Now what do I/we do?

Biden has a short leash. He fucks up at all and it’s trump in 2024. That’s a lot of pressure on him and dems. I hope they rise to the challenge!
I dont agree, Biden is already going to be a one term president hopefully.

2024 is when the real person to move the Democrats into the next decade will hopefully be running. Because otherwise shit is already so broken by Trump Biden's old ass will have to suck it up for four more years to get us through this nightmare Trump and the Republicans caused.
You’re not flipping rural areas because they’re scared their guns are going to be taken. Dems have to shake that stigma and stay away from taking guns if they want to flip voters.
You will never flip the voters who think being armed is somehow a way to stand up to government
It is high time for stronger background checks and controlling who walks around playing vigilante
I've spent a good portion of the last 5 years of my life here it seems, railing against Trump, an all encompassing Dark Energy force that was extremely draining, but gave me a purpose, too scream & too shout, to raise the alarm & hopefully bring about some awareness as to what a danger Trump actually was.
Now it's over, finally (Thank fucking God :) )
So now what to do?
Has this forum served it's purpose for me, simply a place to vent, no longer needed?
I just know what I'm gonna do right now at this moment, which is to smoke a bowl of this killer Purple Haze I just grew, sip a glass of Irish whiskey & start the preperation for my celebratory dinner (Calamari with fresh linguini smothered with a spicy Tuscan sauce & a fresh loaf of garlic/olive Ciabatta bread & a bottle of Pinot Grigio)
Then I'm going to take it real easy & relax for a little while & dream of a World without Trump fucking with my head (very nice, indeed :) )
Stay safe/wear a mask/Peace out & for one last time, FUCK TRUMP!!!!! :) :) :)
Don’t even think about leaving Jim..... there is still much left to do .... I’ve been saying HA HA a lot yesterday and today. I figure I’ll have at least two years of that lol.
Don’t even think about leaving Jim..... there is still much left to do .... I’ve been saying HA HA a lot yesterday and today. I figure I’ll have at least two years of that lol.
We need you all out on the other side of the pond to figure out whats going on with Brexit next.

I thought he was from UK.
Dudley Do-Right

Dudley Do-Right, created by Alex Anderson with Chris Hayward and Allan Burns, is the main protagonist of "Dudley Do-Right of the Mounties", a segment on The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show that parodied early 20th-century melodrama and silent film (the "northern"), using only a piano as a musical background.
He’s gone soon, roll up and retire. The 4 years you spent railing against him, losing sleep and bashing folks with a different point of view was definitely worth it.

you know all those lucrative Obama years with the Dow? would you believe Donald didn't make a penny? yikes! Wall St. was handing money out faster than the Fed could print it..not a penny..Trumps announcement yesterday at the Four Seasons..think they hit up the Concierge Floor on the way out to this presser?:lol:


once they figured the obvi troll, they couldn't cancel..? how fvcking ridiculous this was..can't wait to find out who did this.
You’re not flipping rural areas because they’re scared their guns are going to be taken. Dems have to shake that stigma and stay away from taking guns if they want to flip voters.
I don't know about that. I do get your concern that Democrats will lead with gun control regulation and other hot button issues for conservatives and spark a backlash that loses seats in Congress. That happened in 2010 and led to President Trump. So, yeah, I'm with you on Democrats picking their issues carefully in order to avoid a backlash. But, I'm not sure about how you characterized the gun issue.

First, I don't know of any Democratic Party leader who talks about "taking guns away". That rhetoric comes from the right and is used to mischaracterize Democrats.

More generally, I don't think appeasement is an answer to the valid concern that there will be a backlash next election and districts will flip back to Republicans. I don't want Democrats to try to "flip" Republican voters by moving to the right. I don't think flipping conservative rural voters to Democrat is likely to happen even if we did try to appease them. Democrats have shown they can win in conservative districts by running on traditional Democratic values like supporting affordable healthcare, protecting our natural environment, unions, equity in pay and working conditions, protecting people's civil rights, funding public education. Yes, regulations to reduce the sales of mass killing machines is also discussed. I don't know why Democrats should skirt that issue just because right wing propaganda falsely accuses them of something else. We are on the right side of these issues and on the right side of history on these issues. They are winners for us.

I also want Democrats to win by expanding vote by mail in every state and eliminating obstacles to people who want to exercise their legal right to vote. Just looking at how Republicans responded to this, it's clear they fear democracy. So, yeah, let's fight them on that front. It's a winner for us.
What, are you upset that your man-child got fucking DESTROYED?

he didn't get destroyed Jim..70M are okay with kids in cages and everything else he did- i feel like we've forgotten already..this was not a blue wave and should make us wake the fuck up because next time they're going to come up with someone not as polarizing, who doesn't tweet and can behave..his IQ might even be higher than 78.

you asked 'what now'? we continue friend, nothing's changed- just the new man behind the desk who we have to keep honest too.
You will never flip the voters who think being armed is somehow a way to stand up to government
It is high time for stronger background checks and controlling who walks around playing vigilante
Divide and conquer is the way to go, you can have gun laws that have an urban/rural aspect based on either population density or municipal laws. There are other ways to divide this community and vote using intelligent gun laws and regulations, the NRA will not be around to fuck up sensible policy and compromise.
he didn't get destroyed Jim..70M are okay with kids in cages and everything else he did- i feel like we've forgotten already..this was not a blue wave and should make us wake the fuck up because next time they're going to come up with someone not as polarizing, who doesn't tweet and can behave..his IQ might even be higher than 78.

you asked 'what now'? we continue friend, nothing's changed- just the new man behind the desk who we have to keep honest too.
And there lies the real problem