nute burn, cutting affected leaves

I don't know what's up with your plant but it looks like a lock out. You grow in coco so I have no idea, grandmah grows organic. Those leaves happen to me at times and what helps me is magnesium but we do grow differently and I'm sure there's some mag in your nutes. I wouldn't cut the leaves off though. Let the plant take what it needs from the leaves
Thankyou, the plants have got alot better since it happened, so i might just leave it but get some mag just in case, thats the worst plant out of everyone, i just switched 12 12, doesnt seem like 2 minutes ago since i was posting day 1, and day 2 and 3 4 5 6 haha you know what i mean ha
Hey guys, so i mixed the nutrients wrong about 10 days ago now and give my babys nute burn it was a one off and there back doing fine but im wondering the bottoms of the plants have some quiet damaged leaves, shall i take them off or leave them? Its my first grow so im not sure?

Heres one of the worst affected

What's the NPK and micros of those foods? If you don't know, don't understand plant nutrition, why are you setting yourself up for failure?
What's the NPK and micros of those foods? If you don't know, don't understand plant nutrition, why are you setting yourself up for failure?
Because i need to learn somehow, and apart from the bottoms of my plants i seem to be doing ok, im not looking for perfection i just wanna learn,
What's the NPK and micros of those foods? If you don't know, don't understand plant nutrition, why are you setting yourself up for failure?
and i understand how to mix my nutes and test my ph, i made a one time mistake of mixing the root dev opposite to the veg feed as theres no labels on my bottles, the day after i did that the bottoms of my plants had burnt but since then they seem to be doing good, all i wanted to know is wether i should cut the leaves or not
You're giving your plants salts and don't have a clue what you're giving them? You're setting yourself up for failure. That would like me adding some engine booster to my Lexus not knowing what's in it or the outcome. Looks like you're gonna have to learn the hard way.

Pull the leaves if non-productive.
Those nutes and ph crap sucked when I started growing. There's no better learning than hands on. It's how we learn best
Haha cheers, the way everyone acting on the post is like ive killed my plants, i know im no expert but im pretty proud of what ive done so far, it is alot to take on though i wish i had done less now, i never realized how much care they actually need especially in veg
You're giving your plants salts and don't have a clue what you're giving them? You're setting yourself up for failure. That would like me adding some engine booster to my Lexus not knowing what's in it or the outcome. Looks like you're gonna have to learn the hard way.

Pull the leaves if non-productive.
What do u mean im giving them salts?
Ive seen my mates grow and give them burn, stress them, move them from a different house and still yield good, i totally understand how this would suck for an experienced grower but you want me to know about stuff that youve obviously learned over years
Look, shit can what you're using and buy a balanced, well designed, high quality food that won't break the bank. Also, buy Mel Frank's MJ Insider Growers Guide. It will be your shortcut to success. Don't get into the car until you've learned the basics of driving.

Split a bag of this with your friends and use it start to finish. Peters Petunia FeED
I get what you're saying but ive gotta start some were, apart from me mixing my nutes wrong one time, were have i gone so wrong if all my plants look decent apart from the bottom leafs? Are you telling me i cant grow it now? Cause if i can i dont see what the big problem is with me going hands on and learning from my mistakes, surely an experienced guy like you would encourage that especially with you not knowing any of the circumstances in which im growing in, all i asked was if i could ciut dead leaves off, thats it
I dont know what you dont think i know, as far as im concerned i havnt done anything wrong that i havnt already admitted which was a dumb mistake that no amount of reading could of solved, my stupidity or there for been to high when mixing the nutes, i dont wanna argue with you cause ive read you're posts and i know you really understand you're stuff, but as far as me doing it wrong its hard to say cause im mixing my which are decent nutes from a hydroponics shop i mix just a little under the i add the lowest reccomended dose first stage then up the dose in the second week, i leave nute mix to sit at room temp over night, then check my ph before feed which usually reads between 5.5 6.5, usually around 6.5 depending on the room temp, i dont know what more i can do unless i chuck my nutes away and buy new ones but i dont know why i need to do that
"decent nutes from a hydro shop" :wall:

I dont know what you dont think i know, as far as im concerned i havnt done anything wrong

You don't know what you're giving your plants, and that's not doing anything wrong? You think you can just throw anything at your plants and expect them to perform, much less live until harvest?

AGAIN, what's the NPK and micro values of your foods?

Good luck driving using your rear view mirror,