof stared you in the face. Knowing this, knuckle head progressives like you want the same government to run our healthcare which is 1/5th of our economy, how profoundly insane!

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

I want to know that too. from what I have seen, most poor people receive a tax refund larger than the amount of tax they paid in, basically their tiny bit of legal income is subsidized by others. I bet its a great life if you can find another way to make income that isn't taxable......

You should ask Joe the Plumber that very same question.
You have no factual basis whatsoever for making that claim, which is presumably the reason you keep repeating that it is "100% true" and a "fact."

And I suppose you have evidence to counter his claim? Please provide.
Well, you are mistaken.

The biggest reason conservatives do NOT want government in their healthcare is, we want smaller government and GOVERNMENT ALWAYS FUCKS THINGS UP!


Cut defense spending by 300 billion a year and then we can start talking. Otherwise everything that comes out of your mouth is hypocritical bullshit.

You are so fucking transparent its funny.

Cut defense spending by 300 billion a year and then we can start talking. Otherwise everything that comes out of your mouth is hypocritical bullshit.

You are so fucking transparent its funny.

Close military bases in republican states.
That was funny...You are the one that brought up the cartoons..just so you know. The fry station was the funny part.. Back in 1972 I did work near a fry station, but now I can pay people to do my job for me and I can go fishing on the river while other people work...If you work hard maybe you can figure it out like I did...good luck.

I work hard because I like to, not because I have to. I work because I want to improve the quality of life of others, no matter how small or large the impact. You and your kind do it for the money, are greedy and see society as a survival of the fittest game. Life isn't a game, peoples live's are at stake when it comes to healthcare. And because you want to save a couple hundred dollars in taxes a year, you are needlessly cutting off the healthcare lifeline of those who really need it.

But of course, you make all this money and have people work for you while you go fishing, so a couple 100 dollars a year shouldn't and couldn't possibly break the bank for you, could it? Or is it just simple greed? Or are you a blue collar mental midget that likes to bullshit on the internet? New form of internet tough guy maybe?

You are a joke. And it's obvious.
Well, you are mistaken.

The biggest reason conservatives do NOT want government in their healthcare is, we want smaller government and GOVERNMENT ALWAYS FUCKS THINGS UP!

yet pubs want to stick their fingers in my vagina and regulate it!..and the little pubster cried "weeeeee, weeeeee, weeeee all the way home"!