Now Democrats Call To Delay Obamacare.

obama won the whitest states as well as the blackest ones.

montana: obama 56-41

vermont: obama 59-39

idaho: null

maine: obama, 15-9

north dakota: obama, 8-5

south dakota: hillary 55-45

new hampshire: obama, 13-9

utah: obama, 57-39

wyoming: obama, 61-38

oregon: obama, 59-41

why did 9 of the 10 whitest states go for obama if democrats vote based on race?

So did Reagan by winning 49 of 50 states.

The United States presidential election of 1984 was the 50th quadrennial presidential election. It was held on Tuesday, November 6, 1984. The contest was between the incumbent President Ronald Reagan, the Republican candidate, and former Vice President Walter Mondale, the Democratic candidate.
Reagan carried 49 of the 50 states, Reagan touted a strong economic recovery from 1970s stagflation and the 1981-82 recession, as well as the widespread perception that his presidency had overseen a revival of national confidence and prestige.[SUP][2][/SUP] Mondale's only electoral votes came from the District of Columbia, which has never given its electoral votes to a Republican candidate, and his home state of Minnesota, which he won by a mere 3,761 votes.
We have bipartisan support against Obamacare in the senate.

everybody hates it so much that you guys are literally shaking in your boots about how popular it will become.

makes sense.

People are shaking in the boots at the risk of losing their health care just the way they like it. Leave my health care alone! Stay the hell away from it. I don't need to hear about your government mastermind scheme, where we launder money through the private sector, cycle it through the government, and inflate it in the form of rising health care costs for A LOT of people.

People are shaking in the boots at the risk of losing their health care just the way they like it. Leave my health care alone! Stay the hell away from it. I don't need to hear about your government mastermind scheme, where we launder money through the private sector, cycle it through the government, and inflate it in the form of rising health care costs for A LOT of people.


health care costs have been steady for the last 3 years while we've been starting to implement the PPACA.

you may want to include some truth in your rhetoric once in a while, just as a change up to keep us on our toes.
health care costs have been steady for the last 3 years while we've been starting to implement the PPACA.

you may want to include some truth in your rhetoric once in a while, just as a change up to keep us on our toes.

You want to distract people about the past three years. The problem we are talking about, is what's been going on the past 3 weeks, since Obamacare has been implemented....
ooooh, an article from the same website that deceptively edited a video to make shirley sherrod appear racist and get her fired.

if you wish to link to a credible news agency, rather than one whose mission is to be as biased and provocative as possible at the expense of the truth, i might just humor you.
ooooh, an article from the same website that deceptively edited a video to make shirley sherrod appear racist and get her fired.

if you wish to link to a credible news agency, rather than one whose mission is to be as biased and provocative as possible at the expense of the truth, i might just humor you.

OK. I'll play your little game.
How about MSNBC tough guy? I know you liberals salivate at the entire idea of a left wing media...
ooooh, an article from the same website that deceptively edited a video to make shirley sherrod appear racist and get her fired.

if you wish to link to a credible news agency, rather than one whose mission is to be as biased and provocative as possible at the expense of the truth, i might just humor you.

are you salivating yet?:wink:
LMAO! What the fuck did you just say? You can't even get your tenses right bro. What is the subject? Who is we? And when you say, "you" do you mean UB himself?
Debt adjusted by inflation? What? You might want to go look up what inflation is sport.

Usually when people quote someone, their reply is to the person they quoted. If it seems like code and is hard to understand, you can assume it wasn't meant for you to understand since you weren't quoted. In other words, its probably something only the person who is being quoted would understand.

Get it now?

Hope this helps you not look like such a pompous ass next time, but I doubt it.
Usually when people quote someone, their reply is to the person they quoted. If it seems like code and is hard to understand, you can assume it wasn't meant for you to understand since you weren't quoted. In other words, its probably something only the person who is being quoted would understand.

Get it now?

Hope this helps you not look like such a pompous ass next time, but I doubt it.

Really, you don't understand the term inflation adjusted debt and your the one laughing, sport.


You boys are really bad at this. I state something, a fact, I await your counter argument, and you simply throw back whatever negative thing was said in my face, as if you reusing my thought is someone going to go unrecognized. Come up with something original. I know you boys aren't this fucking lazy. I mean c'mon.
What about the primary? If Obama hadn't racked up that number, he never would have beaten Hillary Clinton and she would probably be president right now.

i disagree..the ticket would have been split and rather than risk a pubster win..the dems are smart enough to team-up in a partisan effort..unlike the pubs and the assclown, divisive, debacle they put on during the debates..
i disagree..the ticket would have been split and rather than risk a pubster win..the dems are smart enough to team-up in a partisan effort..unlike the pubs and the assclown, divisive, debacle they put on during the debates..

If Obama had gotten 80% of the black vote instead of 85% of the black vote, Hillary Clinton would probably be president right now. What is it you're disagreeing with...?
What about the primary? If Obama hadn't racked up that number, he never would have beaten Hillary Clinton and she would probably be president right now.

i disagree..the ticket would have been split and rather than risk a pubster win..the dems are smart enough to team-up in a partisan effort..unlike the pubs and the assclown, divisive, debacle they put on during the debates..

If Obama had gotten 80% of the black vote instead of 85% of the black vote, Hillary Clinton would probably be president right now. What is it you're disagreeing with...?

you had mentioned "racking up" of a number and nowhere in your quote is the word "black" which i responded..BOTH dems are popular..they apparently made a deal..the rest of course, history..then you responded about the "black" vote which was not part of your original post..jus' sayin' dude