Now Democrats Call To Delay Obamacare.


Well-Known Member
no, i'm not.

that is exactly how he drove up his turnout.

witness this map. it is the electoral swing from 2004 to 2008. as you can see, almost all of the nation, even conservative strongholds like utah, went more blue. however, major pockets of the south went the exact opposite way, inexplicably.

arizona can be explained because mccain was from there. thought i'd explain that to you since you are probably too young to remember that, and devryU has left you ill equipped in that department.
Map source? Without seeing what it's based on, I can't say anything about it.

now witness this map, primary results between gingrich and romney in florida. gingrich in purple, romney in orange.

the same parts of florida which inexplicably went more red in 2008 somehow also favored dog whistling gingrich over romney.
Actually not the same parts. Your maps don't line up. And since some of these counties are very, very sparsely populated, trying to stack these maps up without an adjustment doesn't make any logical sense.

and these same parts used to burn crosses, and now they are the same parts that give rise to the heart and soul of the tea party as evidenced by how they respond to rhetoric, how they vote, etc.
Basis for saying those specific counties used to burn crosses? Be careful, 50 years ago there was almost no one living in some of them...

duh. that's part of what i'm saying.

their kids and grandkids are now getting to the age though.
They generally aren't racists and don't burn crosses.

nope, i judge based on evidence, like i presented earlier.

you just about done with these stupid questions, kid?
I'm waiting for the evidence. Your "evidence" is maps combined with your narrative that these people are obviously racist as fuck based on how they voted. Ideological differences? Impossible, it must be racism!

that explains a lot.
More bigotry.

not what the photographic, demographic, and electoral evidence dictates in any way whatsoever.

don yelton ring a bell?
I'll be happy to consider such evidence when it's posted but I'm still waiting.

i suspect most of the tea party is not currently burning crosses.

i imagine they would be though if the practice were still as current as it was when their daddies were teaching them to hate blacks.
You're rapidly establishing yourself as the premier bigot here.


Well-Known Member
You have a map or a poll or something?

This doesn't illustrate your point. You're assuming racism and racist signalling instead of ideological differences. According to you, racism is the only reason anyone voted for Gingrich, which is absolutely ridiculous.
i never said the only reason, stop putting words into my mouth. focus harder on putting cocks inside your mouth rather than words in my mouth. not an insult, because i know you love dick, you have said so.

newt chooses his words carefully. he's not going to go on a dog whistle rant about "food stamp president" and "rhythm rhythm basketball part time sleeps a lot sportscenter" right in the middle of hunting for primary votes because he thinks it will hurt him.

he chose those words to drive up votes.

You're the bigot, Buck, not me. I don't hate anyone.
not even those "parasitic" union workers? those mere "janitors"?

you have had some very choice words for some, you are not folling anyone. you fucking child.

I never said what you just said I said. Don't put words into my mouth.
bullshit you lying little shrimp.

let's go back and review the thread. you stated something as fact that you later admitted was based on assumption in reference to a non-white person getting what you thought was rightfully yours.

go get the thread kiddo.

Obviously I got into other schools, so I didn't fail at anything.
devryU is no accomplishment.

Don't count yourself as an adult, Buck. You're as bad as everyone else you attack here: you're immature, you don't respond substantively to posts, you couch things in misleading language, and you're a bigot. I think you must just be bitter that you never accomplished anything in life, and with death all too rapidly approaching now it surely has become clear that you never well.

How infuriating it must be to have some young squirt undermining and exposing you so effectively, calling out your bullshit instead of just slinging names like most are content to do! So be it. When I'm at the heights of power and accomplishment you'll be rotting in a box somewhere or sitting pretty in an urn.
more bad assumptions.

tell me again how old i am, squirt.


Well-Known Member
Map source? Without seeing what it's based on, I can't say anything about it.
Ok, you are learning. Stop speaking about things you know little about. Good.

Your maps don't line up. And since some of these counties are very, very sparsely populated, trying to stack these maps up without an adjustment doesn't make any logical sense.
Your are trying to correlate two different observations, though similar in nature, to hide the fact you have no real response to this whatsoever.

I'm waiting for the evidence. Your "evidence" is maps combined with your narrative that these people are obviously racist as fuck based on how they voted. Ideological differences? Impossible, it must be racism!
Yes, you are right. You suggest many Republicans base their vote on ideological differences. I agree with you 100%.

