Now Democrats Call To Delay Obamacare.


Well-Known Member
What a fucking moron you are!

Still gunna show me those high tax bracket hillbillies? LMFAO
the hillbillies on foodstamps vote for the party that wants to take their food stamps away.

the highly educated doctorates in this nation, who generally make above six figures, trend democratic.

so much for always voting with your wallet. if that were the case, those poor southern hillbillies and appalachia food stampers would be solid blue, instead of the crimson red they are now.


Well-Known Member
UB, even with pretty pictures, these knuckle draggers will ever get it. Im too lazy to dig up facts, a total waste of time for these folks. They simple wont go do the research themselves, that much is evident.


New Member
the hillbillies on foodstamps vote for the party that wants to take their food stamps away.

the highly educated doctorates in this nation, who generally make above six figures, trend democratic.

so much for always voting with your wallet. if that were the case, those poor southern hillbillies and appalachia food stampers would be solid blue, instead of the crimson red they are now.
citation needed. no where on those graphs does it mention poor white people besides, I said 99%, how many poor white Appalachian's are there ans how many of them voted??

You just cant plop a chart up there a declare victory moron.


Well-Known Member
citation needed. no where on those graphs does it mention poor white people besides, I said 99%, how many poor white Appalachian's are there ans how many of them voted??

You just cant plop a chart up there a declare victory moron.
Even in the face of evidence. God damn you are one thick skulled individual. Seriously bro. I mean daaamn.


Well-Known Member
Obamacare is Constitutional

So I guess you support Obamacare as well
Why, because 5 out of 9 were activist judges who supported it? Including Bush's Chief Justice John Roberts? The supreme court also ruled once that blacks are 3/5ths of a person. They also ruled that women don't have the same rights men do. DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT!


Well-Known Member
UB, even with pretty pictures, these knuckle draggers will ever get it. Im too lazy to dig up facts, a total waste of time for these folks. They simple wont go do the research themselves, that much is evident.
i've got a pretty picture for beenthere of "9 plants" (actually only 6).

these are a few weeks from harvest, and unlike beennowhere's sickly yellow twigs, i keep mine healthy.

i only was able to harvest half of these due to record rains and cold temps in september, but i still made my nut for the year.



Well-Known Member
citation needed. no where on those graphs does it mention poor white people besides, I said 99%, how many poor white Appalachian's are there ans how many of them voted??

You just cant plop a chart up there a declare victory moron.
i showed you a video of a poor southern hillbilly on food stamps proclaiming his love for republicans.

i show you a chart that demonstrates how the most educated, six figure making segment of our society trends democrat.

so much for "99% vote with their wallet". that came straight out of your ass, yet is somehow more appealing than the sickly yellow twigs you grow.


Well-Known Member
Why, because 5 out of 9 were activist judges who supported it? Including Bush's Chief Justice John Roberts? The supreme court also ruled once that blacks are 3/5ths of a person. They also ruled that women don't have the same rights men do. DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT!
In January 2010, the Supreme Court upheld the right of corporations to spend money influencing political campaigns, ruling that these entities ought to have the same First Amendment rights as individuals to engage in "political speech." The historic — and, in some quarters, infamous — Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision fell to a tight 5-to-4 vote.

Read more:,28804,2036448_2036452_2036614,00.html #ixzz2isPazWVS

Where was your outrage then? I know where it was. It was so far up Romney's ass you weren't able to the see the light of day. Hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
beenthere. bro. UB, figuratively speaking, has jizzed on your face. And right now you're acting like a girl trying to smear jizz off her face. Stop being grouchy and take the facts like a man. And pull up your pants, your asshole is bleeding.


Well-Known Member
In January 2010, the Supreme Court upheld the right of corporations to spend money influencing political campaigns, ruling that these entities ought to have the same First Amendment rights as individuals to engage in "political speech." The historic — and, in some quarters, infamous — Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision fell to a tight 5-to-4 vote.

Read more:,28804,2036448_2036452_2036614,00.html #ixzz2isPazWVS

Where was your outrage then? I know where it was. It was so far up Romney's ass you weren't able to the see the light of day. Hypocrite.

??? Calm down Boehner. I'm not the party of big corporations. That would be Democrats. The Fascist Party has been giving Obamacare exemptions to big corporations, and at the same time denying that same right to individuals to the point Obama is willing to shut down the government for 16 days. Now that the website is not working, all of the sudden senate democraps up for re election next year think that Ted Cruz had a really good idea. Delay the individual mandate for one year.....


Well-Known Member
??? Calm down Boehner. I'm not the party of big corporations. That would be Democrats. The Fascist Party has been giving Obamacare exemptions to big corporations, and at the same time denying that same right to individuals to the point Obama is willing to shut down the government for 16 days. Now that the website is not working, all of the sudden senate democraps up for re election next year think that Ted Cruz had a really good idea. Delay the individual mandate for one year.....
Typical. Just a bunch of nonsense bullshit. Support your statements with facts. I dare you.


Well-Known Member
Typical. Just a bunch of nonsense bullshit. Support your statements with facts. I dare you.
If you were to see proof that enough of the Senate Dems are pushing for a delay of the mandate that would have prevented the shut down would you finally admit it or would that be a waste of time?

How will you respond to those facts? with an apology? Will you man up?


Well-Known Member
Stop dude. Seriously. 1 Democrat from WEST VIRGINIA wanting to delay one part of Obamacare has absolutely nothing to do with your FALSE sense of outrage toward the bill. I asked you a simple question, where was your outrage with the Supreme Court ruling I outlined, and you weren't able to answer, you simply threw some hyped up story that will go nowhere and do nothing in my face to distract me.

You tactics are transparent.


Well-Known Member
i've got a pretty picture for beenthere of "9 plants" (actually only 6).

these are a few weeks from harvest, and unlike beennowhere's sickly yellow twigs, i keep mine healthy.

i only was able to harvest half of these due to record rains and cold temps in september, but i still made my nut for the year.


Nice crop UB. Have a beer. It's on me.


New Member
even when my plants are sick they look better than the ones you are proudest of.

now wipe the jizz off your face, sweetheart.
You've got what, three years experience?

A fucking monkey can grow a minimal amount of indica in dirt, any experienced grower knows this.
Do you really think a pic of budding plants makes you a expert grower, shit, I've seen many a grow sites where their gear looked killer but the finish product was mids at best.