Republicans generally vote for the white way of thinking, the destructive know-nothing way. Hoping that they can get the 50's back. Bitch be home cookin and cleaning, and the nigger be shining me shoes. They would love that era back.

Progressives want progress. Don't you?


Well-Known Member
Calling someone a bigot simply because they have been called out as such does NOT afford them the assumption they are innocent of said judgement. We know that UB is not a bigot, and therefore by conclusion of aforementioned thought, you are. I have read over your prior comments and have drawn my own conclusions.

You are a horrible person, and I will cut you. I will cut you deep.
I'm calling Buck a bigot because of his blind, ignorant, totally unsupported hate toward the tea party and not for any other reason. If you read over the discussion, you must agree that Buck is a bigot. He has done exactly what he constantly accuses other people of doing.


Well-Known Member
Source for this map?

i never said the only reason, stop putting words into my mouth. focus harder on putting cocks inside your mouth rather than words in my mouth. not an insult, because i know you love dick, you have said so.

newt chooses his words carefully. he's not going to go on a dog whistle rant about "food stamp president" and "rhythm rhythm basketball part time sleeps a lot sportscenter" right in the middle of hunting for primary votes because he thinks it will hurt him.

he chose those words to drive up votes.
Gingrich was going to win those counties no matter what. You're focusing on racism instead of focusing on the fact that Romney was fiercely unpopular with Republicans, especially in rural areas.

not even those "parasitic" union workers? those mere "janitors"?

you have had some very choice words for some, you are not folling anyone. you fucking child.
The fact that I called unions parasites doesn't mean that I hate the workers. I don't hate anyone. I don't hate my political opponents--they see the world differently than I do, and so be it. I'm happy to explain why their view is wrong.

bullshit you lying little shrimp.

let's go back and review the thread. you stated something as fact that you later admitted was based on assumption in reference to a non-white person getting what you thought was rightfully yours.

go get the thread kiddo.
I never said any admissions officer told me anything, that's the insertion. My comments were based on my review of the admissions data and I stand by them 100%.

devryU is no accomplishment.
I agree 100%, which is why I went to two top national universities instead.

more bad assumptions.

tell me again how old i am, squirt.
When you're so old you're unwilling to volunteer how old you are, you're probably pretty old.


Well-Known Member
i made specific mention to you what the map was, you dumb shit. look it the fuck up for yourself. it's legit.
Source your own image, Buck.

yes, they do. they line up very precisely in fact.
Wrong. Unless you're colorblind.

none of the rest of what you said is even worthy of response.
Typical behavior of a bigot. You have no interest in listening, just in spewing your vicious and ignorant hatred of other people.


Well-Known Member
I'm calling Buck a bigot because of his blind, ignorant, totally unsupported hate toward the tea party and not for any other reason. If you read over the discussion, you must agree that Buck is a bigot. He has done exactly what he constantly accuses other people of doing.
A bigot is someone who is: obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudice. Obstinately is: tenaciously unwilling to yield.

Im with Buck on this one. And I am honored to ware the badge. But only in reference to sociopathic rhetoric between you and I. Your way of trying to repeat the same bullshit over and over is tired. And we are lazy to explain reason with you, so we become prejudice to your ways. It's predictable. You're predictable.

Show me other examples, when not engaged with likes of you.


Well-Known Member
Source for this map?
the vote of the american people, squirt.

Gingrich was going to win those counties no matter what.
yet he carefully chose to use dog whistles for some reason.

I called unions parasites doesn't mean that I hate
you don't need to explain yourself, you fucking parasite.

oh, but i don't hate you, you fucking parasite.

My comments were based on assumptions i made from my review of the admissions data
edited for accuracy.

you said you KNEW that you got passed up for a non-white, and you said you KNEW the exact ses of that non-white applicant. you are literally unable to KNOW those things, you can only assume them.

assuming and knowing are different things.

I went to two top national universities
yet you are still too dumb to know what the conditional is, what the pluperfect is, to understand basic political science that explains why newt would dog whistle to drive up turnouts, to understand basic demographics, and the like.

whatever you derived from your "two top national universities" is on par with what a person of decent intelligence could derive from devryU.


Well-Known Member
look it up.

google "2004 to 2008 electoral county change".

this one is from wikipedia.

This academic paper conducting statistical tests is the first result for your suggested Google terms: But they're way off the mark, aren't they?

red to purple, blue to orange.

Except not, unless you're colorblind. It's hard to see on the tiny national map, but they don't line up in the exact way you claim.

you suck on penises.
Absolutely. So you're a bigot and I suck on penises...I'm glad we've established that.


Well-Known Member
A bigot is someone who is: obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudice. Obstinately is: tenaciously unwilling to yield.

Im with Buck on this one. And I am honored to ware the badge. But only in reference to sociopathic rhetoric between you and I. Your way of trying to repeat the same bullshit over and over is tired. And we are lazy to explain reason with you, so we become prejudice to your ways. It's predictable. You're predictable.

Show me other examples, when not engaged with likes of you.
Buck actually used to be one of my biggest cheerleaders. You don't seem to know what you're talking about.


Well-Known Member
Buck actually used to be one of my biggest cheerleaders. You don't seem to know what you're talking about.
Your join date proves otherwise. I've known Buck for a while. Mr Feb 2013. Good luck with that though. You stick to your arguments, we will stick with the facts.


Well-Known Member
This academic paper conducting statistical tests is the first result for your suggested Google terms: But they're way off the mark, aren't they?

Except not, unless you're colorblind. It's hard to see on the tiny national map, but they don't line up in the exact way you claim.

Absolutely. So you're a bigot and I such on penises...I'm glad we've established that.

Sig worthy. Thank you tokeprep. Enjoy your stay.


Well-Known Member
yet he carefully chose to use dog whistles for some reason.
If you think those specific statements made people in those specific counties vote for Gingrich over Romney, there's nothing left to say. It's inane.

you don't need to explain yourself, you fucking parasite.

oh, but i don't hate you, you fucking parasite.
There's a difference between hating people and opposing their ideology. You don't just hate what the tea party people stand for, like I hate what unions stand for, you hate them, and you've justified it by declaring that they're cross burning racists.

edited for accuracy.

you said you KNEW that you got passed up for a non-white, and you said you KNEW the exact ses of that non-white applicant. you are literally unable to KNOW those things, you can only assume them.

assuming and knowing are different things.
I knew based on the data, just like you claim to know based on your maps.

yet you are still too dumb to know what the conditional is
That was drunken sparring caused by my not remembering how I worded the earlier post and not looking back at it.

, what the pluperfect is,
I educated you about that. Pluperfect isn't even the tense you wanted, Buck! Get it right!

to understand basic political science that explains why newt would dog whistle to drive up turnouts, to understand basic demographics, and the like.
Anyone with an understanding of basic political science wouldn't make this claim about dog whistles to drive up turnouts. It's laughable nonsense. People voted for Gingrich because they didn't want to vote for Romney, not because they were driven by a couple of comments and their racist instincts to switch their votes to Gingrich.

whatever you derived from your "two top national universities" is on par with what a person of decent intelligence could derive from devryU.
If you think such universities are comparable to Devry, you're really out of touch with reality.


Well-Known Member
Your join date proves otherwise. I've known Buck for a while. Mr Feb 2013. Good luck with that though. You stick to your arguments, we will stick with the facts.
None of what you said changes that Buck was one of my biggest cheerleaders in this forum. Indeed, he actually defended me from some of the same attacks he's now leveling himself, when they came from other people.


Well-Known Member
newt just made those dog whistles for shits and giggles. he's a politician, he just says whatever at any time. no rhyme or reason.

don't assign any reason to the things newt says during a primary, it's not like he is trying to sway voters or anything.

no sir.



Well-Known Member
newt just made those dog whistles for shits and giggles. he's a politician, he just says whatever at any time. no rhyme or reason.

don't assign any reason to the things newt says during a primary, it's not like he is trying to sway voters or anything.

no sir.

That's actually quite accurate. Newt does "say whatever at any time." If you believe the pundits, that's exactly why he lost the nomination, because of his tendency to open his fat mouth and say ill-advised things.


Well-Known Member
That's actually quite accurate. Newt does "say whatever at any time." If you believe the pundits, that's exactly why he lost the nomination, because of his tendency to open his fat mouth and say ill-advised things.
newt is one of "the pundits", actually. always has been.

he even bragged about how much turnout he drove up in counties that voted for him right after. he bragged about how his plan worked.

i can't believe you are being his stupid. did you not watch politics in action last year?